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作者(外文):Wang, Chun-Han
論文名稱(外文):Use Integer Programming Models on Exploring Optimal Resource Allocation and Competitive Strategies
指導教授(外文):Lee, Yu-Ching
口試委員(外文):Fang, Shu-Cherng
Wang, Hsiao-Fan
Sheu, Ruey-Lin
Lin, Miao-Tsong
Chen, Po-An
外文關鍵詞:resource allocationinteger programming;strokeendovascular thrombectomyprehospital transporttransportationfrequency competitiongame theorymixed strategygeneralized Nash equilibrium problemrational generating functions
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:177
  • 評分評分:*****
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Resource allocation is a classical issue in practical applications, commonly described as the allocation of limited resources among competing activities. It has a wide range of applications, and in this thesis, we discuss two allocation problems and formulate them as integer equilibrium programming models. One of the problems we address is the medical resource redistribution problem for stroke patients. Currently, emergency medical technicians decide whether to send a suspected stroke patient to a primary stroke center (PSC) or an endovascular thrombectomy (EVT)-capable hospital based on the Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale. However, if an acute ischemic stroke patient with large vessel occlusion is first sent to a PSC and then needs to be transferred to an EVT-capable hospital, the time to get definitive treatment is significantly increased. To solve this problem, an EVT-resource allocation plan needs to be implemented. We propose an equilibrium programming model for each PSC to decide whether to expand EVT-resource. The other problem we address is the frequency competition among airlines. In the airline market, each company competes on flight frequencies and airport slots to pursue higher profits. We constructed Nash-equilibrium programming models to compute the exact flight frequencies, including a basic model where each airline is a player and an alliance model where each alliance is a player. However, a pure strategy may not exist, so we adopt a mixed strategy instead. Our goal is to obtain the expected total profits for each player and a suggested percentage of code-share flights for each airline in an alliance.

The last part of the thesis focuses on an algorithm for solving the integer-valued generalized Nash equilibrium problem over a polyhedral strategy set. Using some linear programming techniques, we can formulate the set of profiles that each player could deviate as a polyhedron. Adopting the notion of short rational generating functions, we can derive a short generating function of the set including pure Nash equilibria when exist. We can further check the number of integer points in the set in polynomial-time when the profile dimension is fixed. Moreover, if there exists at least one pure Nash equilibrium, we have a polynomial-delay algorithm to enumerate through all Nash equilibria. Three classic games, namely, normal-form game, integer programming game and integer-valued generalized Nash equilibrium on a polyhedron, are implemented to test the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. Testing results confirm that the proposed algorithm indeed find all Nash equilibria of these games. It is also verified that the most time-consuming process of the algorithm is on calculating the generating function of the set which is the entire profile set subtracting the union of each player's deviate set, and the total running time depends on the number of player profile and the profile dimension.
Abstract (Chinese) I
Abstract III
Contents V
List of Figures VIII
List of Tables IX
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Resource allocation problem 2
1.1.1 The medical resource redistribution problem for stroke patients 3
1.1.2 The frequency competition among airlines 7
1.2 Literature review 11
1.2.1 The medical resource redistribution problem for stroke patients 12
1.2.2 The frequency competition among airlines 13
1.2.3 Method for solving generalized Nash equilibrium problems 16
1.3 Thesis outline 18
2 Optimization of the hospital selection strategy and the competition of endovascular thrombectomy resources 19
2.1 Hospital selection strategy for suspected stroke patients with minimization of the expected time-to-receivedefinitive-treatment 22
2.2 Endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) resource competition among
primary stroke centers 23
2.3 Case study 25
2.3.1 Study setting 25
2.3.2 Comparison of sending strategies 26
2.3.3 Redistribution of EVT-resource 27
3 Frequency competition among airlines on coordinated airports
network 29
3.1 Mixed-strategy game 39
3.1.1 Mixed-strategy game formulation in the airline scenario 39
3.2 Mixed-strategy game formulation in the alliance scenario 41
3.3 Empirical analysis 43
3.3.1 Data sources 44
3.3.2 Feasible strategy generation 45
3.3.3 Parameter estimation 49
3.3.4 Mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium 50
3.3.5 Profit comparison under status quo, centralized strategy and
mixed Strategy 52
3.3.6 Passengers comparison under status quo, centralized strategy,
and mixed strategy 54
4 Finding integer-valued generalized Nash equilibrium solutions over
a polyhedron using short rational generating functions 56
4.1 Rational generating functions and integer points in polytope 57
4.2 Nash equilibrium of integer-valued generalized Nash equilibrium
problem on a polyhedron 60
4.2.1 Integer-valued generalized Nash equilibrium problem on a polyhedron with a payoff function being a min-affine function in integer coefficients 60
4.2.2 Normal-form game 64
4.3 Proposed algorithm for solving integer-valued generalized Nash equilibrium problems on a polyhedron with a payoff function being a min-affine function in integer coefficients 66
4.3.1 Algorithm 66
4.3.2 Implementation for three commonly seen games 67
5 Conclusions 73
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