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作者(外文):Tsai, Hsiang-Chun
論文名稱(外文):Completion Time Minimization for UAV-Enabled Surveillance over Multiple Restricted Regions
指導教授(外文):Sheu, Jang-Ping
口試委員(外文):Hong, Yao-Win
Chen, Yuh-Shyan
外文關鍵詞:UAV CommunicationsTrajectory OptimizationWireless Sensor NetworksData GatheringDynamic Programming
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  • 點閱點閱:249
  • 評分評分:*****
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This work examines a UAV-enabled surveillance mission over multiple restricted regions and aims to determine the optimal UAV trajectory that minimizes the overall completion time of the mission. The UAV is prohibited from entering the restricted regions due to government regulations or adversarial concerns, and, thus, can only gather information at the boundaries of these regions. The surveillance mission is completed by satisfying the required surveillance duration for every region. We observe that, while fulfilling the required surveillance duration, the UAV need not stay at a fixed position but can instead move along the boundary of the restricted region to reduce its distance to the next region once the local surveillance task is completed. To exploit this advantage, we propose a minimum completion time (MinTime) algorithm that first determines the visiting order of the regions by employing an approximate solution to the traveling salesman problem (TSP) and then optimizes the UAV trajectory over the sequence of restricted regions using dynamic programming. In the presence of obstacles, we further propose an obstacle-aware MinTime (OA-MinTime) algorithm that treats each obstacle as an additional restricted region with zero surveillance duration, allowing the UAV to avoid the obstacles in a more efficient manner. A modified TSP solution is also proposed by taking into consideration the additional distance required to circumvent the obstacles on each inter-POI path. Simulation results show that the proposed MinTime and OA-MinTime algorithms can significantly reduce the total completion time compared to the conventional minimum distance approaches.
1. Introduction ................................................................ 1
2. Related Work ................................................................ 4
3. System Model and Problem Formulation ........................................ 9
3.1 System Model ............................................................... 9
3.2 Problem Formulation ........................................................ 12
4. Minimum Completion Time Trajectory Optimization via Dynamic Programming ..... 13
5. Extension of the MinTime Algorithm to the Case with Obstacles ............... 18
6. Simulation Results .......................................................... 23
6.1 Simulation Setting ......................................................... 23
6.2 Simulation Results ......................................................... 25
6.2.1 Total Completion Time versus the Number of POIs .......................... 25
6.2.2 Total Completion Time versus Surveillance Time ........................... 27
6.2.3 Total Completion Time versus the Mean Radius of the Restricted Regions ... 29
6.2.4 Total Completion Time versus the Number of Obstacles ..................... 30
7. Conclusion .................................................................. 32
References ..................................................................... 33
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