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作者(外文):Wang, Fu-En
論文名稱(外文):360 Perception for Indoor Depth and Layout Estimation
指導教授(外文):Sun, Min
口試委員(外文):Lin, Chia-Wen
Lee, Chi-Chun
Chen, Yi-Ting
Chiu, Wei-Chen
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  • 評分評分:*****
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近年來,隨著消費者級別的全景相機越來越普及,深度學習運用在全景相機上的相關演算法在計算機視覺領域開始得到許多重視。此外,因為全景像機能夠同時拍到周圍360度資訊的關係,室內自主系統也開始在使用全景像機進行室內定位與導航,然而,全景影像的場景理解技術至今都沒有成熟的演算法能夠讓大家有效率的去運用,因此,本論文將針對室內自主系統中至關重要的兩個項目 (1) 室內環境深度預測,與 (2) 室內格局預測來進行討論並提出新穎高效率的演算法來提高未來室內自主系統相關應用的可行性。首先,針對深度預測的部分,我們透過結合不同投影資訊的方式來提高既有方法在預測的深度圖上容易產生模糊的問題,同時,我們提出了兩個全新的網路架構BiFuse和BiFuse++來大幅改善全景影像深度預測的精確度;針對格局預測的部分,我們則結合了BiFuse++與LED2-Net來同時運用不同投影的資訊與一維表示法並精確預測出室內格局的資訊。
In recent years, as consumer-level 360 cameras become popular and affordable by most people, algorithms that utilize deep learning and panoramas become important topics in computer vision. Moreover, since 360 cameras are caplable of capturing all surrounding information around the camera, indoor autonomous systems start to adopt these useful sensors for indoor localization and navigation tasks. However, efficient approaches for dealing with these tasks haven't been studied well in computer vision field. Hence, in this paper, we focus on the two important tasks in indoor autonomous systems: 1) Indoor Depth Estimation, and 2) Indoor Layout Estimation. For Indoor Depth Estimation, we utilize the information from different projections of panoramas and propose two novel framework, BiFuse and BiFuse++, to significantly improve the problems existing in previouse works that the predicted depth maps from networks are usually blurred. For Indoor Layout Estimation, we utilize BiFuse++ and LED$^2$-Net to simultaneously use the information from different projections and 1D representation to precisely estimate layouts from panoramas.
List of Figures 13
List of Tables 19
Ch1 (BiFuse: Monocular 360 Depth Estimation via Bi-projection Fusion)-1
1.1 Introduction-1
1.2 Related Work-4
1.3 Our Approach-6
1.3.1 Preliminary-6
1.3.2 Proposed Spherical Padding-8
1.3.3 Proposed BiFuse Network-11
1.3.4 Implementation Details-14
1.4 Experimental Results-15
1.4.1 Evaluation Metrics and Datasets-15
1.4.2 Overall Performance-17
1.4.3 More Results and Ablation Study-19
1.5 Conclusions-22
Ch2 (BiFuse++: Self-supervised and Efficient Bi-projection Fusion for 360 Depth Estimation)-27
2.1 Introduction-27
2.2 Related Works-32
2.3 Approach-36
2.3.1 Spherical Projection-37
2.3.2 Our BiFuse++ Framework-39
2.4 Experimental Results-44
2.4.1 Evaluation Metrics and Datasets-45
2.4.2 Implementation Details-47
2.4.3 Results of Supervised Scenario-48
2.4.4 Computational Comparison-51
2.4.5 Results of Self-Supervised Scenario-53
2.5 Conclusion-57
Ch3 (BiFuse++ and LED2-Net)-59
3.1 Introduction-59
3.2 Experiments-61
3.2.1 Experimental Results-62
Ch4 (Conclusions)-63
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