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作者(外文):Shao, Jia-Jung
論文名稱(外文):Agri-food markets in times of COVID-19: A Food Supply Chain Traceability System Based on Blockchain Technology
指導教授(外文):Huang, Nen-Fu
口試委員(外文):Chen, Jiann-Liang
Chen, Jen-Yeu
Chang, Yao-Chung
外文關鍵詞:COVID-19Food Supply ChainBlockchainTrustworthy TracebilityBusiness ModelSmart Vending Machine
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Since the outbreak of COVID-19, person-to-person contact has plummeted, and keeping social distance and wearing masks has become a daily routine for people. Many people have switched to takeout and delivery methods. The number of insiders in the catering industry has also plummeted. However, it is not only difficult for the restaurant to promote the business philosophy but also cannot completely exclude the contact between people. Food suppliers also urgently need to add new sales channels because of the reduced demand in restaurants. Fortunately, with the wave of information technology and Industry 4.0, the development of technology can meet such needs after integration, including the advancement of technology to facilitate consumers to get food and its traceability information. Therefore, how to establish a reliable food supply chain trust traceability system and maintain consumers’ consumption experience under the threat of the epidemic has become the major theme of this paper, and the characteristics of blockchain technology can help achieve.

We mainly divided this paper into two aspects. First, create a new business model to reduce the risk of person-to-person contact; second, a multi-faceted traceability experience. In terms of business model, we cooperate with vending machine manufacturers to establish a business model in which consumers can order online, pick up goods at vending machines (smart vending machines) offline, and trace the source. As for traceability, we provide a traceability platform for web and mobile applications. In addition, we also deal with the problem of counterfeiting and increase interaction with consumers and field record functions, etc.
1 Introduction................................1
2 Related Works...............................5
2.1 Blockchain................................5
2.1.1 Characteristics.........................6
2.2 Ethereum..................................8
2.2.1 Public Chain and Private Chain..........9
2.2.2 Smart Contract.........................10
2.2.3 Remix and Solidity.....................10
2.2.4 Eth 1.0 to Eth 2.0.....................11
2.3 IPFS.....................................12
2.3.1 Overview...............................12
2.3.2 Filecoin...............................12
2.3.3 IPFS Cases.............................13
2.4 Supply Chain Traceability................15
3 System Design..............................19
3.1 System Overview..........................19
3.1.1 Agchain Overview.......................19
3.1.2 iBENDOM Overview.......................20
3.2 Business Scenario........................21
3.2.1 Crops..................................22
3.2.2 E-commerce platform....................24
3.2.3 Other extension practical field........25
3.3 Back-end Server..........................27
3.3.1 Blockchain and Smart Contract Design...28
3.3.2 Database Design........................35
3.4 Traceability Service.....................36
3.4.1 Supply Chain Link......................37
3.4.2 Fake Prevent...........................38
3.4.3 Data Verification......................40
4 System Implementation......................41
4.1 Smart Contract...........................41
4.1.1 Overview...............................41
4.1.2 Ropsten Network and Infura.............42
4.1.3 Crop Index Contract....................44
4.1.4 Meal Box Ingredients Contract..........46
4.1.5 Meal Box Production Process Contract...47
4.1.6 Field Record Contract..................48
4.2 API Server...............................49
4.2.1 Node.js and Express....................50
4.2.2 web3.js................................51
4.2.3 Middleware.............................51
4.2.4 MVC pattern............................51
4.3 Front-end Web Structure and Function.....53
4.3.1 Overview...............................53
4.3.2 Functions..............................54
4.4 Front-end APP Structure and Function.....54
4.4.1 Overview...............................54
4.4.2 Functions..............................55
4.5 Traceability Service.....................57
4.5.1 Producer...............................58
4.5.2 Customer...............................61
4.5.3 Tracing Process........................63
5 Conclusion and Future Works................67
5.1 Conclusion...............................67
5.2 Future Works.............................68
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