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作者(外文):Hsieh, Sheng-Han
論文名稱(中文):四輪獨立驅動自駕賽車之設計與實作: 機電整合、定位及導航控制
論文名稱(外文):Design and implementation of a four-wheel independent drive autonomous racing car: Mechatronics, Localization and Navigation
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Ting-Jen
口試委員(外文):Liu, Cheng-Hsien
Yen, Ping-Lang
外文關鍵詞:Four-wheel independent driveAutonomous vehicleStochastic optimizationModel predictive controlGraphic processor unitParallel computation
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Based on the Formula Student Driverless (FSD) competition, this thesis is devoted to the construction of a scale-down electric vehicle, and the self-driving system for the vehicle to autonomously run on the track defined by traffic cones. The design of the electric vehicle follows the requirements of the FSD competition. Its propulsion force is provided by four brushless DC motors installed on each of the wheels, and the steering is accomplished by two small servo motors that independently orient the two front wheels. In addition, the vehicle is also equipped with an optical camera, an optical-flow speed sensor, accelerometers, and gyroscopes. The self-driving system contains two parts: sensor fusion and navigation control. The sensor fusion part uses Extended Kalman Filtering and FastSALM-1.0 algorithm to fuse camera and various sensor information to estimate vehicle location and cone map information. Particularly, the cone map information can be further processed using Delaunay triangulation so as to recover the path area of the track. The navigation control part utilizes a graphic processor unit to simulate vehicle dynamics for a massive number of control input trajectories parallelly, and then applies stochastic optimization to solve model predictive control so that control inputs achieving both attitude stability and tracking performance can be obtained. Through simulations and experiments, it is proved that the proposed methods can accomplish the expected self-driving performance on both elliptical and mixed tracks under known-map condition. For the unknown-map case, the real-time exploration and self-driving are verified experimentally using a straight track.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
名詞縮寫與常用代號對照表 xii
1 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.3 論文概覽 11
2 自駕系統規劃與模型建構 12
2.1 駕駛情境 13
2.2 四輪獨立驅動測試載具(QRacer) 15
2.3 載具動態模型 16
2.3.1 動力學模型(修正單軌模型) 19
2.3.2 無側滑角運動學模型 19
2.3.3 輪胎地面交互作用力模型 20
2.3.4 四輪獨立驅動輸出模型 21
3 狀態估測與地圖構建 22
3.1 高速動態估測器 23
3.2 同時定位與地圖構建系統 26
3.3 車體狀態資訊之轉換與傳遞 28
4 路面邊界探索 31
4.1 離散化探索空間-德勞內三角化 31
4.2 二元樹探索與價格函數設計 32
4.3 閉路檢驗與邊界資料輸出 34
4.4 路面邊界探索演算法 36
5 導航與動態控制 38
5.1 自行車動態模型 38
5.2 隨機最佳化模型預測控制 39
6 硬體與軟體設計 44
6.1 底盤總成與運動控制器 45
6.1.1 電子轉向與等效前輪轉角 47
6.1.2 牽引電機與驅動器 49
6.2 軟體環境 51
6.2.1 作業系統與x86中央處理器(CPU) 51
6.2.2 圖形處理器(GPU) 51
6.2.3 微控制器(STM32/ARM) 52
6.2.4 進程管理與通訊 53
6.3 感測器訊號處理與參數鑑別 55
6.3.1 輸出扭矩與輪速感測 55
6.3.2 慣性姿態感測器 56
6.3.3 光流速度感測器 59
6.3.4 光學相機 60
6.3.5 路面特徵物件辨識 62
7 實驗設計與結果 64
7.1 輪胎參數鑑別 64
7.2 影像資訊延遲補償 68
7.3 已知地圖測試結果 70
7.3.1 橢圓賽道 72
7.3.1 綜合賽道 75
7.4 未知地圖測試結果 78
8 未來工作 79
8.1 利用四輪驅動冗餘自由度 79
8.2 利用後輪轉向自由度 79
8.3 延展車輛感測範圍 80
9 附錄 81
9.1 系統可觀性檢驗 81
9.2 隨機最佳化控制演算法 84
9.3 圖型處理器運算模型 87
9.4 相機與成像術 89
9.5 車輛縮放尺度分析 91
9.6 整體功率與配電 92
10 參考文獻 93
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