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作者(外文):Chen, Chia-Chen
論文名稱(外文):The process improvement of the red phosphorescence and yellow phosphorescence organic light-emitting diode
指導教授(外文):Horng, Sheng-Fu
口試委員(外文):Meng, Hsin-Fei
Chao, Yu-Chiang
Chen, Li-Yin
外文關鍵詞:solution processblade coatingchloroformchlorobenzeneorganic light-emitting diodes
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本論文以刮刀塗佈之技術製備紅磷光及黃磷光有機發光二極體,首先,先探討以氯苯為發光層溶劑的紅磷光元件在各有機層的下料參數及厚度,確定好下料參數值,再調整紅磷光客發光體CS90134與主發光體比例調配,最後再進行發光層為溶劑氯苯與氯仿之比較,得出此兩溶劑對電性沒太大影響,僅膜面有些許差異。第二,測試氯苯為發光層溶劑的黃磷光元件,其客發光體分別為PEY-01及PEY-02,本節先各自測試PEY-01及PEY-02與主發光體之比例調配,得出了PEY-01: TCTA : SPPO13 及 PEY-02 : TCTA : SPPO13 = 7:41:52 皆有較佳的電性表現,再混和PEY-01及PEY-02進行主客發光體之比例調配,最後得出電性表現較優秀的為比例PEY-01 :PEY-02 : TCTA : SPPO13 = 3.5 : 3.5 : 41 : 52 ,而膜面表現則是5 : 5 : 40 : 50 之比例最佳,接著,探討主發光體材料ETM-N04與SPPO13之比較,最後得出PEY-01及PEY-02混和之黃磷光元件較適合以SPPO13作為主發光體材料。第三,為陽明合作計畫調整元件參數提升元件效率,先測試不同發光層溶劑為氯苯與氯仿在電洞傳輸層於常溫與事先加熱情況下之下料反應,最後得出電洞傳輸層事先加熱至60°C再下料刮塗對元件並沒有益處,接著進行不同發光層溶劑為氯苯與氯仿所製做之元件壽命的比較,最後以氯仿為發光層溶劑之元件壽命69小時勝過氯苯為發光層溶劑元件的壽命54小時為實驗結果。
In this thesis, red phosphorescent and yellow phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes are prepared by the technique of blade coating. First, the blanking parameters and thickness of each organic layer of the red phosphorescent element using chlorobenzene as the solvent of the luminescent layer are discussed, and the blanking is determined. Parameter value, adjust the ratio of the red phosphorescent guest luminous body CS90134 and the main luminous body, and finally compare the luminescent layer solvent chlorobenzene and chloroform, it is concluded that the two solvents have no much influence on the electrical properties, only the film surface is slightly different. Second, test the yellow phosphorescent element using chlorobenzene as the solvent of the light-emitting layer. The guest luminous bodies are PEY-01 and PEY-02 respectively. In this section, we will first test the ratio of PEY-01 and PEY-02 to the main luminous body. PEY-01: TCTA: SPPO13 and PEY-02: TCTA: SPPO13 = 7:41:52 have better electrical performance. Then mix with PEY-01 and PEY-02 for the ratio of host and guest luminaires, and finally, It is concluded that the ratio of PEY-01: PEY-02: TCTA: SPPO13 = 3.5: 3.5: 41: 52 is the better electrical performance, and the film surface performance is the best ratio of 5: 5: 40: 50. Then, Discuss the comparison between the main luminous body material ETM-N04 and SPPO13, and finally, conclude that the yellow phosphorescent element mixed with PEY-01 and PEY-02 is more suitable for SPPO13 as the main luminous body material. Third, for the Yangming cooperation project to adjust component parameters to improve component efficiency, first test the reaction of different light-emitting layer solvents, chlorobenzene, and chloroform, under the condition that the hole transport layer is at room temperature and heated in advance. Finally, it is concluded that the hole transport in the layer is heated to 60°C in advance and then scraped and scraped. It is not beneficial to the device. Then compare the life of the device made of different light-emitting layer solvents, chlorobenzene, and chloroform. Finally, the life of the device with chloroform as the light-emitting layer solvent is 69 hours better. Perchlorobenzene is a solvent for the light-emitting layer. The life span of the element is 54 hours as an experimental result.
摘要 ......................................................... i ABSTRACT..........................................................ii
致謝 ..............................................................iv
目錄 ..............................................................vi
表目錄 ...........................................................xii
緒論............................................................... 1
1.1 前言........................................................... 1
1.2 有機發光二極體發展簡介....................................... 1
1.3 研究目的.............................................. 2
1.4 論文架構.................................................. 2
第二章 有機發光二極體結構與原理 ............................... 3
2.1 有機發光二極體元件之結構 .............................. 3
2.2 發光機制................................. 4
2.3 螢光與磷光.................................................. 5
2.4 主客發光體能量轉移 ..............................6
2.4.1 輻射能量轉移 ................................... 6
2.4.2 非輻射能量轉移 ................................ 7
2.5 有機發光二極體電性定義 ............................ 8
2.5.1 電流效率(Current efficiency)...................... 8
2.5.2 功率效率(Power efficiency) .............. 8
2.5.3 外部量子效率(External quantum efficiency, EQE)............ 8
2.5.4 CIE 1931 色彩空間 ................................... 8
2.5.5 色溫........................ 9
第三章 有機發光二極體的製程與材料 ................ 10
3.1 有機發光二極體製作流程 ......................... 10
3.1.1 ITO 基板蝕刻........................................... 10
3.1.2 有機膜塗佈 ............................ 11
3.1.3 蒸鍍與封裝 ...................... 14
3.1.4 電性量測 .................. 17
3.2 有機材料介紹..................... 18
3.2.1 電洞注入材料 ................................... 18
3.2.2 電洞傳輸材料 ................................. 19
3.2.3 主發光體材料 ................................... 19
3.2.4 客發光體材料 ................................. 20
第四章 實驗設計........................................ 21
4.1 以氯苯(Chlorobenzene)為發光層溶劑元件之效能改善......... 21
4.1.1 調整中面積紅磷光元件電洞注入層膜面厚度............ 22
4.1.2 調整中面積紅磷光元件電洞傳輸層膜面厚度 .......... 26
4.1.3 調整中面積紅磷光元件發光層膜面厚度 .............. 31
4.1.4 調整中面積紅磷光元件主客發光體之比例.............. 35
4.1.5 中面積紅磷光元件不同發光層溶劑比較 .............. 41
4.2 以氯苯(Chlorobenzene)為發光層溶劑之新藥測試 .............. 48
4.2.1 調整發光層PEY-01 主客發光體之比例 .......... 48
4.2.2 調整發光層PEY-02 主客發光體之比例 ............. 53
4.2.3 調整發光層PEY-01混合 PEY-02 主客發光體之比例 ......... 59
4.2.4 電子傳輸材料 ETM-N04 與 SPPO13之比較 ...............64
4.3 陽明大學合作計畫之元件效能改善 ......... 70
4.3.1 不同發光層溶劑電洞傳輸層TFB加熱與否比較....... 70
4.3.2 不同發光層溶劑為發光層溶劑之壽命比較.............. 75
第五章 結論與未來展望 ................................ 79
第六章 參考文獻 .....................................81

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