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作者(外文):Chao, Hui-Ying
論文名稱(中文):跟上集體的步伐?! ——中國頂尖大學的菁英生產
論文名稱(外文):Keeping up with the collective: The production of elite subjectivity in China’s top universities
指導教授(外文):Ku, Ming-Chun
外文關鍵詞:Chinese University StudentsElite ResearchSubject PositionAutobiography Interview
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  • 點閱點閱:2992
  • 評分評分:*****
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University is the transition from school into society, and youth is the transition to adulthood. In the liminal state, the university life has the most complex meaning system and uncertain state of self. But as a part of socialization, the university must also set standards to outline a clear picture of excellence and success, to serve the needs of the market or the country. So the self-making in the university is also bound to negotiate with the social imaginary template created by the dominant social forces. My concern is what kind of elites are emerging in China's education field? How is eliteness defined in the process of self-selection and life course of different people? What does education mean as a springboard for class transformation?
I used my own college experience as a field and conducted in-depth autobiographical interviews with 13 students from different disciplines, and distinguished four different subject positions through different self-selection and institutional trajectories. The management elite are the winners of the school, but they are not satisfied with the selection logic of the school, and committed to do more extra things to continuously quantify their abilities, to align with the market requirements, and to prove their market value. The cadres are the group of people who are closest to the requirements of the state. In Chinese universities, there is already an institutional capital conversion track that connects with the state system, so they are often considered the most step-by-step group of people. They only need to follow the collective trajectory, and become the state cadres naturally. The intellectuals are the embodiment of the autonomy of the university, they play the role of guarding the ivory tower against market and state intervention. In the special cultural atmosphere of Chinese universities, they have also developed a literary intellectual habitus. The atypical elite students are those who cannot fit themselves into any institutionalized trajectory, who refuse to be the elite, or who want to present a different image of the elite. They seek to find the possibilities of being an ordinary person through the collective resistance of the community, associating across the establishment, or by keeping distance from authority. These four subject positions are drawn and competed with each other, and express the different competing forces between the market, the state and the university. The final image presenting in the subjectivity is a peculiar assemblage between the neoliberalism, the reinvention of tradition and the socialism heritage. In the process of socialization into a qualified elite, it also reveals how the role of class, the domination of structure, the collision of individual and collective works, and the rethinking of Chinese elitism.

致謝 i
摘要 iv
Abstract v
表目錄 x
圖目錄 x
第一章 導論:頂尖大學與中國的菁英圖像 1
一、前言與問題意識 1
二、田野介紹 3
三、研究設計 8
四、文獻綜述 12
(一)何為大學 12
1、大學的理念 12
2、中國大學的發展 13
3、大學與社會再生產 20
4、大學與青春的「雙重過渡」 22
(二)何為菁英 25
1、中國「菁英」 25
2、學校裡的「菁英研究」 26
(三)菁英主體 30
1、把主體帶回來 30
2、主體位置 34
五、分析框架與章節安排 35
第二章 全面「內卷」:管理菁英的崛起 38
一、在經濟發展的光環下:狀元與經管 38
二、神聖化的商學院與大學的project 40
三、進入資本的圈子:商科生的菁英之路 44
1、在大學之上:高禮研究院 45
2、玩到一起:P&G Elite Club 48
四、在內卷中實現「自由」:商科生的意義系統 52
1、面對市場:不斷內卷的量化人生 52
2、回歸期望與無法克服的命運 55
3、我的全部努力,不過完成了普通的生活 57
4、躺著的人 58
第三章 第二黨校:在新時代成為「幹部」 61
一、引言:學而優則仕 61
二、校園內的幹部培養 64
1、學生工作 65
2、入黨 66
3、社會實踐與下鄉調研 68
4、參與「重大活動」 69
三、「考公是宇宙的盡頭」 70
1、按部就班與考試的路徑依賴 71
2、追趕集體的步伐 75
3、從政與「做官」的想像 78
4、邊緣的政治 79
四、結語 80
第四章 打撈大學的理想:知識人的自我教育 82
一、校園裡永遠的80年代 83
1、不是向前,而是向上 84
2、活出一種「80年代」的生活 86
二、「學術人」的精神氣質 89
1、好學生的標準 89
2、學術的兩種意義 91
三、師門與學術網絡 93
1、師門的風格 93
2、被卡死的博士名額 95
四、讀書的料 96
1、creative的煩惱 96
2、階級的support 98
五、結語:當學術面對日常生活 99
第五章 從菁英到普通人:非典型名校生的主體想像 103
一、大學想像與主體想像 103
二、大學精神與馬派青年的主體想像 104
1、尋找「大學」 104
2、成為左翼青年 106
3、走出「大學」:知識、命運與未來 110
四、大學是一種幻覺:成為跨越建制的自由人 113
1、封閉系統與失敗社會化 113
2、邊緣化主流 115
3、大學並不存在 116
五、成為普通人 118
六、結語 121
第六章 結論:無法成為菁英的我們 124
一、菁英性與主體位置間的畫界 124
二、進一步的討論 131
1、階級的想像 131
2、自我與集體 134
3、關於「菁英」的迷思 137
三、預期貢獻 139
四、反思與未竟之處 141
參考文獻 143
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