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論文名稱(外文):Domain feature alignment method with self-training for 3D human pose estimation
指導教授(外文):Chu, Hung-Kuo
口試委員(外文):Hu, Min-Chun
Yao, Chih-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Domain Adaptation3D Human Pose EstimationSelf Training
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:765
  • 評分評分:*****
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This thesis aims to solve the problem of real-world 3D human skeleton annotation data is hard to get. In the 3D human skeleton estimation task, accurate annotation data play an important role to train a high-performance model.
However, collecting 3D human skeleton data is not easy which often necessary to set up multiple high-speed cameras, monocular cameras, and controllable environments to capture accurate human skeleton data, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.
To solve the above problem, a common practice in recent years is to use computer graphics technology to generate a large amount of synthetic annotation data to train the model, but this also raises another issue. Since the appearance of synthetic data is usually different than real-world data, the model trained on synthetic data often gets poor results when testing on real-world data. Therefore, it is necessary to design a domain adaptation method to reduce the difference between synthetic data and real-world data.
In this paper, we design a feature alignment method to align the synthetic domain feature and real-world domain feature through freezing decoder when calculating the target loss, also we leverage the self-training algorithm to minimize the feature mismatch problem.
We validate the efficacy of our approach on the Human3.6m dataset and show improved mpjpe and pa-mpjpe result over baseline methods and most SOTA methods.
i. 摘要
ii. Abstract
iii. 目錄
1. 前言---------------------------------------1
2. 相關研究-----------------------------------4
2.1 單張圖像三維人體骨架預測--------------4
2.2 非監督式領域自適應--------------------5
2.3 自我學習------------------------------5
3. 方法架構-----------------------------------7
3.1 自我學習方法--------------------------8
3.2 領域特徵對齊方法----------------------8
3.3 偽標籤產生方法------------------------8
3.3.1 風格變換一致性------------------9
3.3.2 剛性變換一致性------------------9
3.3.3 自集成--------------------------10
3.4 偽標籤置信度過濾機制------------------10
3.5 演算法偽代碼--------------------------10
3.6 偽標籤產生結果------------------------11
4.1 測試資料集----------------------------12
4.1.1 Surreal-------------------------12
4.1.2 Human3.6m-----------------------13
4.1.3 MPII----------------------------13
4.2 度量指標------------------------------14
4.3 實驗實作細節--------------------------14
4.3.1 預訓練階段----------------------14
4.3.2 自適應階段----------------------14
4.4 實驗結果------------------------------14
4.4.1 未使用MPII資料集----------------15
4.4.2 使用MPII資料集------------------16
4.4.3 驗證領域特徵對齊方法的有效性----16
4.4.4 置信度選擇機制對實驗之影響------17
4.5 小結----------------------------------18
6.1 使用骨架定義--------------------------20
6.2 更多實驗結果--------------------------20
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