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作者(外文):Lin, Han-Syuan
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Factors Influencing the Malfunction of In-Vehicle Telematics System
指導教授(外文):Chang , Kuo-Hao
口試委員(外文):Chang, Chia-Chi
Lin, Yi-Kuei
外文關鍵詞:WarrantySurvival AnalysisKaplan MeierCox regression model (Cox proportional hazard model)
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本根據最終研究結果,生產測試數據值對於產品出貨後之不良風險是有相關的,例如記憶體測試項目數值每單位提升可降低約0.36倍的失效風險,而通訊訊號的傳送接收值,也對於失效風險分別有增加或減少的影響,故就測試面來說,可做為產測工程單位的研究與參考,如是否要調整規格加嚴監控此測試項目。重測過的產品其可能衍生的失效風險是相對高的,增加了約0.85倍。測試良率的提升有助於降低出貨後可能的失效風險機率。而就生產日期而言,季度Q1~Q4的存活曲線也不同,Q3在產品失效的控制是較佳的,存活天數平均為270天,是四個季度之冠。汽車的生產,大約在每年八、九月是旺季,大量的規模性生產有助於生產設備趨於穩定的狀態,在較為受控的生產條件下生產,故品質相對穩定、失效率較低。最後在模型型態來說,M Type表現是優於S Type,實務上M產品單價稍高,故這樣的結果是可合理推斷的。最終的調整及改善作法將在最後建議的篇章詳述。
With the significant development of information technology, people are eager to be in pursuit of considerate experience when driving the car, in the meantime, all of the well-known car makers in automotive industry are dedicated to enhancing the service of telematics system. The complex design leads to possible malfunction after markets, posing negative impact on the reputation of the automotive brand. The promising CPU module is then selected in this thesis with analysis of non-parametric statistic survival method. We then construct the predictive model based on the latent significant explanatory variables.
According to the analytical result, the production testing data contributes to the malfunction possibility after the goods are shipped. For example, the memory testing item indicates an 36% decrease in the expected hazard relative to an increase per unit
in the testing value. The transmission and receipt value of communication signal are also effective on the malfunction possibility. The re-tested product is with 1.85 times higher relative expected hazard, and the increase of yield rate leads to lower risk of the failure happening afterwards. With regard to production date, there is difference in survival curve among quarter 1 to quarter 4. There is longest survival period (days) in
quarter 3 with average 270 days. On the other hand, the M type module performs better than S type. Practically the unit price of M type is higher than S type, therefore, the result is reasonable that the M type is with better quality performance. The proposal to improve the quality performance will be further described in the last chapter.
第一章 緒論...1
1.1 研究背景...1
1.2 研究動機...3
1.3 研究目的...5
1.4 論文架構...7
第二章 文獻回顧探討...10
第三章 研究方法...13
第四章 個案分析...19
4.1 資料收集...19
4.2 變數釋義...19
4.3 敘述統計...21
4.4 模型建構及分析...26
第五章 結論與建議...36

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