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作者(外文):Jhou, You-Ru
論文名稱(外文):An Integrated Microfluidic Platform for Detection of COVID-19
指導教授(外文):Lee, Gwo-Bin
口試委員(外文):Ma, Hsi-Pin
Shan, Yan-Shen
外文關鍵詞:loop-mediated isothermal amplificationmicrofluidicspoint-of-careSARS-CoV-2COVID-19
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A new integrated microfluidic platform utilizing real-time loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) for detecting three viral genes of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) for coronavirus diseases 2019 (COVID-19) was reported in this study. Three specific genes, including RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp), E, and N genes encoding for the membrane proteins of viruses which are highly expressed in SARS-CoV-2 infected patients, were molecularly diagnosed. A compact integrated microfluidic system combining a microfluidic chip, a microcontroller, a fluidic control module, and a temperature control module was developed for rapid detection of RdRp, E, and N genes in SARS-CoV-2. Experimental results showed that the temperature inside the reaction chamber could be accurately regulated with a variation less than 0.5°C. The entire on-chip process including RNA extraction, reverse transcription and LAMP could be carried out in 90 min. Moreover, the developed system could successfully amplify RdRp, E, and N genes with a limit of detection (LOD) as low as 5x10^3 copies/reaction for each gene by using synthesized RNA, inactive viruses, and RNA extracts from clinical samples. The LOD could be as low as 10^2 copies/reaction for RdRp gene while 10^3 copies/reaction for E and N genes by using complementary DNA. This compact microfluidic platform may serve as a useful tool for SARS-CoV-2 point-of-care applications.
Abstract i
中文摘要 iii
誌謝 iv
Table of contents vi
Nomenclature and abbreviations x
List of tables xiii
List of figures xiv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1-1 Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 1
1-2 Loop-mediated isothermal amplification 2
1-3 Real-time LAMP 3
1-4 Microfluidic systems 4
1-5 Point-of-care (POC) 5
1-6 Motivation and novelty 5
Chapter 2 Materials and Methods 9
2-1 Preparation of magnetic beads and RT-LAMP reagent 9
2-2 Experimental procedure 12
2-3 Microfluidic chip design and fabrication 15
2-4 Real-time RT-LAMP device 20
2-4.1 Optical detection module 20
2-4.2 Pneumatic control module and electromagnetic valve control module 24
2-4.3 Temperature control module 28
2-4.4 Casing of the device 29
2-5 Agarose gel electrophoresis 32
2-6 Real-time RT-LAMP quantification 32
Chapter 3 Results and discussions 36
3-1 Characterization of temperature control module 36
3-2 Characteriztion of the microfluic chip 37
3-3 Specificity tests using sythesized RNA samples 41
3-4 Sensitivity test of LAMP using cDNA samples 42
3-5 Sensitivity tests including RNA extraction and RT-LAMP by using cDNA and synthesized RNA samples 45
3-6 Real-time RT-LAMP tests by using synthesized RNA samples 48
3-7 Sensitivity tests by using inactive virus samples 54
3-7.1 Sensitivity tests including virus lysis, RNA extraction, and RT-LAMP by
using inactive virus samples 54
3-7.2 Real-time RT-LAMP tests by using inactive virus samples 56
3-8 Sensitivity tests by using RNA extract of clinical samples 60
3-8.1 RNA extraction, and RT-LAMP by using RNA extract of clinical samples from 4 different outbreak areas 60
3-8.2-1 Sensitivity tests including RNA extraction, and RT-LAMP by using RNA extract of clinical samples from Taiwan 62
3-8.2-2 Real-time RT-LAMP tests by using RNA extract of clinical samples from Taiwan …………………………………………………………………………..64
3-8.3 Sensitivity tests including RNA extraction, and RT-LAMP by using RNA extract of clinical samples from England 68
Chapter 4 Conclusions and future perspectives 70
4-1 Conclusions 70
4-2 Future perspectives 71
References 73
Publication list..............................................................................................................77
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1. 自驅動微流體技術與微型手持式系統之整合於傳染性疾病分子診斷技術之應用
2. 電磁式整合型微流體平台運用反轉錄恆溫式圈環形核酸增幅法於病毒偵測
3. 核酸適體篩選技術之自動化微流控系統研發及其於 SARS-CoV-2 S1 protein適體之篩選
4. 使用溴化乙錠與恆溫環型核酸增幅法於人類關節液樣本中偵測活菌之整合型微流體系統
5. 整合型微流體晶片系統在分子生物標誌之篩選與應用
6. 使用電磁驅動的陣列微流體平台進行多重 RT-PCR快速診斷SARS-CoV-2和A/B型流感
7. 垂直式與側流式紙基免疫分析試片之開發 —— 以燒燙傷口深度與新冠肺炎檢測為實施例
8. 電雙層場效電晶體生物感測器之SARS-CoV-2 病毒蛋白快篩平台的開發研究
9. 以新型冠狀病毒棘突蛋白受體結合區融合大腸桿菌第二型b型忌熱型腸毒素A次單元開發鼻噴型新冠肺炎黏膜疫苗
10. 醣遮蔽棘蛋白技術開發第三代新冠肺炎疫苗抗原
11. 以去醣化與醣遮蔽棘蛋白抗原開發次世代新冠疫苗
12. 通過系統生物學方法和基於五種藥物設計規範的 DNN-DTI 模型重新定位 COVID-19 相關急性呼吸窘迫綜合徵和非病毒性急性呼吸窘迫綜合徵的多分子藥物療法
13. 利用宿主病原體時間剖析資料及系統生物學方法和基於藥物設計規範的深度神經網路架構的藥物標靶作用模型重新定位用於阻斷SARS-CoV-2感染進程的多分子藥物
14. 以電雙層閘控場效電晶體建立的生物感測平台進行細胞增生及核酸檢測之開發研究
15. 開發一個快速且穩定的感染抑制劑篩選平台以對抗嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎
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