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作者(外文):Chen, Shih-Han
論文名稱(外文):Design and Performance Analysis of Hydrostatic Spindle Applied to Belt-driven Grinder
指導教授(外文):Lin, Shih-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:Hydrostatic bearingbelt-driven grinderorifice restrictor
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Hydrostatic bearings had been characterized with low friction, high load capacity, high stiffness, high precision, high damping, and long operation life. These advantages make them extensively used in high precision grinding machining. For belt-driven grinder, the machining accuracy may be affected by belt tension and grinding force. The purpose of this research is to design a hydrostatic spindle to be used in a belt-driven grinder. It is expected that the use of hydrostatic spindle can improve the performance of the machine.
In this study, the fundamental theories for hydrostatic system were reviewed. Based on the Reynolds equation and the finite-difference method, simulation program was developed to evaluate the pressure distribution, load capacity, stiffness, and flow rate of the hydrostatic system. Based on the simulation results and specifications provided, the dimensions of the hydrostatic spindle were determined. It should be noted that, in this study, the orifice restrictors were purposely selected such that the spindle should be located around the center of the bearing when constant belt tension was applied. Finally, all components were machined, and the hydrostatic spindle was assembled. The performance of the hydrostatic spindle was test experimentally. The test results were closed to those had been studied in simulations.
第一章 序論-----------------------------1
第二章 文獻回顧-------------------------5
2.1 液靜壓軸承相關研究-------------------5
2.2 磨床系統相關研究--------------------13
第三章 研究方法-------------------------16
3.1 研究流程---------------------------16
3.2 主軸受力分析-----------------------18
3.3 軸承基本模型及性能分析--------------25
3.4 節流器參數設定---------------------36
第四章 液靜壓主軸之設計與性能分析--------39
4.1 液靜壓軸承設計---------------------39
4.2 液靜壓軸承性能模擬------------------49
4.3 液靜壓主軸系統設計------------------62
第五章 液靜壓系統架設與主軸性能測試------67
5.1 實驗設備簡介-----------------------67
5.2 液靜壓系統架設---------------------73
5.3 液靜壓主軸性能測試------------------79
第六章 結論----------------------------88
6.1 研究成果---------------------------88
6.2 未來展望---------------------------90
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