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作者(外文):Hung, Kuo-Jui
論文名稱(中文):如何改善創新生態系統風險以實現循環經濟?以 F 聚酯寶特瓶公司為例
論文名稱(外文):How to Improve Innovation Ecosystem Risk to Achieve Circular Economy? The Case of F PET Bottle Company
指導教授(外文):Chang, Yuan-Chieh
口試委員(外文):HU, MEI-CHIH
Wan, Guo-Fen
Zhang, Guo-Bin
Zhang, Hong-Tai
外文關鍵詞:Circular EconomyInnovation EcosystemRisk improvementPET recycling
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本研究目的在於,為欲跨足循環經濟的產業提供風險改善方式,以實現創新生態系統。此外,本研究旨在探討實踐循環經濟的過程中關鍵的克服要素,以及其對於後續產業發展的影響。研究方式透過單一個案分析法,選擇已發展循環經濟有成的 F 聚酯寶特瓶公司進行分析,並進行訪談公司內部相關部門主管,深入了解其成功運行循環經濟的過程,以及中間所遇到的風險與改善方式。
本研究結果發現,發展循環經濟創新生態系的三階段中,初始風險、互補風險、整合風險需不斷克服,第一階段萌芽期,三大風險均高,透過政府環保政策、F 公司的改良團隊、消費者的環保意識提升,改善風險;第二階段成長期,初始風險高、互補與整合風險均中, F 公司承擔虧損降低初始風險,中國設備商的加入,降低生產產線的成本;第三階段完善期,F 公司成功建立產線,透過環保團體的刺激,迫使更多飲料廠商採用,雖然目前台灣仍受食品法而無法採用,但隨著成功開發紡織與家具的應用,擴展更多市場。
After the Industrial Revolution, the disorder of industry has caused great pressure on ecology, society and economy. Humans keep abusing natural resource to develop economy but ignore the environmental protection. In order to maintain the balance of the ecosystem, it is necessary to adopt sustainable manufacturing and resource management methods to establish a new circular economy.

The purpose of this study is to provide risk improvement for the industry which plans to build an innovation ecosystem for a circular economy. The company in this case study is F PET(polyester) Bottle Company, which has successfully developed circular economy. The research interviews the managers who are related to producing recycle bottle to get insights about the process of its successful operation and the risks they encountered.

The result shows that initiative risk, interdependence risk and integration risk should be overcome in the three stages of innovation ecosystem. The first stage is infancy. Three risks are
all high. The environmental protection policy, the research team of F company, and consumers’ awareness of environmental protection have improved risks. The second stage is growth stage, with high initiative risk, median interdependence risk and median integration risk. F company bear loss to reduce initiative risk. The participation of Chinese equipment manufacturers reduces the cost of the production line. The third stage is complete. The three major risks have been minimized. F company has successfully established a bottle-to-bottle production line. The stimulation of environmental protection groups has forced more downstream manufacturers to
adopt it and promote it to end consumers. The ecosystem of economy is successfully established.

The conclusion of this study is that ecosystem faces different risks at different stages. Risks will affect the development of the next stage. The key improvement methods and stakeholders will also be different. When developing circular economy, the government, leading firms, beverage company and environmental protection groups play the key roles. Beverage company is the definitely key role to connect recycle bottle and market. The influence of these four roles
will help industry move towards circular economy.
致謝辭.................................................... iii
第一章 緒論..................................................1
1.1 研究背景與動機...........................................1
1.2 研究問題與目的...........................................3
1.3 章節架構與研究流程.......................................4
第二章 文獻探討..............................................5
2.1 循環經濟.................................................5
2.1.1 循環經濟之概念.........................................5
2.1.2 循環經濟與線性經濟的差異................................6
2.1.3 循環經濟生態系統........................................8
2.1.4 循環經濟的實踐.........................................10
2.2 創新生態系統.............................................12
2.2.1 創新生態系統定義.......................................12
2.2.2 創新生態系統特徵.......................................14
2.2.3 創新生態系統的組成與要素................................16
2.2.4 創新生態系統風險.......................................18
2.3 研究架構................................................20
第三章 研究方法..............................................21
3.1 個案研究法...............................................21
3.2 深度訪談法...............................................21
3.3 個案選擇.................................................22
3.4 資料收集.................................................23
第四章 個案研究..............................................24
4.1 個案公司介紹.............................................24
4.1.1 公司背景...............................................24
4.1.2 聚酯產業概況...........................................26
4.2 生態系統階段介紹..........................................29
4.3 萌芽期創新生態 (1988-2002)...............................30
4.3.1 階段介紹與目標:提升寶特瓶回收量.........................30
4.3.2 風險評估...............................................31
4.3.3 風險改善...............................................33
4.4 成長期創新生態 (2002-2010)...............................36
4.4.1 階段介紹與目標:完成建設再生瓶產線.......................36
4.4.2 風險評估...............................................37
4.4.3 風險改善...............................................39
4.5 完善期創新生態 (2010 至今)................................41
4.5.1 階段介紹與目標:增加顧客使用量...........................41
4.5.2 風險評估...............................................42
4.5.3 風險改善...............................................43
4.6 研究結果.................................................45
第五章 結論與建議.............................................48
5.1 結論.....................................................48
5.2 建議.....................................................50
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