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作者(外文):Chang, Ting-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Convolutional Neural Network Design for Manufacturing Signal and its Application in Tool Condition Monitoring
指導教授(外文):Chang, Jen-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
Lin, Chun-Yeon
外文關鍵詞:Tool Condition MonitoringDeep Neural NetworkConvolutional Neural Network
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:572
  • 評分評分:*****
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This research mainly discusses applying artificial intelligence technology to predict machining tool condition using signals generated during manufacturing. Its purpose is to reduce the cost of inspecting product one by one. Automatically monitoring tool condition by computers can achieve efficient product quality management and improve the overall production efficiency. In this study, a deep one-dimensional convolutional neural network is proposed to predict surface quality. In the designed model, dense residual skip-connections are used to improve the complexity of the model, so as to improve the accuracy of predicted values. Pooling layer is adopted to greatly reduce the amount of parameters used in the model. Also, group convolution method is utilized in the prediction model. On the basis of designed deep 1D-CNN, a self-attention layer is added to simulate human thinking behavior to further increase the accuracy, while maintaining reasonable inference speed. Finally, the accuracy of the model is verified by using open source mechanical datasets. The prediction model proposed in this research not only optimizes the accuracy, but also reduces the parameters that need to be stored and the computation resource that is consumed in the inference stage. In addition, compared with the previous literature, the model proposed in this study can improve the prediction accuracy by 10 percent, without any signal preprocessing algorithm needed.
第一章 緒論............................1
1.1 前言............................1
1.2 研究動機........................2
1.3 文獻回顧........................3
1.3.1 訊號前處理......................4
1.3.2 預測模型建立....................7
1.4 研究目標及方法.................12
1.5 預期結果.......................13
第二章 理論背景.......................14
2.1 前言...........................14
2.2 神經網路模型理.................14
2.2.1 全連接層.......................17
2.2.2 卷積層.........................18
2.2.3 分組卷積.......................19
2.2.4 池化層.........................21
2.2.5 神經元初始化...................22
2.2.6 殘差連接.......................24
2.3 神經網路模型優化理論...........26
2.3.1 損失函數.......................26
2.3.2 反向傳播算法...................29
2.3.3 優化器.........................31
2.4 自注意力機制...................32
2.5 本章總結.......................35
第三章 磨耗預測模型之建立與驗證.......36
3.1 前言...........................36
3.2 卷積神經網路評價指標...........36
3.3 開源機械切削資料集.............38
3.3.1 NASA 資料集....................38
3.3.2 NUAA_Ideahouse 資料集..........41
3.4 卷積神經網路建立實驗...........43
3.4.1 卷積層之深度設計...............44
3.4.2 卷積核大小設計.................50
3.4.3 池化層設計.....................52
3.4.4 殘差連接設計...................53
3.4.5 分組卷積設計...................55
3.5 自注意力機制實驗...............57
3.6 消融實驗與其他方法比較.........60
3.6.1 消融實驗.......................60
3.6.2 其他方法比較...................62
3.7 本章總結.......................65
第四章 結論...........................66
4.1 結論...........................66
4.2 本文貢獻.......................70
4.3 未來展望.......................71

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