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作者(外文):Pan, Kuan-Ju
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Bi-directional DC/DC Converter
指導教授(外文):Wu, Tsai-Fu
口試委員(外文):Liu, Tian-Hua
Chang, Yuan-Chih
Chen, Yu-Kai
外文關鍵詞:Bi-directional dc/dc converterD-Σ digital controla wide range of inductance variation
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究研製一部雙向直流/直流轉換器,電路可分為電力級與控制級兩個部分,電力級架構為四開關降/升壓型轉換器;控制級使用之微控制器為Renesas RX62T。透過回授電路來偵測電感電流與輸入/輸出電壓,並搭配一台雙向直流/交流轉換器,可分為兩種操作模式,分別為一般模式與回充模式。在一般模式下,可將輸入至雙向直流/直流轉換器之能源送至電網;在回充模式下,則透過雙向直流/交流轉換器從電網端買電回來,以穩定直流鏈電壓,如此實現能源回收,達到節能之目的。
在控制方面,本系統使用分切合整數位控制法則(D-Σ digital control),具有無穩態誤差及更快的動態響應,允許寬廣的電感值變化,將其納入開關責任比率計算。即使電感值隨電流變大而衰減,仍能避免電流發生振盪,使電感電流能準確追蹤電流命令。
本研究主要貢獻為:(1)實作一部雙向直流/直流轉換器,最大功率可達12 kW,輸入電壓380 V,輸出電壓50 V到700 V。於滿載12 kW時之實測效率為95.0 %,(2)轉換器使用分切合整數位控制,可將電感值隨電流變化納入考量,達到定電流與穩壓功能,(3)搭配雙向直流/交流轉換器整合測試,驗證系統之可行性,其可將能量送至電網,藉此達到能源回收再利用,並減少測試時之功率消耗。
This thesis develops a bi-directional dc/dc converter. The circuit can be divided into two parts: power stage and control stage. The power stage architecture is a four-switch buck/boost converter and the microcontroller used in the control stage is Renesas RX62T. Through the feedback circuit to detect the inductor current and input/output voltage, the converter can work with a bi-directional dc/ac converter to recycle the power to grid. It can be divided into two operation modes, namely regular mode and regenerative mode. In the regular mode, the energy input to the bi-directional dc/dc converter can be sent to the grid, and in the regenerative mode, the power can be drawn from the grid through the bi-directional dc/ac converter to stabilize the dc link voltage. In this way, energy recovery is realized and the purpose of energy saving is achieved.
In terms of control, this system uses D-Σ digital control, which has no steady-state error and faster dynamic response, and allows a wide range of inductance variation to be included in the control for switch duty ratio determination. Even under inductor current increase or decrease, the control still can accurately track the current command.
The main contributions of this research are: (1) implementing a bi-directional dc/dc converter with a maximum power rating of 12 kW, input voltage of 380 V, output voltage of 50 V to 700 V, and with the measured efficiency of 95 % under full load of 12 kW, (2) using D-Σ digital control, which can take into consideration the change of inductance value with the current to achieve constant current and voltage stabilization functions, and (3) with a bi-directional dc/ac converter integrated test, verifying the feasibility of the system , which can deliver power to the grid, thereby achieving energy recovery and reducing power consumption during testing.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1-1研究背景與動機 1
1-2文獻回顧 2
1-2-1轉換器控制法簡介 2
1-2-2轉換器架構簡介 6
1-3論文大綱 12
第二章 系統架構與控制策略 13
2-1系統架構 13
2-1-1雙向直流/直流轉換器系統架構 14
2-1-2雙向直流/交流轉換器系統架構 14
2-2動作原理 16
2-3分切合整數位控制 19
第三章 硬體周邊電路 21
3-1輔助電源 21
3-2電壓/電流回授電路 23
3-2-1直流鏈電壓回授電路 23
3-2-2電感電流回授電路 24
3-3保護電路 26
3-3-1過壓/過流保護電路 27
3-3-2電壓箝位保護電路 29
3-4驅動電路架構 30
3-4-1開關驅動電源 30
3-4-2開關隔離驅動電路 31
第四章 韌體架構與控制流程 34
4-1微控制器簡介 34
4-2雙向直流/直流轉換器控制流程 37
4-2-1主程式流程 37
4-2-2保護副程式 39
4-2-3類比/數位中斷副程式 39
第五章 系統模擬與實測波形 45
5-1轉換器規格與元件參數 45
5-2元件參數設計 47
5-2-1直流鏈電容設計 47
5-2-2電感值設計 48
5-3實務考量 49
5-3-1直流鏈端加入LC濾波器 49
5-3-2電感值變化 50
5-3-3散熱速度改善 53
5-3-4解耦合電容 56
5-3-5驅動訊號改善 56
5-3-6電感電流分析 58
5-3-7雙層隔離線 60
5-4Matlab/Simulink模擬 61
5-5模擬與實測波形 63
5-5-1雙向直流/直流轉換器測試 63
5-5-2雙向直流/直流轉換器與雙向直流/交流轉換器整合測試波形 72
5-6損耗分析 75
5-6-1電感損耗 75
5-6-2功率開關損耗 78
5-7效率改善 81
5-7-1降低電感值 81
5-7-2更換功率開關 82
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 83
6-1結論 83
6-2未來研究方向 84
參考文獻 85

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