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作者(外文):Lin, Yi-Chi
論文名稱(外文):Intelligent Presentation Attack Against Face Anti­-spoofing Based on Generative Image Morphing
指導教授(外文):Lai, Shang­-Hong
Huang, Szu-­Hao
口試委員(外文):Shuai, Hong-Han
Ho, Tsung-Yi
Chiang, Chen-Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Deep learningFace anti-spoofingAdversarial attackImage morphing
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Face anti-spoofing critically contributes to the security of face recognition systems. Numerous anti-spoofing approaches based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been proposed, and they have shown promising performance. Despite these successes, the vulnerability of CNNs to adversarial examples leaves these anti-spoofing methods vulnerable to attacks.

In this study, adversarial noise is used to craft adversarial examples for several anti-spoofing methods, and various attack methods are applied to investigate the vulnerability of the multi-frame anti-spoofing approach. We demonstrate that even conventional methods can possibly attack these anti-spoofing models successfully. However, in some difficult attack targets such as a multi-frame anti-spoofing model, the attack image generated by these methods is typically heavily distorted during the attack process and can easily be distinguished by human eyes. Because a large amount of noise is needed to deceive the model, these noise methods may be unsuitable for attacking a multi-frame anti-spoofing model. Thus, we proposed a new intelligent face presentation attack approach to generate morph images to effectively attack anti-spoofing approaches.

The generalization of our methodology was validated through several experiments on four publicly available datasets. The experimental results showed that the proposed method performed promisingly, and the attack images generated using this method appeared less distorted than those produced using conventional noise methods. Moreover, we demonstrated that an anti-spoofing model trained using meta-learning and having strong domain generalizability is also vulnerable to these attacks.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
List of Tables iv
List of Figures v
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Problem Statement 3
1.3 Contributions 4
1.4 Thesis Organization 5
2 Related Work 6
2.1 Face Anti­Spoofing 6
2.2 Adversarial Noise Attacks 8
2.3 Face Morphing Attacks 10
2.4 Summary 11
3 Proposed Method 13
3.1 Problem Description 13
3.2 Adversarial Noise Attack 15
3.3 Morphing Attack 17
4 Experiments 24
4.1 Databases 24
4.1.1 Idiap REPLAY­ATTACK 24
4.1.2 CASIA Face Anti­Spoofing 25
4.1.3 MSU Mobile Face Spoofing 25
4.1.4 OULU­NPU 25
4.2 Experimental Settings 26
4.3 The Attack Result of Single­Frame Anti­Spoofing 28
4.4 The Attack Result of Multi­Frame Anti­Spoofing 32
4.5 Image Quality Comparison 34
4.6 The Influence of Morphing Attack to Face Verification 37
4.7 The Effect of Gaussian Smooth in Morphing Attack 39
5 Conclusions 41
References 43
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