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作者(外文):Lin, Ont-Derh
論文名稱(外文):Built-In Speed-Grading for Logic Circuits with an Area-Efficient Test Clock Generation Scheme and an Application for Ageing Fault Detection
指導教授(外文):Huang, Shi-Yu
口試委員(外文):Lu, Shyue-Kung
Wen, Hung-Pin
Huang, Tsung-Chu
外文關鍵詞:Built-In Speed GradingBISGDynamic Clock Generation SettingsProcess Variation ToleratedAging DetectionInfant Mortality Detection
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  • 評分評分:*****
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線上速度分級設計是一種可以支持晶片上測出待測電路最快操作速度的一種技術。在以往沒有適當的時脈產生方法下,傳統的線上速度分級設計是沒辦法容忍待測電路在實際晶片中的製程變異,進而導致沒辦法量測到真正準確的最快操作速度之可能性。在本論文中,我們提出了以待測電路自身估計的關鍵路徑延遲為中心,去擴展測試時脈週期範圍的動態時脈產生設置方法。藉由此方法,測試時脈週期餘量將會十分平均地擴展在待測電路自身估計的關鍵路徑延遲的兩側,使得測試時脈週期有更多彈性去涵蓋待測電路的製程變異影響。除此之外,與之前線上速度分級設計的時脈產生方法相比,我們提出的方法在同樣沒有待測電路的基礎下,實際布局面積可以有43.4%的降幅,同時維持著寬頻的測試時脈週期範圍,從[0.8ns, 25ns], 也就是[40MHz, 1.25GHz],以及步幅的解析度可達到待測電路估計的關鍵路徑延遲之1%。
Built-In Speed Grading (BISG) is a technique that enables to On-Chip determine the maximum operating speed (Fmax¬) of the circuit under test (CUT). Without the proper clock generation scheme, the conventional BISG cannot tolerate the process variation of CUT in real silicon and therefore causing the possibility of failure to gauge the accurate Fmax of CUT. This thesis proposes a dynamic clock generation settings scheme, which is a CUT-specific test clock period range, centered around the estimated critical path delay of CUT. With the balanced test clock period margin for the high-speed target period, it makes more flexibility to cope with the process variation of CUT. Moreover, compared to the previous clock generation scheme for BISG, the total layout area without the CUT can be reduced by 43.4%, while achieving the wide-range test clock period range over [0.8ns, 25ns], i.e., [40MHz, 1.25GHz] and the step resolution is 1% of the estimated critical path delay of CUT.
Meanwhile, we develop a Self-Convergence method for automatically finding the suitable total number of random test patterns for each benchmark in gate-level simulation. By applying this method to our set of benchmarks, the total number of test patterns can not only be decided but also reduced more than ten times. Last but not the least, since our clock generation scheme also reaches the fine granularity of step resolution, we proposed a procedure of mimicked aging fault injection to demonstrate the aging effect detection and identify infant mortality by our BISG.
Abstract ii
摘要 iii
Content iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Thesis Organization 6
Chapter 2 Preliminaries 7
2.1 Previous Clock Generation Architecture 7
2.2 Built-In Self-Test (BIST) Session for At-Speed Test 8
2.3 Flow Chart of Previous Work 10
2.4 Problem Statement of Previous Work 11
Chapter 3 Proposed Clock Generation scheme and Validation 13
3.1 Specification of Clock Generation Scheme 13
3.2 Proposed Built-In Speed Grading Flow and Architecture 17
3.3 Self-Convergence of the total number of random test patterns 22
3.3.1 Primitive Self-Convergence 22
3.3.2 Issues of Primitive Self-Convergence 25
3.3.3 The improved proposed Self-Convergence method 26
3.4 Experimental results 29
Chapter 4 Aging and Infant Mortality Detection 33
4.1 Proposed mimicked aging fault injection 33
4.2 Experimental results 35
Chapter 5 Conclusion 41
References 42

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