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作者(外文):Wang, Wei-Zhih
論文名稱(外文):Design and Analysis of Spoke-Type Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
指導教授(外文):Wang, Pei-Jen
口試委員(外文):Mao, Shang-Hsun
Liao, Tsung-Ming
外文關鍵詞:Optimization AnalysisFormula ESpoke-Type Traction Motor
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  • 評分評分:*****
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隨著全球暖化意識高漲及綠能產業需求,尋找替代石化燃油引擎之方案勢在必行,油電混合動力、插電式混合動力及純電動力車輛逐一成為解決方案。於2010年,許多內燃機車廠已推出量產之電動車,以驅動電機取代傳統燃油引擎做為車廠核心技術,而內置式永磁電機(Interior Permanent Magnet Machine)以功率、效率及高可靠度特性成為現今之驅動馬達首選,隨著追求性能趨勢,一般型電動車無法完全滿足市場需求,從電動方程式(Formula E)賽車崛起,更於2020年日內瓦線上車展亮點,顯然高性能電動跑車已成為最新研發之趨勢,故高功率密度之驅動電機設計成為新的研究重心。
本論文針對輻條式永磁同步電機進行探討,對於內置式永磁驅動馬達,轉子上的永磁置放位置及方法是影響電機性能的關鍵核心,習知商用電動車均以徑向排列搭配角度為設計主軸,但輻條狀排列可增加氣隙磁密暨增加輸出轉矩,成為次世代高性能驅動馬達之設計方向。本論文從基本電機設計公式進行理論探討,選取商用範例規格為設計範例,找出關鍵設計參數,定採用美商公司ANSYS軟體建立馬達模型,進行電腦輔助之靜磁場與暫態磁場分析計算出馬達動態性能,建立輻條式永磁同步馬達之設計流程,先由應力分析得出設計參數邊界值,再配合ANSYS Optislang®優化軟體進行參數優化過程,由靈敏度分析建立參數響應曲面,選擇重要設計參數進行最終優化設計,以功率密度為指標進行優化,根據分析案例結果歸納出設計經驗公式,提供高功率密度輻條型驅動電機之設計參考用途。
With the rising awareness of global warming and the demand from the green energy industry, it is imperative to seek for alternatives to replace petrochemical fuel engines. Hence, hybrid, plug-in hybrid and battery electric vehicles have gradually become available in the market. In 2010, many IC engine car manufacturers have been mass-produced electric vehicles. The use of electric motors in replacing conventional IC engines has been the core technology of the car manufacturers; therefore, the interior permanent magnet motor has been so popular due to its high power, efficiency and high reliability. The debut of Formula E and highlights in the 2020 Geneva Motor Show indicated performance EV is still in demand. It is obviously that high-performance sports EVs have become the latest R/D topics and initiated the study of high-power density driving motors.
This thesis studies the spoke-type PMSM with permanent magnet embedded in the rotor to enhance the performance of the motor. Contrast to conventional design with a radial arrangement of PM, the spoke-type design increases the air gap flux density and output torque. First, the basic design formula is applied to design examples given by specifications for key design parameters identification. Commercial software is adopted for geometric model and magnetostatic and transient magnetic field simulations. After design parameter boundaries are determined via stress analysis, ANSYS Optislang® is used for conducting design parameters optimization. The power density is chosen for the principal index plus the empirical formulae blended in the designs process, the high power density spoke-type traction motor is finalized.
It is ultimate to illustrate the process in optimization such that the optimal design cases of the spoke-type IPM motor can be concluded for future references in the high-power density driving motors for electric vehicles.
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 V
表目錄 X
符號文字對照表 XII
第一章 序論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究目的 3
1-3 文獻回顧 4
1-3-1 槽極數搭配 5
1-3-2 分數槽集中繞阻 7
1-3-3 高轉矩密度應用 8
第二章 基礎理論介紹 20
2-1 前言 20
2-2 基礎電磁學理論 20
2-3 永磁電機磁性材料 22
2-3-1 電磁鋼片 23
2-3-2 永久磁石 24
2-4 電機設計理論 25
2-4-1 伊森法則(Essen’s Rule) 28
2-4-2 卡特係數(Carter’s Coefficient) 30
第三章 模型建模與初步設計 37
3-1 前言 37
3-2 範例規格 37
3-3 馬達設計及分析 40
3-3-1 靜磁場磁路分析 40
3-3-2 暫態磁場分析及驗證 42
3-4 電機控制 44
3-4-1 控制法則 45
3-4-2 弱磁控制 45
第四章 設計分析最佳化 64
4-1 前言 64
4-2 優化模型與方法 64
4-3 優化目標與電磁驗證 67
4-4 優化設計 70
第五章 結論與未來工作 83
5-1 結論 83
5-2 未來研究方向與發展 85
參考文獻 86
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