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作者(外文):Tsai, Yi-Jin
論文名稱(外文):The Study and Application of Creative Survey and Data Representation in IoT Cross­-Media System
指導教授(外文):Hsu, Su-Chu
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chih-Yung
Wang, Chao-Ming
外文關鍵詞:Internet of ThingsIoT Cross-Media SystemTangible User InterfaceOnline Survey SystemData VisualizationDigital Data Representation
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FBI Lab於2020年11月在國立清華大學舉辦「2020印象清華—有A的STEM科普藝術節」,其中的「STEAM互動探索體驗館」展示了可被操作、被觀視、被探索的跨學科互動作品,為台灣的STEAM教育帶來新的啟示。而在STEAM互動探索體驗館中,我們開發出「躍介物聯網互動創意問卷系統(IoT Cross-Media & QA System)」,其架構在躍介物聯網系統的基礎之上,運用手機的可觸握特性實現遊戲般的「撈取題目」與「倒入結果」互動,並將系統中的數據作即時的資料視覺化,以數位資料再現的形式呈現。
The FBI Lab held the “Tsing Hua Effect 2020 - STEM with A Technology Art Festival” at National Tsing Hua University in November 2020. The STEAM interactive exploration hall has exhibited a series of interdisciplinary interactive artworks that can be viewed, manipulated, and explored, bringing new insights to STEAM education in Taiwan. At the STEAM interactive exploration hall, we have developed the “IoT Cross-Media & QA System”. Its architecture is supported by the IoT Cross-Media System. We used the tangible feature of mobile phones to perform the interaction of “scoop up questions” and “pour in answers”, visualized the real-time data in the system, and presented it in the form of digital data representation.
The IoT Cross-Media & QA System collaborates with the exhibition area configuration, the interdisciplinary interactive works, and the main audiences of the STEAM interactive exploration hall. We organized a series of user operating procedures, exhibition questionnaires, and digital data representation content to allow participants to manipulate and explore interactive artwork. Participants were also invited to test their understanding of these theories of the work of art and giving feedback on the “interesting level” and “learning effect” for each work by using the system. In addition, they could become one of the authors of the “mass artistic creation” by “pour in” their answer in the artwork “Add Some Material to Learning” and observed the influence of their data on the group learning results.
This research demonstrated the implementation and practical application of “IoT Cross-Media & QA System” and “Representation of Digital Data with Survey Feedback” in the exhibition arena. The results of the research are applied to the exhibition site and have achieved the gamification of the exhibition hall survey. It also presents the results of the participants' “groups” in real-time. Moreover, represents the learning outcomes as “mass artistic creation” and triggers the motivating effect between groups. Such research and practice at exhibition hall are rare in Taiwan.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
圖目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 2
第三節 研究架構與流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
第一節 物聯網相關文獻討論 5
第二節 可觸握式使用者介面相關文獻討論 8
第三節 問卷與資料視覺化相關文獻討論 8
第三章 研究方法與設計 14
第一節 STEAM體驗館與環境建置 14
一、展覽與STEAM體驗館介紹 14
二、躍介互動問卷系統的相關設置和使用者操作流程說明 16
第二節 躍介互動問卷系統架構說明 22
一、躍介互動問卷系統的物件類別 22
二、物件之間的通訊協議 24
三、物件之間的資料傳輸內容 25
第三節 躍介互動問卷系統演算法 28
一、「撈取題目」演算法 28
二、「倒入結果」演算法 30
三、資料再現演算法 31
第四節 躍介互動問卷系統的展場實作執行 38
一、STEAM體驗館相關紀錄 39
二、躍介互動問卷系統的相關紀錄、分析與檢討 42
第四章 結論與未來展望 49
參考文獻 52
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