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作者(外文):Chen, Wan-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Cooperative Neighboring Vehicle Positioning System Based on Graph Convolutional Network: A Multi-Scenario Transfer Learning Approach
指導教授(外文):Chung, Wei-Ho
口試委員(外文):Chang, Ronald Y.
Wu, Jen-Ming
Ueng, Yeong-Luh
外文關鍵詞:Vehicle positioningGlobal positioning systemTransfer learning
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  • 評分評分:*****
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近年來,自動駕駛技術的研究逐漸興起,車輛定位被視為該領域的重點研究項目之一。全球定位系統(Global Positioning System, GPS)為目前最普及的車輛定位系統,其優勢在於可以快速地透過衛星定位取得車輛的絕對座標,且價格便宜容易取得。但由於環境的差異,GPS訊號會受到環境地形等影響從而導致定位誤差的不同,若定位誤差較大可能導致自動駕駛車輛有安全上的疑慮。為了解決此問題,現有許多合作式鄰近車輛定位系統,該系統透過與相鄰車輛交換訊息,或裝載額外的傳感裝置輔助並提升其GPS精準度。然而,現有方法大多只針對單一環境進行驗證以提升其車輛定位精準度。在這篇論文中,我們引入了轉移學習(Transfer Learning, TL)的核心概念,透過其架構來定義不同環境間之關係,並找出多個環境共同的特徵以同時優化多個環境的車輛定位效能。此外,在現實中我們無法保證可以索取各種環境之資料數據,因此透過TL可以使我們在保持一定效能的標準下有效的減少對車輛資料數量的需求。最後模擬結果表明所提出之系統架構與傳統方法相比,不僅效能提升,所需的資料量也大幅減少。
In recent years, research on autonomous driving technology has gradually emerged, and vehicle positioning has been regarded as one of the key research projects in this field. The Global Positioning System (GPS) is currently the most popular vehicle positioning system. Its advantage is that it can quickly collect the absolute coordinates of the vehicle through satellite positioning, and its price is cheap and easy to obtain. However, due to environmental differences, environmental terrain will affect GPS signals, resulting in different positioning errors. If the positioning error is large, it may cause safety concerns for autonomous vehicles. To solve this problem, there are many cooperative vehicle positioning systems, which exchange information with neighboring vehicles or install additional sensing devices to assist and improve their GPS accuracy. However, most of the existing methods only perform verification in a single environment to improve the accuracy of vehicle positioning. In this paper, we introduce the concept of transfer learning(TL), define the relationship between different environments through its architecture, and find the common features of multiple environments to optimize the performance of vehicle positioning in multiple environments at the same time. In addition, we cannot guarantee that we can obtain various environmental data in reality. Therefore, through TL, we can effectively reduce the demand for vehicle data while maintaining a certain performance standard. Finally, the simulation results show that compared with the traditional method, the proposed system architecture not only improves the performance but also greatly reduces the amount of data required.
一、 緒論.........................................1
1.1 研究背景......................................1
1.2 研究動機與目的.................................2
1.3 論文架構......................................3
2.1 基於濾波器之車輛定位技術........................4
2.2 基於機器學習之車輛定位技術......................5
2.3 綜合觀點......................................5
3.1 合作式車輛定位系統.............................9
3.2 環境模型......................................10
3.3 問題闡述......................................10
4.1 圖卷積網路....................................12
4.2 轉移學習......................................13
4.2.1 轉移學習之方法..............................14
4.2.2 域自適應....................................15
4.3 DANN架構......................................17
4.3.1 DANN總覽....................................17
4.3.2 特徵提取器..................................18
4.3.3 座標預測器..................................19
4.3.4 域分類器....................................19
4.3.5 對抗機制....................................20
4.3.6 方法總結....................................21
5.1 模擬設置......................................22
5.2 模擬性能結果..................................24
5.2.1 車輛直行....................................25
5.2.2 車輛變換車道................................32
六、 結論與貢獻....................................42
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