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作者(外文):Chi, Cheng-Yun
論文名稱(外文):Orchid Quality Grading and Disease Recognition System using Convolution Neural Network
指導教授(外文):Chen, Rong-Shun
口試委員(外文):Chen, Tsung-Lin
Bai, Ming-Sian
外文關鍵詞:Orchid Seedling DiseaseOrchid Quality GradingDeep LearningImage RecognitionImage ClassificationObject Detection
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本研究致力於蘭花苗株病害辨識與蘭花品質分級辨識系統之開發。全程研究共分成兩個階段,第一階段為蘭花苗株病害辨識,首先從合作之蘭花公司種植園區蒐集實際拍攝蝴蝶蘭苗株影像,並且依據蝴蝶蘭苗株不同病癥種類之影像分類建檔,建立蘭花苗株影像資料庫。本研究使用ResNet 50與Inception v3兩種圖像分類演算法,將建檔完成後的資料庫進行卷積神經網路之深度學習訓練,利用訓練完成後之影像辨識模式批次辨識蘭花苗株之病蟲害種類。再利用物件偵測演算法(YOLOv4)訓練已經標註的影像資料,因此,能夠於檢測時辨識蘭花苗株影像之病變特徵。本研究第二階段為蘭花品質分級,研究方法與第一階段視覺辨識類似,同樣利用深度學習與影像辨識的方法,辨識蘭花開花株的花色、瑕疵、花苞等項目,以利將來合作廠商所訂出的蘭花分級規則,研發蘭花開花株等級的智慧化、自動化分級系統。本研究系統不僅提供蝴蝶蘭業者在苗株育種階段,針對病蟲害進行篩檢,也可以在蘭花開花株銷售前之自動化分級,節省人力並提高辨識能力。
This research is aimed to the development of seedling disease recognition and quality grading systems for orchid. In the first part, the images of orchid seedlings in the plantation area of the cooperating orchid company are collected, and the dataset of orchid seedling images, based on the classification of the seedlings for different disease types, is established. Two Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures, ResNet 50 and Inception v3, are utilized to perform deep learning training through the collected images from the dataset. As a result, the trained model from both ResNet 50 and Inception v3 can recognize the types of diseases and insect pests of orchid seedlings in batches. In addition, the object detection algorithm, YOLO v4, is used to train the labeled image data to extract the pathological characteristics of orchid seedling images during detection. The study of the second part is to develop an intelligent and automated system for orchid quality grading. Similar to the first part, the methods of artificial intelligence, deep learning, and image recognition is also employed to recognize the color and of defect flowers, and the numbers of flowers and buds. Therefore, the developed system can not only provide the recognition of orchid diseases and insect pests, but also can quickly identify the color and defect of flowers by deep learning.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機及目標 2
1.3 文獻回顧 3
1.3.1 智慧農業之影像應用相關研究 3
1.3.2 卷積神經網路相關論文 13
1.3.3 YOLO系列 17
1.4 本文架構 21
第二章 蘭花分級與辨識系統概述 22
2.1 硬體設備 22
2.1.1 取像機構與設備 22
2.1.2 電腦設備 24
2.2 軟體套件 25
2.3 蘭花苗株病變病癥 28
2.4 蘭花開花株分等依據 31
2.5 蘭花自動化辨識與分級系統流程 34
第三章 蘭花分級與辨識系統實現 35
3.1 蘭花苗株影像 35
3.2 蘭花開花株影像 36
3.3 蘭花影像物件標註 36
3.4 影像辨識系統 38
3.4.1 卷積神經網路之圖像分類 38
3.4.2 優化卷積神經網路模型之方法 40
3.4.3 物件偵測演算法 42
第四章 實驗結果 43
4.1 蘭花資料庫 43
4.1.1 蘭花苗株病變分類資料集 43
4.1.2 蘭花苗株病變框選資料集 44
4.1.3 蘭花開花株花朵與花苞資料集 44
4.1.4 蘭花開花株瑕疵資料集 46
4.2 影像辨識模型性能評估指標 47
4.3 蘭花苗株病蟲害辨識結果 54
4.4 蘭花開花株花朵與花苞辨識結果 68
4.5 蘭花開花株花朵瑕疵辨識結果 74
4.6 辨識模型與使用者介面系統整合 79
第五章 結論與未來工作 82
5.1 結論 82
5.2 未來工作 83
參考文獻 85
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