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作者(外文):Mo, Qiao-Ting
論文名稱(外文):The Syntax-Pragmatics Interface: A Case Study of daodi in Mandarin Chinese
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Wei-Tien Dylan
口試委員(外文):Yang, Chung-Yu
Hsieh, I-Ta
外文關鍵詞:Mandarin Chinesedaodiwh-the-hellSyntaxPragmatics
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長年以來關於現代漢語副詞「到底」的語法研究受到學界一定的關注,相關的研究成果十分豐碩。過去的研究多認為「到底」為疑問詞原位,將「到底」與英文中的wh-the-hell或on earth歸為一類,對於脫離疑問詞的「到底」並未有許多深入探討。因此本文主要探討脫離疑問詞的「到底」與疑問詞原位的「到底」在語法─語用介面上,透過語料的分析,找出分辨兩者異同的方法。在語料的分析上,疑問詞的「到底」及脫離疑問詞的「到底」皆又能從中個別細分出兩種不同的語法表現,在語法的位置上,疑問詞的「到底」又稍微高於脫離疑問詞的「到底」,而它們在語用上通常需搭配適當的語境或語氣。
此外,本文也討論了現代漢語副詞中與「到底」相似的其他幾個副詞:終究、畢竟、究竟與根本,分別就語法及語用層面將它們進行整理,並根據整理的表格,找出與「到底」的近似處。另外,本文亦討論了after all、wh-on-earth及wh-the-hell的語法及語用特徵,並比較三者的差異。
The adverb daodi in Mandarin Chinese has long been discussed. In the past, most researches considered daodi as a wh-in-situ word and classified daodi as the same as wh-the-hell or on earth in English. Therefore, this thesis mainly discusses the differences and similarities between the daodi as an interrogative word and the daodi as a non-wh-question in the syntax-pragmatic interface. Moreover, we try to analyze the data and find a way to distinguish these two types. In the data analysis, the daodi as an interrogative word and the daodi as a non-wh-question can be individually subdivided into two different syntactic terms. Regarding syntax position, the daodi as an interrogative word is slightly higher. In order to properly categorize the two different daodi, an appropriate context or tone in pragmatics were provided.
In addition, this thesis also discusses several other adverbs in Mandarin Chinese that are similar to daodi: zhongjiu, bijing, jiujing, and genben. They are analyzed from the syntactic and pragmatic aspects, respectively. According to the sorted table, we found that they were in approximation of daodi. In addition, after all, wh-on-earth, and wh-the-hell were also discussed, and their syntactic and pragmatic features are tabulated.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2.1. Modal Adverb and Exclamative in Mandarin Chinese 4
2.2. Adverb daodi in Mandarin Chinese 5
2.3. Cartographic Approach 10
2.4. Polarity Item 12
2.5. Discourse Linking 14
Chapter 3 Adverb daodi in Mandarin Chinese 16
3.1 Polarity Item of daodi 16
3.2 Discourse Linking of daodi 20
3.3 Analysis of daodi1a 21
3.4 Analysis of daodi1b 25
3.5 Interim Summary 28
Chapter 4 Comparison: Zhongjiu, bijing, jiujing, genben, and daodi in Mandarin Chinese 31
4.1 Zhongjiu in Mandarin Chinese 31
4.1.1 The meaning of zhongjiu 31
4.1.2 Syntactic structure 32
4.1.3 Pragmatics 36
4.2 Bijing in Mandarin Chinese 38
4.2.1 The meaning of bijing 39
4.2.2 The syntactic structure and the pragmatics of bijing 41
4.3 Jiujing in Mandarin Chinese 44
4.3.1 The meaning of jiujing 44
4.3.2 Syntactic structure 45
4.3.3 Pragmatics 46
4.4 Genben in Mandarin Chinese 48
4.4.1 Meanings of genben 49
4.4.2 Syntactic structure 51
4.4.3 Pragmatics 52
4.5 Comparison: The Differences Between with daodi 54
Chapter 5 Comparison: After all, on earth, wh-the hell in English, and daodi in Mandarin Chinese 58
5.1 After all in English 58
5.1.1 Meanings 58
5.1.2 Syntactic structure 59
5.1.3 Pragmatics 59
5.2 Wh-on-earth in English 60
5.2.1 Syntactic structure 60
5.2.2 Pragmatics 61
5.3 Wh-the-hell in English 62
5.3.1 Syntactic structure 62
5.3.2 Pragmatics 63
5.4 Comparison: The Differences between daodi 64
Chapter 6 Conclusion 67
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