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論文名稱(中文):胸部 X-RAY肺部腫瘤之自動化與智能化檢測
論文名稱(外文):Automated and Intelligent Inspection of Lung Tumor in Chest X-RAY images
指導教授(外文):Song, Whey-Ming
Liu, Fuh-Hwa
外文關鍵詞:Lung tumorchest X-rayartificial intelligenceautomated and intelligent detectionimage recognitionclassification model
  • 推薦推薦:1
  • 點閱點閱:468
  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究的合作之醫院為位於台中的童綜合醫院。使用院方提供之胸部X-RAY 資料集與童綜合醫院院方資料Label,並利用人工智慧方法中影像辨識偵測的邏輯,選用InceptionResNetV2、InceptionV3、VGG、ResNet(18.50)、MobileNetV2,透過遷移學習修改ANN層,比較各個大中小規模的模型績效,與驗證是否績效與模型規模成正比,最後將最佳的模型,經過實驗設計找出最佳的參數組合,提出最適合胸部X-RAY影像分類有無肺部腫瘤之最佳方法,協助醫生藉以發現是否胸腔X-RAY 影像中有無肺部腫瘤。

Malignant tumors (cancer) are the top ten causes of death in Taiwan, and lung cancer is also the top cause of cancer. Lung cancer is a malignant tumor of the lung, as the name implies, an abnormal mass that occurs in the lungs. The abnormal mass is caused by abnormal degeneration of cells located in the lung.
The degenerated lung cells continue to proliferate abnormally and divide to form special masses called "tumors."

Nearly 500 chest X-RAY images need to be seen in one day. To determine whether there are lung tumors, the interpretation must be based on the doctor's own experience, and the process requires a lot of manpower and mental energy.

The cooperative hospital in this study is from Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital in Taichung. Use the chest X-RAY dataset provided by the hospital and Label from Tungs' Taichung MetroHarbor Hospital , and use the logic of image recognition and detection in the artificial intelligence method, this study select InceptionResNetV2, InceptionV3, VGG, ResNet(18.50), MobileNetV2, and modify the ANN layer through transfer learning , Compare the performance of various large, medium and small scale models, and verify whether the performance is proportional to the model scale, and finally find the best parameter combination through experimental design for the best model, and propose the most suitable chest X-RAY image classification with or without lung tumor. The best method can help doctors find out whether there are lung tumors in the X-RAY image of the thoracic cavity.

The clear test results of this study: (1) Assist doctors in detecting lung tumors, which can reduce the manual time for doctors to identify tumors and greatly reduce the risk of human errors in interpretation, which will benefit the public. (2) classification model for judging lung tumors .
第3章 研究步驟與過程14
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