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論文名稱(中文):群組化學習與介面設計對程序操作的影響: 以飛行儀表為例
論文名稱(外文):Effects of chunking learning and interface design on a procedure operation: an example of flight instruments
指導教授(外文):LEE, YUN-JU
口試委員(外文):CHU, CHIH-HSING
外文關鍵詞:chunkingmental workloadoperation performancesearch efficiency
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  • 評分評分:*****
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When it comes to flight accidents causes, the human factors and avionics dominate the most. Hence, recent aviation studies focused on flight training and interface design through mental workload and flight performance. It was found that using chunking learning on recognizing icons could reduce mental workload and enhance better performance. Additionally, recent studies explored learning curve only on different flight interfaces, the difference of learning approach under learning curve hadn’t been figured out yet. Therefore, this research would evaluate the impact of chunking learning on learning curve, learning performance and mental load, and operate two different interfaces afterwards to understand the differences in different interface designs.
There were 30 subjects enrolled in this study, and they were divided into 2 learning groups. Subjects should have neither nearsighted nor flight experience. Before the experiment started, subjects were required to take visuospatial working memory test. The formal experiment separated into 3 phases, the first phase was instrument learning. The chunking group learned the 28 instruments through chunking instruments while the control group learned the instruments in random order. In the second phase practicing phase. The chunking group clicked the instruments through chunking order. For the control group, they click the instruments from the top to the down of the interface. Subsequently, all the subjects clicked the instruments according to audio instructions. Subjects would practice this step for 15 times. After finished 1st, 5th, 10th ,15th of the practices, subjects were asked to fill in the mental workload questionnaire. In the third phase, B interface (optimized interface) and C interface (interface with longer scanning path) were applied as testing interfaces. The step in the third phase was same as the second phase. However, instead of practicing 15 times, subjects only need to do once on each interface in the third phase. Eye tracker would record subject’s visual search during the experiment. The software would also record the subject’s performance.
The research of this study found out that there was no difference in visual spatial working memory between two groups. Learning rate between two group didn’t show significantly different. In the second phase of first practice, the chunking group showed better performance than control group. Additionally, visual searching in chunking group appeared to be more efficiency than control group in the following practice. On the other hand, there’s no difference in mental workload between groups during the whole practice. In the third phase, subjective score for B interface showed lower mental workload than C interface. On top of that, B interface had better performance than C interface. The error times shows no different between two groups. From the research result we can find that chunking learning motivated better learning performance and visual search efficiency. In addition to the first time of practice, the chunking group showed better visual search efficiency than control group in the following practice. In terms of interface design, the optimized interface had lower mental workload, more efficient visual search and better performance. Under the interaction of learning approach and interface design, the optimized interface brought better performance than others. To reflect more closely to actual flight situation, it’s recommended to increase experimental fidelity in the future research. Additionally, future experiments also needed to explore different kinds of interface manipulation under chunking learning.
摘要 II
Abstract IV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究範圍與目的 2
1.3研究架構與流程 3
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 機艙儀表板演變 5
2.1.1 組件設計原則 8
2.1.2 介面設計評估指標 8
2.2學習理論 10
2.2.1 知識習得 10
2.2.2 群組化學習 10
2.2.2 學習曲線 11
2.3 認知負荷 12
2.3.1 主觀問卷評估認知負荷 14
2.4 眼動行為 15
2.4.1 眼睛構造 15
2.4.2 眼睛動作 16
2.4.3 眼動儀分析方式 18
2.5 小結 19
第三章 研究方法 20
3.1 問題定義與描述 20
3.2 實驗參與者 20
3.2.1 招募方式 20
3.2.2 研究對象 20
3.3 實驗設備與環境 21
3.3.1 眼動儀 21
3.3.2 實驗材料 21
3.3.3實驗環境 24
3.4實驗設計 25
3.4.1 測前階段 25
3.4.2 知識階段 26
3.4.3 學習與測試階段 27
3.5 數據分析 27
3.6 統計方法 28

第四章 結果 30
4.1 視覺空間工作記憶 30
4.2 學習效果 31
4.2.1 學習率 31
4.2.2 反應時間 32
4.2.3 錯誤次數 34
4.2.4 心智負荷 36
4.2.5 凝視次數 40
4.2.6 平均凝視期間 42
4.2.7 凝視範圍 44
4.2.8 掃視次數 46
4.3 介面操作表現 48
4.3.1 反應時間 48
4.3.2 錯誤次數 50
4.3.3 心智負荷 51
4.3.4 眼動行為之凝視次數 53
4.3.5 眼動行為之平均凝視期間 54
4.3.6 眼動行為之凝視範圍 56
4.3.7 眼動行為之掃視次數 57
4.4 小結 59
第五章 討論 61
5.1 學習效果 61
5.1.1 學習率 61
5.1.2 學習次數的影響 61
5.2學習方式對於介面操作之影響 62
5.2.1 學習方式對於初次練習表現的差異 62
5.2.2 學習方式對於後續練習表現的差異 64
5.3 學習方式對於介面設計之影響 64
5.3.1 不同介面操作差異 64
5.3.2 不同學習方式操作介面差異 66
5.4 心智負荷 67
5.5 研究限制 68
第六章 結論 69
參考資料 70
附錄A-儀表步驟操作 75
附錄B-任務負荷主觀量表(NASA-TLX) 78

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