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作者(外文):Lin, Jin-Siang
論文名稱(外文):CT2RGB: Using the Two-stage Generative Adversarial Network to Colorize Computed Tomography Images
指導教授(外文):Sun, Min
口試委員(外文):Wang, Yu-Chiang
Chiu, Wei-Chen
外文關鍵詞:GANImage-to-Image TranslationCTImage Colorization
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Human anatomy plays a pivotal role in modern medicine as many diseases or pathological conditions take the form of anatomical derangements. Nowadays, state-of-the-art technologies of medical imaging like Computed Tomography (CT) are widely used to evaluate these conditions in a noninvasive fashion. However, these medical images are typically displayed as grayscale images, which require a well-trained professional to interpret. Color cues, which are sometimes essential to make an accurate diagnosis and facilitate preoperative planning, are clearly lacking in these images. We hereby propose a framework to bridge the gap between CT images and cross-sectional color images. We formulate the problem as a novel two-stage image-to-image translation task and train our model with an adversarial training scheme. In the first stage, we focus on extracting the structural information corresponding to critical contours in the color image from a CT image. This is an important stage due to the large difference in dynamic range between CT and color images. In the second stage, we synthesize the color image by coupling the structural information with the original CT image. We train our framework using cadaveric cross-sectional cryosection and its image gradient as the supervision signal in the second and first stages, respectively. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework in both quantitative and qualitative aspects. To investigate the proposed framework's applicability, we also acquire doctors' feedback by conducting a human perceptual study. The feedback from a group of doctors aligns our approach's motivation and shows our framework's medical applicability.
1 Introduction ............................................ 1
2 Background and Related Work ............................. 3
2.1 GenerativeAdversarialNetwork .......................... 3
2.2 Image­to­ImageTranslation ............................... 3
2.3 MedicalImageColorization .............................. 3
3 Method .................................................. 5
3.1 ImageGradientGenerator ................................ 6
3.2 ColorizationNetwork ................................... 7
4 Experiments ............................................. 9
4.1 ExperimentalSetup ..................................... 9
4.1.1 DatasetandImplementationDetail ...................... 9
4.1.2 ComparisonSetupandEvaluationMetrics ................. 9
4.2 Result ................................................ 10
4.2.1 QuantitativeResults ................................. 10
4.2.2 QualitativeResults .................................. 10
4.3 HumanPerceptualStudy .................................. 12
4.4 CrossDatasetAdaptation ................................ 13
5 Conclusion and Future Work .............................. 15
5.1 Conclusion ............................................ 15
5.2 FutureWork ............................................ 15
References ................................................ 17
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