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作者(外文):Yeh, Guan-Fuh
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of High Step-Down LLC Resonant Converter
指導教授(外文):Wu, Tsai-Fu
口試委員(外文):Pan, Ching-Tsai
Lin, Faa-Jeng
Chen, Jiann-Fuh
外文關鍵詞:High step-down ratioLLC resonant half-bridge topologydc/dc converter
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究提出一套適用於電動車系統,扮演輔助電源的直流/直流轉換器,其取代傳統汽車原有的電動機通過皮帶帶動發電機的供電,分開推進系統與輔助供電系統,提升系統效率。在轉換器中,前級降壓型轉換器提供輸入端降壓,而後半橋轉換器,藉由諧振電路使開關達到軟切換特性,降低開關損失;電氣隔離,採用兩組變壓器,一次側串聯,二次側並聯,增加降壓倍率;變壓器二次側採用橋式全波整流,使交流電轉換成直流電。此外,根據輸出電壓大小,調整前級降壓型轉換器的參考電壓,使得輸出維持27±2 V。
,提出設計流程,再經由微調修正,計算出各諧振槽元件參數。(2)採用兩級架構,前級為降壓型轉換器,後級為半橋諧振轉換器。(3)本研究研製一輸入電壓300~750 V,輸出電壓27±2 V,切換頻率500 kHz,最大額定功率2 kW的直流/直流轉換器。
This research develops a dc/dc converter which is suitable for electric vehicle systems and acts as an auxiliary power source. It replaces a conventional motor in a traditional car to supply power for electric appliance, it separates the propulsion system and the auxiliary power supply system, and improves the system efficiency. In the converter, the front-stage step-downs the input voltage, and then the half-bridge converter uses resonant circuit to achieve soft-switching characteristics for the switches and reduce switching loss. Two sets of transformers are used to achieve galvanic isolation in which the primary side is connected in series and the secondary side is connected in parallel, increasing the step-down ratio. In the secondary side of the transformer, the full-wave bridge rectifier is used to convert alternating current into direct current. In addition, according to the output voltage, the dc-link voltage of the previous step-down converter is adjusted so that the output is maintained at 27±2 V.
The main contributions of this thesis include: (1) according to the converter specifications, high-voltage side and low-voltage side voltages, resonance frequency, proposed design process, and then through adjustment, the parameters of resonant tank component have been determined, (2) adopting a two-stage architecture, in which the front stage is a step-down converter, and the rear stage is a resonant half-bridge converter. (3) Developing a dc/dc converter with input voltage of 300~750 V, output voltage of 27±2 V, switching frequency of 500 kHz, and maximum power rating of 2 kW.
摘要 I
致謝 III
總目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 諧振轉換器回顧 3
1-2-1 硬切換與軟切換特性 3
1-2-2 諧振轉換器特性 4
1-3 拓撲架構分析 5
1-3-1 半橋式諧振轉換器Ⅰ 6
1-3-2 半橋式諧振轉換器Ⅱ 7
1-3-3 半橋式諧振轉換器Ⅲ 8
1-3-4 拓撲架構比較 9
1-4 論文架構 10
第二章 高降壓比諧振轉換器設計 11
2-1 降壓型轉換器 11
2-1-1 電路架構 11
2-1-2 動作原理 12
2-1-3 分切合整數位控制 14
2-2 方波產生器 15
2-3 諧振槽設計 16
2-3-1 LLC諧振電路轉移函數之分析 16
2-3-2 動作原理 18
2-3-3 參數設計 22
第三章 周邊電路設計 26
3-1 輔助電源 26
3-1-1 返馳式轉換器 26
3-1-2 控制IC UC3843 27
3-2 電壓/電流回授電路 28
3-2-1 電壓回授 28
3-2-2 電流回授 30
3-3 過壓/過流保護電路 30
3-4 開關驅動電路 31
第四章 控制韌體規劃 33
4-1 微控制器RX62T介紹 33
4-2 控制流程 37
4-2-1 主程式 37
4-2-2 保護副程式 38
4-2-3 A/D中斷副程式 39
第五章 電路製作與實測驗證 43
5-1 電氣規格與元件選擇 43
5-2 實務考量 44
5-2-1 降壓型轉換器電感鐵芯選擇 44
5-2-2 變壓器鐵芯選擇與繞製方法 46
5-2-3 Layout走線不等距離 48
5-2-4 同步整流問題 51
5-3 實測結果 53
5-3-1 降壓型轉換器實測波形 53
5-3-2 半橋LLC諧振轉換器實測波形 55
5-3-3 橋式全波整流實測波形 55
5-4 損耗分析 59
5-5 實體電路 61
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 62
6-1 結論 62
6-2 未來研究 63
參考資料 64
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