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作者(外文):Chu, Po-Hsien
論文名稱(外文):UNISON Framework for Equipment Maintenance Strategy and An Empirical Study of IC Wire Bonding Equipment Maintenance
指導教授(外文):Chien, Chen-Fu
口試委員(外文):Tseng, Ming-Lang
Wang, Hung-Kai
外文關鍵詞:IC PackagingUNISON FrameworkWire BondingPredictive MaintenanceEnsemble Learning
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  • 點閱點閱:265
  • 評分評分:*****
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銲線封裝製程是將晶粒上的接點以極細小的金屬線連接到導線架上,藉此傳輸電路訊號至外界,將晶片與電子系統間連接,為半導體封裝的核心製程,若無法有效控管其生產品質,易造成晶片的損壞。在複雜的晶片設計中,銲線數量可多達數百根,因此銲線封裝通常為封裝製程中最為耗時之站點,多會部屬多部平行機台來縮短生產週期。然而銲線製程的複雜產品組合使機台多處於少量多樣的生產模式,亦增加了機台設備在管理上的難度,加上現行銲線機台的維護保養流程牽涉硬體調教,非常耗時,是機台維護單位的一大負擔。因此,本研究針對銲線製程,利用紫式決策架構提出一設備維護管理預測保養策略。首先以累積和管制圖(Cumulative Sum Control Chart)進行資料預處理,篩除發生偏移之產品資料,接著以指數加權移動平均(Exponential Weighted Moving Average)建立機台之健康指標,並依據機台健康指標和機台輸出值建立集成模型,提出機台設備預測保養架構。透過本架構,產線工程師得以在機台狀況可能發生異常時,即時透過預測模型獲得機台調整建議值,校正異常機台,機台健康指標亦可協助公司更加掌握各平行機台之生產狀態,達到降低產品變異、提升品質以及降低維護人力成本之目標。
The wire bonding packaging process is the core process of IC packaging. If the quality of wire bonding cannot be controlled effectively, it could easily cause damage to the chips. The number of bonding wires can be as many as hundreds in a complex chip designt. Therefore, wire bonding is usually the most time-consuming process in IC packaging, and multiple parallel machines are often deployed to shorten the production cycle. However, the complex product mix of the wire bonding process makes the machines mostly in a high-mix low-volume production mode, and also increases the difficulty to manage the machine. The current wire bonding machine maintenance process involves hardware adjustments, which is very time-consuming and also caused a great burden for the machine maintenance department. Therefore, this research proposes a predictive maintenance strategy based on UNISON framework for the wire bonding process. First, we use the Cumulative Sum Control Chart to preprocess the data and filter out the product data that has shifted. Then use Exponential Weighted Moving Average to establish the machine's health index, and build an ensemble model based on the health index and current factor. Through this framework, engineers can obtain machine adjustment recommendations through predictive models in real-time when abnormal machine conditions are likely to occur. Health index could also help the company better understand the production status of parallel machines and to achieve the goal of reducing product variation, improve product quality, and reducing maintenance labor costs.
摘要 ------------------------------iii
表目錄 ----------------------------iii
第一章 緒論---------------------------1
1.1 研究背景、動機與重要性--------------1
1.2 研究目的--------------------------3
1.3 論文結構--------------------------3
第二章 文獻回顧------------------------4
2.1 封測產業與銲線製程------------------4
2.1.1 銲線封裝製程---------------------4
2.1.2 銲線製程品質量測-推球測試---------6
2.2 機台維護保養策略--------------------7
2.3 集成學習--------------------------9
第三章 研究架構-----------------------11
3.1 了解與定義問題--------------------12
3.2 界定利基-------------------------13
3.3 建構影響關係----------------------13
3.3.1 資料收集-----------------------13
3.3.2 資料預處理----------------------14
3.3.3 機台健康指標--------------------16
3.3.4 建構預測模型--------------------17
3.4 客觀敘述結果----------------------18
3.5 綜合判斷與權衡---------------------18
3.6 最適決策與執行---------------------19
第四章 實證研究------------------------20
4.1 了解與定義問題---------------------21
4.2 界定利基--------------------------21
4.3 建構影響關係-----------------------22
4.3.1 資料收集------------------------22
4.3.2 資料預處理-----------------------24
4.3.3 建利機台健康指標------------------27
4.4 客觀敘述結果-----------------------28
4.5 綜合判斷與權衡----------------------31
4.6 最適決策與執行----------------------32
第五章 結論----------------------------33
5.1 研究貢獻和限制----------------------33
5.2 未來研究方向------------------------34
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