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作者(外文):Su, Syuan-Fong
論文名稱(外文):12-bit SAR ADC with redundancy using non-integer and split capacitive-array DAC
指導教授(外文):CHU, TA-SHUN
口試委員(外文):WU, JEN-MING
Wang, Yu-Jiu
外文關鍵詞:SAR ADCredundancynon-integersplit capacitive-array DACADC
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本論文之十二位元連續漸進式類比數位轉換器使用台積電65奈米CMOS製程來設計,在1.2 V供電以及每秒取樣一點二億次操作下,本電路可達到軌對軌輸入訊號的振幅為2.2 V,模擬結果為訊號與雜訊諧波比可達到72.6 dB,相當於有效位元為11.765,DNL為+0.1/-0.1LSB,INL為+0.16/-0.22 LSB,平均消耗功率為7.313mW。

The Internet of Things (IoT) has developed rapidly in recent years. IoT is a method that processes the data, collects environmental data remotely, and retrieves the results over the internet. To sense environmental data in this situation, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) is an indispensable circuit in the system. In the era of modern 5G access to the internet, IoT applications typically require wireless devices. Low power consumption is a key feature of wireless devices. For this key point, the successive approximation register (SAR) ADC has become a popular choice.

In the thesis, we have proposed a high-speed SAR ADC with the redundancy algorithm to speed up the conversion rate. A novel capacitor array is proposed to scale down the area and the power consumption. Direct-switched SAR Logic not only speed up the conversion rate but also make cap array more time to stable. This ADC has high speed performance and low area cost. It can be applied to Time-interleaved ADC. The operation speed will be enhanced by channel shunting.

The 12 bits SAR ADC was fabricated in the TSMC 65 nm CMOS process. At 1.2 V supply voltage and 120 Ms/s sampling rate, this design achieves the full rail-to-rail input swing is 2.2 V peak to peak and signal to noise and distortion ratio (SNDR) 72.6 dB, equivalent to the effective number of bits (ENOB) 11.765. The peak DNL values are -0.1 to +0.1 LSB and the peak INL values are -0.16 to +0.22 LSB. The average power consumption is 7.313 mW.

摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 簡介 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 論文章節組織 2
第二章 研究背景以及相關研究介紹 3
2.1 類比數位轉換器參數 3
2.1.1 專有名詞 3
2.1.1.a 奈奎斯特準則(Nyquist criterion) 3
2.1.1.b 取樣率(Sampling Rate) 3
2.1.1.c 解析度(Resolution) 3
2.1.1.d 最小解析度(Least Signification Bit) 4
2.1.1.e 量化誤差(Quantization Error) 4
2.1.2 靜態參數 5
2.1.2.a 偏移誤差(Offset Error) 5
2.1.2.b 增益誤差(Gain Error) 6
2.1.2.c 差動非線性度(Differential Nonlinearity) 6
2.1.2.d 積分非線性度(Integral Nonlinearity) 7
2.1.2.e 遺失碼(Missing Codes) 7
2.1.3 動態參數 8
2.1.3.a 訊號對雜訊比(Signal-to-Noise Ratio) 8
2.1.3.b 訊號對雜訊失真比(Signal-to-Noise and Distortion Ratio) 9
2.1.3.c 有效位元數(Resolution and Effective Number of Bits) 9
2.1.3.d 無雜訊動態範圍(Spurious-Free Dynamic Range) 9
2.1.3.e 動態範圍(Dynamic Range) 9
2.1.3.f 總諧波失真(Total Harmonic Distortion) 10
2.1.3.g 優值(Figure of Merit) 10
2.2 類比數位轉換器的架構 10
2.2.1 快閃式類比數位轉換器(Flash ADC) 11
2.2.2 導管式類比數位轉換器(Pipeline ADC) 12
2.3 連續漸進式類比數位轉換器(SAR ADC)概述 12
2.3.1 SAR ADC操作原理 12
2.3.2 SAR ADC基礎技術原理 13
2.3.2.a 單端與雙端(Single-Ended Signal VS. Differential Signal) 13
2.3.2.b 下板取樣與上板取樣(Bottom-Plate Sampling VS. Top-Plate Sampling) 14
2.3.2.c 同步與非同步(Synchronous VS. Asynchronous) 15
2.3.2.d 電荷重新分配(Charge Redistribution) 16
2.3.3 SAR ADC切換過程 17
2.3.3.a 傳統式電容切換法
(Conventional Capacitor Switching Procedure) 17
2.3.3.b 單調式電容切換法
(Monotonic Capacitor Switching Procedure) 18
2.3.3.c 基於共模電壓電容切換法
(VCM-Based Capacitor Switching Procedure) 19
2.3.3.d 電容拆半切換法
(Splitting-Capacitor Switching Procedure) 20
2.3.4 電容切換法能量分析 21
第三章 高速帶冗餘位連續漸進式類比數位轉換器 22
3.1 SAR ADC速度上的限制 22
3.1.1 比較時間(Comparison Time) 23
3.1.2 C-DAC穩定時間與比較器重置所需時間
(C-DAC Settling Time and Comparator Resetting Time) 24
3.1.3 數位邏輯閘電路延遲(Digital Circuit Gate Delay) 25
3.2 SAR ADC 基本與進階演算法........27
3.2.1 二進制搜尋法(Binary Search Algorithm)........27
3.2.2 帶冗餘位演算法(Redundancy Algorithm)......29
3.2.3 二進制延伸重新組合搜尋法
(Binary-scaled Recombination Weighting Algorithm) .....32
3.2.4 非二進制搜索法(Non-binary Search Algorithm)......33
3.3 C-DAC參考電壓穩定度(The stability of Reference Voltage) .....33
第四章 一個12-bit 120-Ms/s SAR ADC之設計 35
4.1 取樣及保持電路(Sample and Hold Circuit) 35
4.1.1 電路原理 36
4.1.2 設計考量 36
4.1.2.a 頻寬(Bandwidth) 37
4.1.2.b MOS開關的導通電組(On-Resistance of MOS Switch) 38
4.1.2.c 熱雜訊(kT/C Noise) 39
4.1.2.d 電荷注入效應(Charge Injection) 40
4.1.2.e 時脈饋入效應(Clock Feedthrough) 42
4.1.2.f 取樣抖動(Sampling Jitter) 43
4.1.3 電路實作 43
4.1.4 模擬結果 46
4.2 比較器(Comparator) 48
4.2.1 電路原理 48
4.2.2 設計考量 52
4.2.2.a 操作速度(Speed) 52
4.2.2.b 準確度(Accuracy) 52
4.2.2.c 輸入參考偏移(Input Referred Offset) 53
4.2.2.d 回饋雜訊(Kick-back noise) 54
4.2.3 電路實作 56
4.2.4 模擬結果 58
4.3 電容式數位類比轉換器矩陣(Capacitive DAC) 61
4.3.1 寄生電容(Parasitic Capacitance ) 62
4.3.2 電容不匹配(Mismatch of Capacitors) 62
4.3.3 穩定錯誤(Settling Error) 63
4.3.4 電容陣列權重(Capacitor Array Weighting) 64
4.3.5 電容大小 68
4.4 非同步SAR邏輯(Asynchronous SAR Logic ) 69
4.5 參考電壓緩衝電路(Reference Voltage Buffer) 77
4.5.1 設計考量與電路實現 78
4.6 連續漸進式類比數位轉換器模擬結果 80
4.6.1 動態參數 80
4.6.2 靜態參數與功耗 81
第五章 結論與未來發展 84
參考文獻 85
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