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作者(外文):Liu, Zhi-Xuan
論文名稱(外文):A Legal Study on Non-Compete Clause: Focusing on High Technology Industry
指導教授(外文):Hung, Chun-Chi
口試委員(外文):Chuang, Hung-yu
Li, Gi-Kuen
外文關鍵詞:Non-Compete ClauseHigh-tech IndustryArticle 9-1 of the Labor Standards Act
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  • 評分評分:*****
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The high-tech industry serves as a vital economic lifeline for our country. This thesis aims to utilize the high-tech industry as an example to conduct legal research on non-compete clauses. In an era defined by rapid technological changes, the protection of technological research and achievements has emerged as a paramount objective for high-tech enterprises. Employees play a pivotal role in driving product and technological advancements within these firms, rendering individuals dedicated to essential technologies and research accomplishments indispensable assets. When companies choose to safeguard research achievements through trade secrets rather than patent applications, the significance of non-compete clauses, as mutually agreed upon between companies and their employees, becomes pivotal.

This thesis focuses on the thriving high-tech industries of Massachusetts and California, both states renowned for their burgeoning technological landscapes. The study systematically evaluates the historical progression, current status, and industrial ethos characterizing high-tech sectors in these regions. Additionally, the thesis scrutinizes the historical evolution of laws and present-day regulations within these states. Employing a comparative legal approach, the thesis outlines similarities and differences among Massachusetts, California, and Taiwan. Regarding the industry, the growth of high-tech sectors in Taiwan, Massachusetts, and California can be attributed to factors such as war, proximity to higher education institutions, and official support, collectively exemplifying modern high-tech industrial clusters. On the legal front, with few exceptions, California explicitly prohibits the use of non-compete clauses through legislative means, while Massachusetts' legal framework mirrors that of Taiwan. Both Massachusetts and Taiwan validate the legitimacy and applicability of non-compete clauses through legal statutes. This thesis argues that Taiwan should not adopt California's approach, which negates the enforceability of non-compete agreements through legislation. Instead, it should embrace a more flexible legal framework akin to that of Massachusetts.

In the pursuit of enhancing Taiwan's non-competition legislation, this thesis highlights disparities between regulations in Massachusetts and Taiwan, revealing the comprehensiveness of Massachusetts' legal provisions. Rooted in considerations of public interest, Massachusetts notably exempts specific industries from the purview of non-compete clauses, explicitly stating these exemptions within regulations. Moreover, this thesis draws a comparison encompassing signing requirements, protection scope, and legal implications of non-compete clauses between Taiwan's regulations and those of Massachusetts, with the latter characterized by increased flexibility and precision. Incorporating elements from Massachusetts' legal structure into Article 9-1 of Taiwan's Labor Standards Act could confer substantial benefits, fostering greater flexibility and comprehensiveness within Taiwan's non-competition laws. This transition holds potential advantages for labor relations, safeguarding critical research achievements, and nurturing industrial growth within Taiwan.
第壹章 緒論7
第一節 研究動機與目的7
第二節 文獻回顧7
第三節 研究方法9
第四節 研究架構10
第貳章 肯定競業禁止立場的美國麻薩諸塞州11
第一節 麻薩諸塞州高科技產業沿革與產業文化風氣11
第一項 產業沿革11
第二項 產業文化與風氣18
第三項 小結19
第二節 麻薩諸塞州競業禁止法律沿革20
第一項 麻薩諸塞州競業限制協議法之濫觴─英格蘭法20
第二項 麻薩諸塞州競業限制協議法之誕生22
第三節 麻薩諸塞州針對競業禁止之法律規定24
第四節 關於麻薩諸塞州競業禁止之重要議題24
第一項 藍鉛筆原則25
第二項 花園假期28
第三項 合法商業利益33
第四項 法明文之禁止使用競業禁止條款的特定職業34
第五節 小結37
第參章 否定競業禁止立場的美國加利福尼亞州38
第一節 加利福尼亞州高科技產業沿革與產業文化風氣38
第一項 產業沿革38
第二項 產業文化與風氣43
第三項 小結45
第二節 加利福尼亞州競業禁止法律規範45
第一項 加利福尼亞州競業禁止法律沿革46
第二項 加利福尼亞州針對競業禁止之法律規定50
第三項 反思加利福尼亞州之競業禁止法規範50
第三節 小結53
第肆章 我國競業禁止法規範之反思55
第一節 概述55
第二節 我國科技產業沿革55
第一項 產業沿革56
第二項 小結64
第三節 我國法規範64
第一項 我國法規範沿革64
第一款 競業禁止法規範明文前64
第二款 競業禁止法規範明文後66
第二項 對我國法制之建議67
第一款 分析州法對我國法規範之啟示67
第二款 對我國法規範之具體修正建議68
第伍章 結論71
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16.The General Court of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts(2021), Bill H.5250,https://malegislature.gov/Bills/191/H5250 (last visited 26/12/2022).
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