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作者(外文):Tsai, Ming-Tsung
論文名稱(外文):Study on Gate-First AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistor with an InGaN Single Quantum Well Using Oxygen Plasma Treatment
指導教授(外文):Huang, Chih-Fang
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Yung-Jane
Wu, Tian-Li
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:412
  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文嘗試使用氧電漿處理法(oxygen plasma treatment)製程鈍化p型氮化鎵的效果來製作高電子遷移率電晶體(High Electron Mobility Transistor, HEMT)以及發光高電子遷移率電晶體(Light Emitting High Electron Mobility Transistor, LE-HEMT),並且同時進行p型氮化鎵乾蝕刻的元件作為對照組,藉此比較氧電漿處理法製程對元件所帶來的影響。
從實驗結果來看,我們展示了閾值電壓(threshold voltage, Vth)為0.5 V的常關型氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵高電子遷移率電晶體,其閾值電壓與對照組相比十分接近,而其片電阻(sheet resistance, Rsh)為2590 Ω/□,在閘極電壓為4 V時,特徵導通電阻(specific on-state resistance, Ron,sp)為2.48 mΩ-cm2,閘極6 V時的飽和電流(saturation current, Isat)為183.81 mA/mm。此外,經過氧電漿處理的發光高電子遷移率電晶體的閾值電壓則為 -2.7 V,閘極4 V的特徵導通電阻為2.76 mΩ-cm2,閘極6 V時的飽和電流為279.91 mA/mm。
In this thesis, oxygen plasma treatment process to passivate p-GaN is used to fabricate HEMT(High Electron Mobility Transistor) and LE-HEMT(Light Emitting High Electron Mobility Transistor). At the same time, these transistors fabricated by p-GaN dry etch process are compared as the control group.
From the experiment, normally off AlGaN/GaN HEMTs with a Vth(thresholdvoltage)=0.5 V are demonstrated. Vth is roughly the same compared with the control group. Rsh(sheet resistance) is 2590 Ω/□. When the gate voltage is 4 V, Ron,sp(specific on-state resistance) is 2.48 mΩ-cm2. When the gate voltage is 6 V, Isat(saturation current) is 183.81 mA/mm. On the other hand, the Vth of the oxygen plasma treated LE-HEMT is -2.7 V, and when the gate voltage is 4 V, the differential Ron,sp is 2.76 mΩ-cm2. When the gate voltage is 6 V, Isat is 279.91 mA/mm.
As for the eletroluminescence of the LE-HEMT, we discover that oxygen plasma treatment will not change the wavelength of the emitted light compared with the control group. When an n+ current spreading layer is inserted in the epi, the light emitting region is more uniform, but the gate control of the channel in the transistor will be lost.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
1 序論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 3
1.2.1 氮化鎵/氮化鋁鎵異質結構 3
1.2.2 氮化鎵發光二極體 4
1.2.3 電晶體與二極體單片集成 5
1.2.4 氧電漿處理之常關型高電子遷移率電晶體 7
1.2.5 研究方向 8
1.2.6 論文架構 8
2 原理簡介與關鍵製程 9
2.1 氮化鎵材料特性 9
2.1.1 自發性極化與壓電極化 9
2.1.2 氮化鎵/氮化鋁鎵異質結構 10
2.2 高電子遷移率電晶體 12
2.2.1 空乏型元件 12
2.2.2 增強型元件 12
2.3 發光元件 15
2.4 單量子井發光高電子遷移率電晶體 18
2.5 關鍵製程 19
2.5.1 p 型氮化鎵歐姆接觸 (p­GaN ohmic contact) 19
2.5.2 p 型氮化鎵自我對準蝕刻製程 (p­GaN self­aligned etching process) 20
2.5.3 氧電漿處理法製程 (oxygen plasma treatment) 21
3 元件結構及製作流程 23
3.1 磊晶結構 23
3.2 乾蝕刻元件製作流程 24
3.2.1 對準記號蝕刻 (MASK 1) 25
3.2.2 元件隔離 (MASK 2) 27
3.2.3 表面處理與氧化銦錫沉積 28
3.2.4 氧化銦錫濕式蝕刻 (MASK 3) 29
3.2.5 p 型氮化鎵乾式蝕刻 (MASK 3) 31
3.2.6 n 型歐姆接觸金屬 (MASK 4) 32
3.2.7 襯墊金屬 (MASK 5、MASK 6) 34
3.3 氧電漿處理元件製作流程 35
3.3.1 對準記號蝕刻 (MASK 1) 36
3.3.2 元件隔離 (MASK 2) 36

3.3.3 表面處理與氧化銦錫沉積 36
3.3.4 氧化銦錫濕式蝕刻 (MASK 3) 36
3.3.5 p 型氮化鎵預蝕刻 (MASK 4) 37
3.3.6 n 型歐姆接觸金屬 (MASK 4) 38
3.3.7 氧電漿處理 39
3.3.8 襯墊金屬 (MASK 5、MASK 6) 40
3.4 元件尺寸與俯視圖 41

4 量測結果與分析 42
4.1 結構 A 之量測結果 42
4.1.1 TLM 測試結構 43
4.1.2 直流電性量測與分析 45
4.1.3 氧電漿元件後退火處理量測 55
4.1.4 簡易發光量測 66
4.2 結構 B 之量測結果 69
4.2.1 TLM 測試結構 70
4.2.2 直流電性量測與分析 72
4.2.3 氧電漿元件後退火處理量測 79
4.2.4 簡易發光量測 87

5 結論與未來展望 90
參考文獻 91
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