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作者(中文):張 翔
作者(外文):Chang, Hsiang
論文名稱(外文):Research on Optimized Writing Path of Various Structures and Development of Computer-Aided Design/Manufacturing in Two-photon Lithography
指導教授(外文):Fu, Chien-Chung
口試委員(外文):Lee, San-Liang
Hsiang, Wei-Wei
Chang, Te-Yi
外文關鍵詞:two-photon lithography technologytwo-photon polymerizationpath planningcontour scanning methodisotropic offset algorithmcomputer-aided design and manufacturing software
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  • 點閱點閱:227
  • 評分評分:*****
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Two-photon lithography is an additive manufacturing technology which combines the laser direct writing technology and the principle of two-photon polymerization. Its characteristics make it possible to achieve a spatial resolution down to 100 nm. In addition, when the technology is implemented in high-precision stages, it is ideal for the manufacturing of arbitrary complex three-dimensional microstructures. On the basis of two-photon lithography, this study explored the writing path of various structures and developed several optimized path planning methods for increasing the manufacturing efficiency, thereby fabricating microstructures with high resolution, high dimensional accuracy, excellent mechanical properties, and low surface roughness. Subsequently, this study integrated these optimized path planning methods into a computer-aided design and manufacturing software to provide the most suitable writing path for particular structural designs and the planning and generation of processing files for users.
The generated types of shapes in the software include the geometric shape library, math equation and load files. The geometric shape library provides various geometric shapes with the optimized writing path, which has the best performance after parameter testing; the math equation method allows to enter any equations to generate structures with smooth surfaces; load files method is used to load and combine DAT files. Moreover, shapes of different generated types can be freely shifted, rotated, aligned and combined to fit into a variety of structural designs. In order to optimize the writing path, this study proposed an isotropic offset algorithm and a math equation method. The isotropic offset algorithm improves the unevenness of the contour thickness and the anisotropic mechanical properties caused by the direction-parallel offset manufacturing, as well as enhances the process stability of the contour scanning method. For the math equation method, instead of the traditional z-slicing manufacturing, the writing path is planned along a continuous surface to create excellent smoothness for the surface of a structure, thus achieving similar three-axis mechanical stress and avoiding anisotropic mechanical properties of a structure.
In the outcomes, nine microstructures to be applied in different fields were fabricated successfully using various geometric shapes and optimized path planning methods of the computer-aided design and manufacturing software. These results show that the research on optimizing the writing path is helpful for process stability and product quality of two-photon lithography.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 12
1.1 前言 12
1.2 文獻回顧 14
1.2.1 雙光子聚合 14
1.2.2 雙光子微影系統發展歷史 19
1.2.3 雙光子微影系統結構加工路徑優化方法 27
1.3 研究動機 33
1.4 論文架構 36
第二章 研究方法 37
2.1 雙光子微影系統架構 37
2.2 壓電式加工與位移平台 38
2.3 人機介面 40
2.4 加工流程 42
2.5 臨界點乾燥機(Critical Point Dryer,CPD) 44
第三章 實驗規劃 45
3.1 電腦輔助設計製造軟體開發 45
3.1.1 基本幾何圖形庫建立 45
3.1.2 等向內偏法 46
3.1.3 數學方程式法 46
3.1.4 各項功能整合 46
3.2 參數資料庫建立 47
3.2.1 基本幾何圖形庫建立 47
3.2.2 等向內偏法 48
3.2.3 數學方程式法 49
3.3 實際應用結構製造 50
第四章 結果與討論 51
4.1 電腦輔助設計製造軟體開發 51
4.1.1 基本幾何圖形庫建立 51
4.1.2 等向內偏法 53
4.1.3 數學方程式法 55
4.1.4 各項功能整合 56
4.2 參數資料庫建立 61
4.2.1 基本幾何圖形庫建立 61
4.2.2 等向內偏法 69
4.2.3 數學方程式法 73
4.3 實際應用結構製造 76
4.3.1 2D結構 76
4.3.2 2.5D結構 78
4.3.3 3D結構 80
第五章 結論與建議 82
參考文獻 84
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