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作者(外文):Lee, Chung-Han
論文名稱(外文):Robust Binary Neural Network against Noisy Analog Computation
指導教授(外文):Chang, Shih-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:Deep neural networksAnalog AINoise tolerance
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:151
  • 評分評分:*****
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Computing in memory (CIM) technology has shown promising results in reducing the energy consumption for a battery-powered device. On the other hand, to reduce MAC operations, Binary neural networks (BNN) shows the potential to catch up with a full-precision model. This thesis attempts to propose a robust BNN model applied on the CIM framework, which can tolerate analog noises. These analog noises caused by various kinds of variations such as process variation, can lead to low inference accuracy. We first observe that traditional batch normalization can cause a BNN model to be susceptible analog noise. We then propose a new approach to replace the batch normalization while maintaining the advantages of the batch normalization. Secondly, in BNN, since noises can be removed when inputs are zeros during the MAC operation, we also propose novel methods to increase the number of zeros in a convolution outputs. We apply our new BNN model in the keyword spotting application. Our results are very exciting.
Chapter1 Introduction 1
Chapter1.1 Introduction 1
Chapter2 Related Work 5
Chapter2.1 Related Work 5
Chapter2.1.1 Improving performance under noisy computation 5
Chapter2.1.2 Batch Normalization 6
Chapter3 Preliminary 7
Chapter3.1 Preliminary 7
Chapter3.1.1 Binary Neural Network 7
Chapter3.1.2 Analog Noise Model 8
Chapter4 Methodologies 10
Chapter4.1 Methodologies 10
Chapter4.1.1 Batchnorm-free BNN 10
Chapter4.1.2 Reduce involved noise 12
Chapter5 Experiments 17
Chapter5.1 Experiments 17
Chapter5.1.1 Settings 17
Chapter5.1.2 Experimental results 19
Chapter6 Conclusions 23
Reference 24
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