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作者(外文):Cheng, Yu-Lun
論文名稱(外文):Using AlCl₃/SiO₃²⁻ Solution and Ozone Oxidation to Form Aluminum Oxide Passivation Layer on Rear Side of Monocrystalline Silicon Solar Cell
指導教授(外文):Wang, Li-Karn
口試委員(外文):Chen, Sheng-Hui
Gan, Jon-Yiew
外文關鍵詞:AlCl₃SiO₃²⁻solar cellO₃
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  • 點閱點閱:89
  • 評分評分:*****
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  Our lab is dedicated to finding a cost-effective way of depositing passivation layers for crystalline silicon solar cells. In recent years, solar cell have returned to human’s attention with various issues to be discussed. However, the issue of how to fabricate low cost and high-efficiency solar cells is always an important one. In this experiment, we develop a new passivation layer formula that is used for passivating the back surfaces of PERC solar cells. Our passivation layer is formed by using a wet chemical process and ozone oxidation. In this wet chemical process with post ozone oxidation, an AlOx layer is believed to be formed on the back surfaces of solar cells and good passivation effect is achieved.
  In this study, p-type single crystalline silicon wafers were used. We discussed about the deposition process of forming Al2O3 films on rear sides of the wafers as passivation layers by using AlCl3/SiO32- solution. After coating the chemical solution, we then used ozone oxidation followed by an annealing process. The best concentration of the chemical solution,annealing temperature and annealing time period were discussed in this study. Measurements with EDS and TEM facilities were used to observe the elemental composition and the film structure. The best process parameters were found as follows. The volume percentage concentration of AlCl3 and water was 100ml:0.5ml; the volume percentage concentration of silicate solution was 100ml:1ml. 0.5ml of the prepared silicate solution is added into 50ml of the prepared AlCl3 solution. After coating the AlCl3/SiO32- solution, we performed 20-minute ozone oxidation, followed by 15-minute annealing at 500℃. The best PERC solar cell fabricated with this type of passivation layer had a fill factor of 75.6% and a conversion efficiency of 16.917%, the latter of which is 0.522% absolute higher than the best Al-BSF solar cell fabricated in the study.
第一章 導論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2文獻回顧 1
1.3研究目的與動機 6
1.4論文架構 6
第二章 研究方法與規劃 7
2.1實驗架構與元件製作流程 7
2.2實驗步驟 10
2.2.1 RCA Clean 10
2.2.2 表面粗糙化(Texture) 11
2.2.3 磷擴散(Phosphorous Diffusion) 12
2.2.4 晶邊絕緣(Edge Isolation) 12
2.2.5 氧化鋁膜製程 12
2.2.6 退火(Annealing) 13
2.2.7 氮化矽保護層(SiNx) 13
2.2.8 黃光製程(Photo Lithography) 13
2.2.9 抗反射層沉積(Deposit Anti-Reflection Coating,ARC) 15
2.2.10 網印電極(Screen Printing) 15
2.2.11 共燒結(Co-Firing) 17
2.3儀器介紹 18
第三章 實驗數據討論 21
3.1濕式製程氧化鋁薄膜材料之少數載子壽命 21
3.1.1不同比例混合溶液對於濕式製程氧化鋁的影響 21
3.1.2 臭氧氧化時間對於濕式製程氧化鋁的影響 28
3.1.3濕式製程氧化鋁薄膜之退火溫度與時間的影響 34
3.1.4 少數載子生命週期之衰退 56
3.1.5 SiNx與鈍化層相關之參數 60
3.2 TEM量測 62
3.3 反射率量測 65
3.4 C-V量測 66
3.5 元件轉換效率量測 67
3.6 Suns-Voc量測 69
3.7 外部量子效應量測 73
第四章 總結 74
第五章 參考文獻 76

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