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作者(外文):Hung, Chia-Chi
論文名稱(外文):The development of a scale of slash career orientation
指導教授(外文):Liu, Yu-Wen
口試委員(外文):Shi, Hsi-An
Chien, Pei-Yu
外文關鍵詞:Slash career orientation scaleSlash careerSlashie
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本研究目的在編制測量斜槓職涯傾向之量表。兩階段的研究結果證明,斜 槓職涯傾向量表具有良好的信度及效度。首先,透過兩位專家學者進行初步的題 項審閱,以確保內容效度。接著,以 252 位職場工作者為前導測試樣本,進行項 目分析、探索性因素分析及內部一致性信度之研究。此階段之研究結果顯示,前 導研究之題項具有高度內部一致性,並分析出三個潛在因素,分別命名為自我實 現(α=.828)、生涯自我效能(α=.771)及職業能力(α=.832)。最後,以另一組 537 位 職場工作者為正式問卷測試之樣本,進行驗證性因素分析、效標關聯效度及內部 一致性信度之研究。分析結果顯示,因素結構穩定(RMSEA=.074; SRMR=.048; CFI=.923, TLI=.907),且具良好信度(α=.917)。
This study developed a scale for assessing the slash career orientation. The results of two different studies provided strong evidence of the slash career orientation scale’s reliability and validity. First, we developed initial items reviewed by two experts to ensure content validity. Second, 252 participants took part in the pilot test for item analysis, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and internal consistency reliability. Results of the pilot test showed good internal consistency, and three factors labeled Self- Fulfillment(α=.828), Career Self-Efficacy(α=.771), and Career Competency(α=.832). Finally, a different group of 537 participants was recruited for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), criterion-related validity, and internal consistency reliability. The results also indicated a stable factor structure (RMSEA=.074; SRMR=.048; CFI=.923, TLI=.907) and great reliability(α=.917).
ABSTRACT..............................................................2 誌謝...................................................................3
TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................4 LIST OF TABLES........................................................6 LIST OF FIGURES.......................................................6 CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION.............................................7 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW........................................9
2.1 Protean and boundaryless career orientation.......................9 2.2 Slash career orientation.........................................10 2.2.1 Self-fulfillment...............................................13 2.2.2 Self-discipline................................................14 2.2.3 Career self-efficacy...........................................16 2.2.4 Career competencies............................................18 2.2.5 Conclusion.....................................................20
CHAPTER THREE: METHOD................................................22 3.1 Scale development process........................................22 3.2 Participants.....................................................22 3.3 Analytical techniques............................................23 3.3.1 Initial Scale-Item Generation..................................23 3.3.2 Expert review..................................................23 3.3.3 Pilot test.....................................................23 3.3.4 Final scale....................................................24
CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS................................................26
4.1 Experts review...................................................26 4.2 Pilot test.......................................................27 4.2.1 Participants...................................................27 4.2.2 Item analysis..................................................28 4.2.3 Exploratory factor analysis & Internal consistency reliability.28 4.3 Final scale......................................................30 4.3.1 Participants...................................................30 4.3.2 Internal consistency reliability...............................30 4.3.3 Confirmatory factor analysis...................................31 4.3.4 Criterion-related validity.....................................31
CHAPTER FIVE: CONCLUSIONS............................................33 5.1 Discussion and implication.......................................33 5.2 Limitations and suggestions......................................34 5.3 Conclusions......................................................35 REFERENCES...........................................................36 APPENDIX.............................................................44
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