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論文名稱(外文):Investigation of consumer’s expectation disconfirmation between pre‐purchase and post‐purchase evaluation caused by the change of sensory dominance: The tumbler as an example
指導教授(外文):Lu, Jun-Ming
口試委員(外文):Tseng, Yuan-Chi
Wei, Chun-Chun
外文關鍵詞:kansei evaluationsensory importanceoverall satisfactionpurchase intention
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  • 評分評分:*****
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In our daily life, expectation disconfirmation due to the discrepancy between pre-purchase and post purchase evaluation occurs commonly. In order to explore the reasons behind as well as finding a suitable solution, it was hypothesized that the change of sensory dominance between experiences during purchase and real use might lead to expectation disconfirmation. If the experience scenario during purchase can be better designed to ensure that the sensory dominance is consistent with the real use, there is a chance to avoid expectation disconfirmation.
In this study, the tumbler was chosen as the target product since the user’s interaction with it involves vision, hearing, sense of touch, smell. The first step is to investigate the daily use behavior of 7 tumbler users to design a new user-product interaction doing purchase which is close to real use. In order to identify sensory dominance in user-product interaction during purchase and real use, a questionnaire of sensory importance was designed to investigate the relative importance of the sensory modalities and hence quantify the priority of sensory modalities. In addition, to confirm whether there is expectation disconfirmation, semantic differential scales commonly used in kansei engineering was used to compare the difference in satisfaction between user-product interaction during purchase and real use. The scales include 30 pairs of bipolar adjectives describing the experience of tumbler, along with two pairs of bipolar adjectives representing purchase intention and overall sastisfaction. 29 participants with the experience of tumbler were recruited to participate in the experiment. Each participant was asked to experience the traditional user-product interaction during purchase first. After at least three weeks he/she returned to experience the new user-product interaction during purchase. After finishing two kinds of user-product interaction during purchase, the participant took the tumbler home to use it for four weeks. During the period, participants were required to turn in the response of questionnaires at the end of each week. After finishing 4-week real use, the participant returned to have an final interview.
One-way ANOVA and Tukey's test for post-hoc analysis was conducted to find out the dominant sense. If the dominant sense in any scenario of user-product interaction during purchase is different from that of real use, there is a difference in sensory dominance in between. Moreover, the paired-t test was conducted to analyze the difference of satisfaction between user-product interaction during purchase and real use. If there is a significant difference, expectation disconfirmation exists. The result showed that the dominant sense has changed from traditional user-product interaction during purchase to real use, but it did not lead to expectation disconfirmation. Besides, the dominant sense hasn’t changed from improved user-product interaction during purchase to real use, but there was no expectation disconfirmation as well. This shows that it is not yet ready to prove the hypothesis.In other words, there is no sufficient evidence that ensuring consistent sensory dominance in pre-purchase with real use can avoid expectation disconfirmation. Nevertheless, the analysis results of interviews somehow supports the need for doing so. Most participants (93%) were aware of the changes in sensory dominance after real use, and the sensory modalities that were considered less important during purchase also became more important over time. Also, participants who were aware of the changes in sensory dominance after real use also noticed the existence of expectation disconfirmation. From the perspective of satisfaction, those who were aware of expectation disconfirmation had a significantly lower level of satisfaction than those who did not notice the expectation disconfirmation.
In addition, the feelings that affects satisfaction and purchase intention were also identified by the experiment. There are 7 pairs of bipolar adjectives representing the main sensory image of a tumbler. While using the tumbler, if there is a stronger feeling toward "easy to carry", "small", "easy to operate", "light-weight", "comfortable", "not scalding", "easy to handle", a higher level of satisfaction and purchase intention would be expected. Thus, these feelings were futher connected with corresponding user-product interaction during purchase to provide suggestions for companies. According to the individual differences of consumers, such as gender and experience of use, the user-product interactive can be customized. In brief, it’s recommended to give priority to product appearance, weight, the feeling of holding, function design, structure, smelling, the feeling of drinking, and the sound of twisting the lid for general users. As for females, priority should be given to smelling and the feeling of drinking to help emphasize the evaluation of '' with the smell of plastic - without the smell of plastic '' and ''leaking- not leaking''. As for females, priority should be given to appearance and the feeling of drinking to help emphasize the evaluation of '' with the smell of plastic - without the smell of plastic '', "angular - rounded", "masculine - feminine ", and "wide-skinny''. Finally, it’s recommended to give priority to the sound of twisting the lid to help emphasize the evaluation of ''not soundless - soundless'' for tumbler users with the experience of 1~5 years.
摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 V
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 XI
一、緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的與範圍 4
1.3研究架構與流程 5
二、文獻回顧 12
2.1標的產品之挑選與分析 12
2.1.1標的產品:保溫瓶 12
2.1.2保溫瓶設計與市場調查 13
2.2期望失驗理論 15
2.2.1刺激豐富度與刺激強度 16
2.2.2感官主導性 16
2.3感官主導性研究的應用 17
2.3.1感官主導性研究方法與實驗設計 18
2.3.2感官重要性的分析方法 18
2.4產品體驗內容的調查方法 20
2.4.1人物誌(persona) 20
2.4.2使用者旅程圖(user journey map) 21
2.4.3觀察研究法(observation survey) 22
2.5感性工學 22
2.6小結….. 24
三、研究規畫與準備 25
3.1標的產品選定 25
3.2產品選購之互動體驗情境設計 26
3.2.1使用習慣調查 26
3.2.2使用習慣分析結果 29
3.3語意差異量表製作 31
3.3.1形容詞彙收集與內部篩選 32
3.3.2相近詞彙篩選(網路問卷調查) 33
3.3.3重要詞彙篩選(網路問卷調查) 35
3.3.4正式問卷製作 37
3.4形容詞-感官對照表 39
3.5感官重要性問卷 40
3.6小結….. 41
四、驗證實驗 42
4.1研究參與者 42
4.2實驗設計 42
4.2.1傳統的產品選購互動體驗情境 45
4.2.2改善後之產品選購互動體驗情境 46
4.2.3真實使用 50
4.2.4使用後訪談 50
4.3資料分析 51
4.3.1階段一:檢驗產品選購互動體驗情境與真實使用之感官主導性的差異 52
4.3.2階段二:檢驗產品選購情境與真實使用之間是否有期望落差 54
4.3.3階段三:篩選保留關鍵的感性語彙 55
4.3.4階段四:決定改善互動體驗內容之優先性 57
4.4前測結果 60
五、研究結果 61
5.1產品選購互動體驗情境與真實使用之感官主導性差異 61
5.1.1傳統的產品選購互動體驗情境 vs. 真實使用 61
5.1.2改善後產品選購互動體驗情境 vs. 真實使用 62
5.2產品選購情境與真實使用之間的期望落差 64
5.2.1傳統的產品選購互動體驗情境 vs. 真實使用 64
5.2.2改善後產品選購互動體驗情境 vs. 真實使用 65
5.2.3小結 66
5.3影響消費者滿意度與購買意願之感官意象與感官體驗 66
5.3.1篩選保留關鍵的感性語彙 67
5.3.2決定改善互動體驗內容之優先性 74
六、討論 77
6.1感官主導性 77
6.1.1感官重要性排序的策略 77
6.1.2感官主導性造成的影響 82
6.1.3小結 84
6.2期望落差 85
6.2.1影響期望落差的原因 85
6.2.2滿意度、購買意願與消費行為傾向的關係 88
6.2.3小結 91
6.3重要的感官體驗與選購互動體驗設計 91
6.3.1重要的感官體驗 91
6.3.2性別的影響 94
6.3.3使用經驗的影響 97
6.3.4小結 98
6.4互動體驗情境設計建議 99
七、結論 103
7.1主要發現 103
7.2研究貢獻與相關應用 105
7.3研究限制與未來方向 107
參考文獻 109
附錄一、相近詞彙篩選問卷 113
附錄二、重要辭彙篩選問卷 117
附錄三、正式問卷 126
附錄四、國立清華大學研究倫理委員會審查核可說明書 133

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