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論文名稱(外文):UNISON Framework for Pump Operation for Optimizing Wastewater Treatment and an Empirical Study for Semiconductor Green Production
指導教授(外文):Chien, Chen-Fu
口試委員(外文):Chen, Ying-Jen
Peng, Jin-Tang
外文關鍵詞:smart manufacturinggreen productionHydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) removaldeep learningdirect multi-step ahead predictionpump schedulingsustainabilitycircular economy
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  • 評分評分:*****
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半導體製造是用水密集型產業,晶圓製造中含有多道晶圓清洗步驟,其中會產生大量之廢水。大多數晶圓清洗之用的溶液含過氧化氫 (H2O2),因此從製程排放出廢水含有高濃度的過氧化氫。高濃度的過氧化氫會降低廢水處理系統之整體效率並增加環境污染的風險。目前半導體廠普遍在廢水處理廠預處理步驟以多個幫浦決定過氧化氫酶的投放量,作為過氧化氫去除策略。由於預處理桶槽所含的廢水過於複雜。因此,過氧化氫濃度監測傳感器只能安裝於預處理的後端出口的管路,使得過氧化氫酶劑量的準確和優化設置變得困難。
若過氧化氫酶的投放量過量或不足,會導致不穩定的過氧化氫去除過程和環境問題。因此本研究建構紫式決策分析架構,整合深度學習模型與最佳化數學模型,以節省過氧化氫酶的用量並提升系統的穩定性。本研究架構分爲兩個階段:(1) 建構多步過氧化氫濃度的預測(direct multi-step ahead LSTM-NN),以結合長短期記憶(Long Short-Term Memory, LSTM) 及深度神經網絡(Deep Neural Network)模型預測未來20分鐘後的過氧化氫的濃度;(2)建構最佳化過氧化氫酶幫浦調度之優化模型。本研究以台灣某半導體製程廢水處理廠進行實證並檢驗模型效度。 結果顯示,本研究架構可以節省68.89%之過氧化氫酶消耗,同時增進半導體綠色生產與永續資源利用。
Semiconductor manufacturing is a water-intensive industry that generates tremendous amounts of wastewater during the wafer cleaning process. Since the majority of the solutions utilize in wafer cleaning process includes hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the effluent discharged from the manufacturing site to the wastewater treatment plant comprises a high concentration of hydrogen peroxide. The high concentration of hydrogen peroxide will reduce the overall effectiveness of wastewater treatment process and raise the risk of environmental pollution. Catalase dosing via multiple pump is widely adopted as hydrogen peroxide removal strategy in pretreatment step of wastewater treatment plant. Due to, the wastewater contains in the pretreatment tank is too complex. Thus the hydrogen peroxide concentration monitoring sensor can only be mounted at the back end of the pretreatment pipeline, making the accurate and optimum setup for the catalase dosing difficult. Consequently, the activation of the catalase pump is not optimum, resulting in excess of catalase being utilized, an unstable hydrogen peroxide removal process, and environmental concerns. Focusing on the realistic needs, this study proposes the UNISON framework which incorporates the direct multi-step ahead prediction based on combination of long short-term memory and deep neural network (LSTM-NN) and a decision model for the catalase dosage pump to generate the precise and optimal setting for the catalase pump operation. An empirical investigation was carried out in the leading semiconductor industry. The result demonstrate the framework practical viability by successfully reducing 68.89% of the catalase consumption in the semiconductor wastewater treatment facility to achieve semiconductor green production and sustainable resource utilization.
Table of Contents----------------------------------------------------i
List of Tables-----------------------------------------------------iii
List of Figures-----------------------------------------------------iv
Notation Table-------------------------------------------------------v
Chapter 1 Introduction-----------------------------------------------1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation---------------------------1
1.2 Research Objective-------------------------------------------4
1.3 Thesis Organization------------------------------------------4
Chapter 2 Literature Review------------------------------------------5
2.1 Wastewater Treatment in Semiconductor Industry---------------5
2.2 Multi-step Ahead Forecasting of effluent concentration-------7
2.3 Pump scheduling for wastewater treatment---------------------9
Chapter 3 Research Framework----------------------------------------11
3.1 Understand and Define Problem-------------------------------15
3.2 Identify the Niche for Decision Quality Improvement---------15
3.3 Structure influence relation--------------------------------16
3.3.1 Data Preparation--------------------------------------16
3.3.2 LSTM-NN model for hydrogen peroxide prediction--------16 Making the data temporal----------------------------16 LSTM-NN architecture--------------------------------17
3.4 Sense and describe expecte outcomes-------------------------19
3.5 Overall judgements and value assessments--------------------20
3.5.1 Catalase Pump Optimization----------------------------20
3.6 Trade-off and decision--------------------------------------21
Chapter 4 Research Framework----------------------------------------22
4.1 Understand and Define Problem-------------------------------22
4.2 Identify the Niche for Decision Quality Improvement---------24
4.3 Structure Influence Relation--------------------------------24
4.3.1 Modeling----------------------------------------------24
4.3.2 Research Design---------------------------------------25
4.3.3 Data Preparation for Empirical Study------------------26
4.3.4 LSTM-NN forecasting-----------------------------------27
4.4 Sense and Describe the Outcomes-----------------------------30
4.5 Overall Judgement and Value Assessments---------------------31
4.5.1 Catalase Pump Optimization----------------------------31
4.6 Trade-off and Decision--------------------------------------35
Chapter 5 Conclusion------------------------------------------------37
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