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論文名稱(中文):基於非監督式學習之 MU-­MIMO系統下低精度相移器之混合式波束成形設計
論文名稱(外文):Unsupervised Learning Based Hybrid Beamforming with Low­-Resolution Phase Shifters for MU-­MIMO Systems
指導教授(外文):Chung, Wei-Ho
口試委員(外文):Huang, Wan-Jen
Hsiu, Pi-Cheng
Huang, Scott CH
外文關鍵詞:MU­-MIMOlow-­resolution phase shiftershybrid beamformingdeep learningneural networkunsupervised learning
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  • 點閱點閱:295
  • 評分評分:*****
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在毫米波 (millimeter wave) 在第五代以及未來行動通訊,扮演這個關鍵
角色。基於毫米波多輸入多輸出系統架構之下的混合式波束成形 (Hybrid
beamforming) 已被大量探討及研究。目前混合式波束成形皆以考量無限精
為多用戶多輸入多輸出 (MU­MIMO) 系統下基於非監督式學習的方法,來
具有泛用性的神經網路架構,稱為角度分類網路 (PCNet),能夠解決各精
(sum­rate) 和復雜性。
Millimeter wave (mmWave) is a key technology for fifth­generation (5G) and
beyond communications. Hybrid beamforming has been proposed for large­scale
antenna systems in mmWave communications. Existing hybrid beamforming designs based on infinite­resolution phase shifters (PSs) are impractical due to power
consumption and hardware cost. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised­learningbased scheme to jointly design the analog precoder and combiner with low­resolution
PSs for multiuser multiple­input multiple­output (MU­MIMO) systems. We transform the analog precoder and combiner design problem into a phase classification
problem and propose a generic neural network architecture, termed the phase classification network (PCNet), capable of producing solutions of various PS resolutions. Simulation results demonstrate the superior sum­rate and complexity performance of the proposed scheme, as compared to state­of­the­art hybrid beamforming designs for the most commonly used low­resolution PS configurations.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Related Works 1
1.2 Contribution 3
1.3 Organization of the Thesis 4
2 Technical Background 5
2.1 MIMO Systems 5
2.2 Deep Neural Network 9
2.2.1 Neural Network 9
2.2.2 Deep Residual Neural Network (ResNet) 9
3 Hybrid Beamforming Design Method 12
3.1 Signal Model 12
3.2 mmWave Channel Model 14
3.3 Problem Formulation 16
3.4 The Two­Stage Algorithm 17
3.4.1 The First Stage 17
3.4.2 The Second Stage 17
3.5 The Proposed Phase Classification Network (PCNet)­Based Analog Precoder and Combiner Design 18
3.5.1 The Proposed Method 18
3.5.2 Loss function 20
4 Simulations Results and Discussion 24
4.1 Simulation Environment 24
4.2 Simulation Setting 24
4.3 Performance of the Proposed Scheme and Different Algorithms 26
4.4 Execution Time Analysis 32
5 Conclusion 34
References 35
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