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作者(外文):Chiang, Yu-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):A Fatigue Determination Method Based on Process without Sleep Deprivation
指導教授(外文):Ma, Hsi-Pin
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Pei-Yun
Huang, Yuan-Hao
外文關鍵詞:Driver fatigueHeart rate variabilityPsychomotor vigilance taskKarolinska sleepiness scaleDrift diffusion modelWilcoxon rank sum test
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在本文中使用精神運動警覺性任務(Psychomotor Vigilance Test)以及卡羅林斯卡嗜睡量表(Karolinska sleepiness scale)來測量受試者的狀態,並且在駕駛過程與PVT測試中同時量測心電圖(Electrocardiography)訊號。為了從PVT測試中提取特徵值,使用了漂移擴散模型(Drift-Diffusion model),將PVT測試的特徵值提取成漂移率(Drift rate)與非決定時間(Non-decision time)。使用了KSS、失誤次數、ΔRT>250ms次數、漂移率、非決定時間作為疲勞分類參數。將上述參數的資料分成兩組,並使用魏克生等級和檢定(Wilcoxon rank sum test)來尋找疲勞閾值。用上述閥值將ECG訊號的分類後作為支持向量機(support vector machine)的輸入,分析各項疲勞分類標準的差異。

In fatigue test, the most frequently used methods are total sleep deprivation and partial sleep deprivation. Therefore, this article proposes to replace the process of sleep deprivation with driving simulation in order to shorten the time to fatigue patients, and analyze the pros and cons between the various fatigue classification standards.

In this paper, we use electrocardiography (ECG) signal, psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) and Karolinska sleepiness scale (KSS) to measure the fatigue state of subjects. In order to extract fatigue features from the PVT test, we also use drift diffusion model (DDM) to extract the data of the PVT test into drift rate and non-decision time.

KSS, the number of lapse, the number of ΔRT>250ms, drift rate, and non-decision time are used as fatigue classification parameters. Divide the data of the above parameters into two groups, and use the Wilcoxon rank sum test to find the fatigue threshold. Use the above threshold to classify the ECG signal as the input of the support vector machine.

The fatigue classification threshold that we calculated is very similar to other experiments that use sleep deprivation. It proves that the experimental without sleep deprivation can make the subjects fatigue. The accuracy of non-decision time, number of lapse and drift rate are 95.83%, 94.64% and 91.27%. The parameters of DDM are better than objective measurement and subjective measurement.
第一章 緒論..............................................1
1.1 研究背景.............................................1
1.2 研究動機.............................................2
1.3 論文大綱.............................................3
第二章 文獻回顧...........................................5
2.1 疲勞測量方式..........................................5
2.1.1 車輛表現............................................5
2.1.2 駕駛行為............................................6
2.1.3 生理訊號............................................7
2.1.4 主觀評估............................................8
2.2 疲勞實驗方案..........................................8
2.2.1 完全睡眠剝奪(Total Sleep Deprivation)...............8
2.2.2 部分睡眠剝奪(Partial Sleep Deprivation).............9
2.2.3 不使用睡眠剝奪......................................10
2.3 疲勞分類指標及方法....................................10
2.3.1 精神運動警覺性任務(PVT).............................11
2.4 本章小結.............................................11
第三章 實驗設計...........................................13
3.1 實驗流程.............................................13
3.1.1 實驗器材...........................................14
3.1.2 實驗受試者.........................................15
3.2 實驗資料蒐集..........................................15
3.2.1 精神運動警覺性測試(PVT).............................15
3.2.2 心率變異性(HRV)....................................16
3.2.3 卡羅林斯卡嗜睡量表(KSS).............................17
3.3 本章小結.............................................18
第四章 資料處理與疲勞分類標準..............................19
4.1 ECG資料處理..........................................19
4.1.1 去除噪音...........................................20
4.1.2 R波檢測............................................21
4.1.3 HRV特徵計算........................................21
4.2 PVT資料處理..........................................22
4.2.1 失誤(Lapse)次數及其延伸.............................22
4.2.2 漂移擴散模型(DDM)...................................23
4.3 疲勞分類標籤..........................................25
4.3.1 卡羅林斯卡嗜睡量表(KSS)..............................27
4.3.2 精神運動警覺性任務(PVT)..............................29
4.3.3 漂移擴散模型(DDM)...................................30
4.4 支援向量機模型(SVM)....................................32
4.4.1 資料比例調整.........................................32
4.4.2 輸入特徵.............................................34
4.4.3 調整參數.............................................38
4.4.4 本章小結.............................................39
第五章 實驗結果與分析.......................................41
5.1 疲勞效果比較...........................................41
5.2 各項疲勞標籤的比較......................................42
5.3 真實道路駕駛............................................45
5.4 討論...................................................48
5.4.1 實驗流程.............................................48
5.4.2 模擬駕駛.............................................48
5.4.3 真實道路駕駛..........................................50
5.4.4 疲勞載體.............................................50
5.4.5 資料比例.............................................50
第六章 結論與未來發展.......................................53
6.1 結論...................................................53
6.2 未來應用...............................................54
6.3 未來工作...............................................54
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