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作者(外文):Wang, Li-Hung
指導教授(外文):Liaw, Chang-Ming
口試委員(外文):Tseng, Wan-Tsun
Chen, Seng-Chi
外文關鍵詞:Electric vehicleswitched-reluctance motorbatteryinterface converterresonant converterswitch-mode rectifiergrid-to-vehiclevehicle-to-gridvehicle-to-home
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當電動車閒置時,可通過所建車載充電器進行電網至車輛操作。配合三相或單相市電連接,可經切換式整流器與 CLLC 諧振轉換器對電池充電。在電路架構上,切換式整流器以開關式磁阻馬達之非對稱橋式轉換器固有元件進行重組,而 CLLC 諧振轉換器則提供必要之電氣隔離。為正常操控及具良好電力品質,需取得輸入電壓相角資訊,因此採三相與單相之鎖相迴路。於單相市電連接下,其動態控制經所採之比例諧振控制器,可改善正弦命令追控。
因所建 CLLC 諧振轉換器與切換式整流器具雙向功率傳輸能力,可執行車輛至電網與車輛至家庭操作。相應地,電動車可作為一可移動或分散式儲能裝置,透過車輛至電網操作送電至三相電網。此外,當發生自然災害或電網不穩時,電動車亦可施行車輛至家庭操作,作為家用電器之備用電源。
再者,亦設計一與主電池相連之 LLC 諧振轉換器,建立低壓直流匯流排,為電動車輔助負載供電。
This thesis develops a battery powered electric vehicle (EV) switched-reluctance motor (SRM) drive with grid-to-vehicle (G2V)/vehicle-to-grid (V2G)/vehicle-to-home (V2H) capabilities. The propulsion EV SRM drive is powered by the battery through an H-bridge DC/DC converter. The motor drive DC-link voltage can be lower or higher than the battery voltage. The driving performance enhancement and reduction of battery energy consumption over wide speed range can be achieved compared to the conventional interface approach. In driving mode, good driving characteristics are preserved by the properly designed current control scheme, speed control scheme and automatic commutation angle shifting mechanism. Under deceleration, the bidirectional power transmission capability of the converter helps the regenerative braking energy to be effectively recovered to the battery.
When EV is idle, the G2V operation can be conducted via the established on-board charger. With three-phase or single-phase grid connection, the battery can be charged through a switch-mode rectifier (SMR) and a CLLC resonant converter. In schematic, the SMR is reconstructed by the SRM asymmetric bridge converter embedded components. The CLLC resonant converter provides galvanic isolation. To possess good line drawn power quality, the input voltage angular information is required, thus the three-phase and single-phase phase-locked loops (PLLs) are applied. In dynamic control for the single- phase grid connection, the proportional-resonant (PR) controller is adopted to improve the sinusoidal command tracking characteristics.
Since the established CLLC resonant converter and SMR have bidirectional power transmission capabilities, the V2G and V2H operations can be further performed. Correspondingly, the EV can be regarded as a removable and distributed energy storage device, which discharges to three-phase mains through V2G operation. On the other hand, when natural disasters occur or the grid is unstable, the EV can be a backup power for household appliances via the V2H operation.
In addition, the LLC resonant converter is designed and directly connected to the EV battery to establish a low-voltage DC-bus, which can supply power to the EV auxiliary load.
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Basics of SRM 5
2.2.1 Structure 5
2.2.2 Governing Equations 6
2.2.3 SRM Converters 8
2.2.4 Motor and Generator Operations of Switched Reluctance
Machine 9
2.3 Electric Vehicle 11
2.3.1 Classification 11
2.3.2 Propulsion System 11
2.3.3 EV Charger 14
2.3.4 Some Existing Integrated Chargers 17
2.3.5 Grid-connected Operation 18
2.3.6 EV Auxiliary System 19
2.4 The Developed EV SRM Drive 19
2.4.1 Driving Mode 20
2.4.2 Three-phase Three-wire Operation 20
2.4.3 Single-phase Three-wire Operation 20
3.1 Introduction 22
3.2 System Configuration 22
3.3 Control Scheme 23
3.3.1 Dynamic Commutation Tuning (DCT) Scheme 25
3.3.2 Current Control Scheme 25
3.3.3 Speed Control Scheme 27
3.3.4 Measured Results of SRM Drive 29
3.4 Design of H-bridge Bidirectional DC-DC Converter 35
3.4.1 System Configuration 35
3.4.2 Current and Voltage Controller 37
3.4.3 Measured Results of Bidirectional DC-DC Converter 39
3.5 Performance Evaluation of the EV SRM drive 41
4.1 Introduction 46
4.2 Isolated CLLC Converter for G2V/V2G Operations 46
4.2.1 Power Circuit 46
4.2.2 Control Schemes 50
4.2.3 Measured Results 51
4.3 Isolated LLC Converter On-board Powering 54
4.3.1 Power Circuit 54
4.3.2 Control scheme 56
4.3.3 Measured Results 56
5.1 Introduction 59
5.2 System Configuration 59
5.3 Three-phase Three-wire Grid-connected G2V/V2G Operations
5.3.1 Power Circuit 60
5.3.2 Control Scheme 60
5.3.3 Measured Results of Three-phase Three-wire System
5.4 Single-phase Three-wire V2H/G2V Operations 69
5.4.1 Power Circuit 69
5.4.2 Control Scheme of V2H operation 70
5.4.3 Measured Results of V2H Operation 74
5.4.4 Control Scheme of G2V Operation 76
5.4.5 Measured Results of G2V Operation 78
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