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作者(外文):Lin, Hong-YU
論文名稱(中文):操作在O-band 對極化不敏感的氮化矽積體化寬頻分波多工器
論文名稱(外文):Polarization-insensitive integrated Si3N4 CWDM in the O-band
指導教授(外文):Lee, Ming-chang
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Shih-Hsiang
Chen, Kuo-Ping
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:130
  • 評分評分:*****
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最後在實際應用上利用邊緣耦和器(edge coupler)的設計,將該分波多工器晶片經過研磨後,與光纖陣列(fiber array)封裝形成一1x4多工光纖模組。
Common integrated coarse wavelength division multiplexers (CWDM)
usually only operate for a single polarization state. Therefore, it limits practical applications.
In this thesis, we study a polarization-insensitive integrated Si3N4 CWDM operating in the O-band, which is based on Mach-Zehnder interferometer lattice filters. The device is made of square silicon nitride waveguides. Since the refractive index of silicon nitride is smaller than that of silicon, using silicon nitride as the waveguide material is less sensitive to the polarization state of waveguide mode. Meanwhile, because the thermo-optic coefficient of silicon nitride is much smaller than that of Si, the WDM spectra are more stable regarding temperature variation. In this thesis, we use Matlab to find the optimized design of directional coupler lengths for minimizing the crosstalk between channels.
To increase the coupling efficiency, we design a two-step inverted taper for fiber coupling. The device is fabricated at Taiwan Semiconductor Research Institute (TSRI) and is packaged with fiber arrays to form an integrated Si3N4 CWDM module.
摘要 1
Abstract 2
致謝 3
目錄 4
圖目錄 6
第一章 緒論 9
1.1前言 9
1.2研究動機 10
1.3論文架構 11
第二章 理論背景介紹 12
2.1 矽光子波導 12
2.2 模態耦合器 17
2.3 分波多工/解多工(Wavelength Division MUXs/DEMUXs) 22
2.4 緣耦合器(edge coupler) 26
第三章 分波多工器元件模擬與設計 28
3.1 氮化矽波導結構介紹 28
3.2 同向耦合器模擬及設計 31
3.3 DEMUXs的最佳化設計 36
3.4 邊緣耦合器設計 48
第四章 元件製程 51
4.1 元件製程流程 51
4.2元件製程詳細過程及參數 52
第五章 元件量測架構以及數據分析 59
5.1晶片研磨 59
5.2雙端邊緣耦合量測架設 61
5.3量測結果及分析 64
第六章 結論與未來工作 74
第七章 參考文獻 75
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