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作者(外文):Lin, Jun-Hao
論文名稱(外文):Robust Collaborative Team Formation Control of Hybrid Teams of Biped Robots and Wheeled Vehicles Under External Disturbance and Communication Interactions
指導教授(外文):Chen, Bor-Sen
口試委員(外文):Hwang, Chih-Lyang
Wong, Ching-Chang
Li, Cheng-Wei
外文關鍵詞:Collaborative team formationdecentralized formation controlHybrid teamleader-follower formationrobust H∞ controlreference modelbiped robottractor-trailerlinear matrix inequality
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在這項研究中,雙足機器人和拖拉機拖車混合團隊的協作團隊組建系統是為一些常見任務設計的。協同組隊系統由多個混合組隊子系統組成。每個混合組隊子系統由一個拖拉機拖車作為領導者和一組雙足機器人作為跟隨者組成。為了便於協作組隊設計,提出了新穎的參考模型,為每個混合團隊中的協作拖拉機-拖車和雙足機器人生成所需的協作時變領導者-跟隨者組隊。因此,協作團隊形成設計問題被簡化為一組獨立的魯棒模型參考跟踪設計問題,用於在外部干擾和來自其他代理的通信耦合下的每個代理。隨後,提出了魯棒的H∞分散協作隊形跟踪控制策略,以實現對每個代理的隊形跟踪控制,並有效地減弱外部干擾和其他代理的通信耦合對每個代理的分散模型參考跟踪性能的影響。為了避免求解每個智能體的魯棒H∞分散式協同團隊編隊跟踪控制的困難Hamilton-Jacobi不等式(HJI),採用數值線性參數變化(LPV)建模方法來近似非線性團隊編隊跟踪誤差每個代理的動態系統,使得 HJI 可以等效地轉換為一組線性矩陣不等式 (LMI),可以通過 MATLAB LMI TOOLBOX 有效地求解。由於採用基於本地信息的魯棒 H∞ 分散式協作組隊跟踪控制方案,協作組隊系統可以擴展到超大型雙足機器人和拖拉機拖車。最後,一個魯棒 H∞ 分散協作的模擬例子給出了三個協作團隊的團隊形成跟踪控制設計,每個混合團隊以一輛拖拉機為領導,六隻雙足機器人作為跟隨者,並與最優的H2分散方法進行比較,以驗證所提出方案的有效性。
In this study, a collaborative team formation system of hybrid teams of biped robots and tractor-trailers is designed for some common task. The collaborative team formation system consists of a number of hybrid team formation subsystems. Each hybrid team formation subsystem is composed of a tractor-trailer as the leader and a group of biped robots as followers. For the convenience of collaborative team formation design, novel reference models are proposed to generate the desired collaborative time-varying leader-follower team formation for the cooperative tractor-trailers and biped robots in each hybrid team. Accordingly, the collaborative team formation design problem is simplified to a set of independent robust model reference tracking design problems for each agent under external disturbances and communication couplings from other agents. Subsequently, the robust H∞
decentralized collaborative team formation tracking control strategy is proposed to achieve the team formation tracking control for each agent and efficiently attenuate the effect of external disturbance and communication coupling from other agents on the decentralized model reference tracking performance of each agent. In order to avoid solving the difficult Hamilton-Jacobi inequality (HJI) of the robust H∞ decentralized collaborative team formation tracking control for each agent, the numerical linear parameter-varying (LPV) modeling method is employed to approximate the nonlinear team formation tracking error dynamic system of each agent such that the
HJI can be equivalently transformed to a set of linear-matrix inequalities (LMIs) which can be efficiently solved by MATLAB LMI TOOLBOX. Since the robust H∞ decentralized collaborative team formation tracking control scheme is employed based on local information, the collaborative team formation system can be extended to very large-scale biped robots and tractor-trailers. Finally, a simulation example of robust H∞ decentralized collaborative
team formation tracking control design of three collaborative teams with one tractor-trailer as the leader and six biped robots as followers in each hybrid team compared with the optimal H2 decentralized method is given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
摘要 --------------------------------------------------------------- i
Abstract----------------------------------------------------------- ii
致謝--------------------------------------------------------------- iv
Content------------------------------------------------------------- v
I. Introduction ---------------------------------------------------- 1
II. Preliminaries of tractor-trailer and biped robot --------------- 4
III. Collaborative team formation with decentralized leader-follower structure ---------------------------------------------------------- 9
IV. Problem formulation ------------------------------------------- 11
V. Robust H infinity decentralized collaborative team formation tracking control design for hybrid teams for tractor-trailers and biped robots via numerical modeling approach ---------------------- 22
VI. Simulation Results -------------------------------------------- 27
VII. Conclusion --------------------------------------------------- 37
References -------------------------------------------------------- 38
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