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作者(外文):Li, Ya-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):A DHT-Based Filter Bank Multicarrier System Using Space-Time Block Coding and Phase-Rotated Conjugate Cancellation
指導教授(外文):Wang, Chin-Liang
口試委員(外文):Chung, Char-Dir
Phoong, See-May
Ouyang, Yuan
外文關鍵詞:space-time block codingphase-rotated conjugate cancellationdiscrete Hartley transformfilter bank multicarriercarrier frequency offsetintercarrier interference
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在本論文中,我們提出一種2x2多天線系統之基於離散哈特利轉換 (discrete Hartley transform;DHT)、Alamouti 空時區塊編碼 (STBC) 和一種使用時分複用兩路傳輸的相位旋轉共軛消除技術 (phase-rotated conjugate cancellation [PRCC])的濾波器組多載波 (FBMC) 系統。在這系統中,分別在傳送端及接收端使用DHT來進行多載波調變及多載波解調,且在兩個鏡像對稱子載波之間存在一些不同的頻率分集。Alamouti STBC的使用是為了獲得空時分集,而PRCC的使用則額外提供了時間分集用以消除載波頻率偏移(carrier frequency offset [CFO])引起的載波間干擾,其中導出了最佳相位旋轉以最大化載波干擾比率。在多天線 DHT-FBMC系統中,為了利用所有的分級增益,在接收端,一種結合基於最小均方誤差之STBC等化器/解碼器、PRCC equalizer (分別給兩條路徑)以及一個分集結合器被發展出來還原傳輸的訊號。模擬結果顯示,所提出的使用STBC及PRCC的DHT-FBMC系統,相較於使用STBC而未使用PRCC的DHT-FBMC系統有更好的位元錯誤率。
In this thesis, we propose a 2x2 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) filter bank multicarrier (FBMC) system based on the discrete Hartley transform (DHT), Alamouti space-time block coding (STBC), and phase-rotated conjugate cancellation (PRCC) using two-path transmission in a time-division multiplexing manner. In this system, the DHT is employed for multicarrier modulation at the transmitter and for multicarrier demodulation at the receiver, and there is some distinct frequency diversity between any two mirror-symmetrical subcarriers. The use of Alamouti STBC is to have space-time diversity, while the use of PRCC provides additional time diversity to mitigate intercarrier interference due to carrier frequency offsets (CFOs), where the optimal phase rotation is derived to maximize the carrier-to-interference ratio. To exploit all the diversity gains in such a MIMO DHT-FBMC system, an STBC equalizer/decoder, two PRCC equalizers (one for each of the two paths), and a diversity combiner are designed to recover the transmitted data based on the minimum mean-squared error criterion at the receiver. Computer simulation results demonstrate that the proposed DHT-FBMC system using STBC and PRCC achieves much better bit-error-rate performance than the related DHT-FBMC system using STBC but no PRCC.
Abstract i
Contents ii
List of Figures iii
List of Tables iv
I. Introduction 1
II. System Model 4
A. The DHT-FBMC System 4
B. DHT-Based FBMC System with Two Prototype Using STBC with CFO 10
C. DHT-FBMC Using STBC and Phase Rotated Conjugate Cancellation 15
III. The CIR and Optimal Phase Rotation 23
IV. Simulation Results 26
V. Conclusion 33
References 34

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