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作者(外文):LU, XING-HUA
論文名稱(外文):An analysis of hedonic prices in Taiwan's hotel industry
指導教授(外文):Lee, Yi
口試委員(外文):Lin, Ching-Yi
Hu, Wei-Min
外文關鍵詞:Hotel pricing
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本研究以台北、台中、南投、台南、高雄、花蓮、台東等七個縣市的旅店作為研究對象,以 Agoda 訂房網站作為資料來源,使用 Rosen (1978) 建議的 Semi-Log 函數形式的享樂價格方法 (Hedonic Pricing) 進行分析。研究發現,除了高雄、台南外,付款方式,無論是提前付款還是到店付款對於房間價格沒有影響,可能是台灣的旅店普遍不在乎非旅行團旅客能不能提早付款;幾乎所有縣市的旅客對於 「VIEW」 ,也就是窗戶外的風景很重視。在都會區想在高樓層看到廣闊的市景,在非都會區旅遊想看見大自然的美景。換個角度來說,是凸顯旅店位置的重要;景點和旅店距離的「標準化」、「標準化平方」的估計係數的結果,在各個縣市還有不同的涵義。估計結果顯示在地理空間上,景點並非唯一影響房間價格的因素,還有其他的因素存在,比如區域房價、競爭程度等等。
We analyzed the impact of various attributes or characteristics of seven counties and cities, including Taipei, Taichung, Nantou, Tainan, Kaohsiung, and Hualien on hotel and homestay room charges, and the difference in room prices in these seven counties and cities. We use the Hedonic pricing method and use the data of 2,912 rooms obtained from Agoda for analysis. The results show that with the exception of Kaohsiung and Tainan, the payment methods, whether it is advance payment or in-store payment, have no effect on room prices. It may be that Taiwan’s hotels generally don't care whether travelers can pay early; visitors from almost all counties and cities attach great importance to "VIEW", that is, the scenery outside the window, whether it is a metropolitan or a non-urban area. From another perspective, it is also important to highlight the location where the hotel can see the scenery; the results of "standardized" and " square of standardized " of the distance between scenic spots and hotels show that the impact of scenic spots is not the only factor that affects room prices, there are other factors, such as regional housing prices, the degree of competition, and so on.
第一節 前言......................................................................................1
第二節 文獻回顧..............................................................................2
第三節 資料和方法..........................................................................5
3.1 資料.....................................................................................5
3.2 方法.....................................................................................7
第四節 變數......................................................................................8
第五節 結果....................................................................................12
5.1 綜合七個縣市...................................................................12
5.2 台北...................................................................................15
5.3 台中...................................................................................20
5.4 南投...................................................................................21
5.5 台南...................................................................................23
5.6 高雄...................................................................................25
5.7 花蓮...................................................................................28
5.8 台東...................................................................................30
5.9 總結...................................................................................31
第六節 結論....................................................................................33
研究〉,《臺北城市大學學報》第36 期,第263-278 頁
2. 于健、魏棋(2013):〈影響民宿訂價特徵因素之研究-以宜蘭縣為例〉,《管理

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