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作者(外文):Lin, Cheng-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Customer Order Acceptance
指導教授(外文):Hou, Jiang-Liang
外文關鍵詞:order acceptance decisioncompletion time predictionprobability distribution fitting
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  • 評分評分:*****
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When order decision makers are faced with the decision of whether to accept customer orders, they often make decisions based on past experience or rough estimates of production capacity. However, subjective or rough customer order acceptance decisions often cause the order decision makers to misestimate the production capacity, resulting in loss of orders and also profit, or serious delays in orders and additional payment of order delay, even affect corporate goodwill. On the other hand, order decision makers often need consider a lot of supply and demand key information to make acceptance decisions, such as ordering products, ordering quantities, order expected delivery dates, historical production data, quantity of current order,... etc. This decision-making process involves the integration of a lot of supply and demand information, and order decision makers often need time to make a more reasonable order decision. In order to solve the above problems, for new orders that arrive (this research is referred to as "target orders"), this research develops a model of "customer order acceptance analysis" to calculate the completion time and expected profit of target orders, and based on whether it can make the enterprise profitable to determine the acceptance conclusion of the target order, so as to assist the order decision maker in the order acceptance decision.
誌謝辭 I
摘要 II
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章、研究背景 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究步驟 4
1.3研究定位 8
第二章、文獻回顧 10
2.1訂單完工時間預測 10
2.1.1 基於經精簡前處理之數據預測訂單完工時間 10
2.1.2 基於未經精簡前處理之數據預測訂單完工時間 18
2.2訂單允收決策 23
2.2.1 單筆訂單之允收決策 23
2.2.2 多筆訂單之允收決策 30
2.3小結 36
第三章、客戶訂單允收分析模式 38
3.1「前置資料建構」前置階段 42
Step (A1)—取得產品基本資訊、歷史訂單資訊、歷史訂單對應之生產資訊 45
Step (A2)—以機率分佈分析判定各產品之生產時間分佈 47
3.2「客戶訂單允收決策分析」方法論 55
Step (B1)—目標訂單各產品之待生產數量計算與各工作站中待生產產品資訊彙整 58
Step (B2)—目標訂單各產品與當前產線各待生產產品於待生產數量下的生產時間分佈計算 60
Step (B3)—目標訂單各產品完工時間計算 63
Step (B4)—目標訂單之允收結論判定 64
第四章、績效驗證 67
4.1模式驗證方式說明 67
4.2模式驗證結果分析 71
第五章、結論與未來展望 76
5.1論文總結 77
5.2未來發展 79
參考文獻 80
附錄A、模式驗證資料 83

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