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作者(外文):Lee, Chi-Hao
論文名稱(外文):A Research of Watering Gantry Robot in Greenhouse
指導教授(外文):Chen, Rong-shun
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Teng-Hu
Bai, Ming-Sian
外文關鍵詞:Gantry robotIrrigation systemSmart farmingPose estimationPath planningRobot operating system
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  • 點閱點閱:121
  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究建構於機器人系統(ROS)上,並且透過Nvidia Xavier實現演算法。最終,與過往的研究比較,本研究利用雷射模擬澆水路徑,實現了82%的澆水成功率,根據使用者設定速度,可以達到每秒3個植株以上的速度進行精準澆水。
For watering plants, manual watering requires human resources and thus increase cost, while the overhead irrigation system leads to infiltration on the leaf surface, resulting in more unnecessary incidence rate of plants that may cause diseases on the plant. Both methods above cannot be used to precisely control the watering amount and watering direction on each plant.

This research develops a new type of gantry robot to water Phalaenopsis orchid seedlings in the greenhouse. The neural network model YOLOv4-tiny is employed to locate the orchid seedlings and to regress the cropped image to estimate the poses of the seedlings. Furthermore, the reactive deformation trajectory planning algorithm is utilized to generate the sprayer trajectory from the estimated poses of seedlings by YOLOv4-tiny and to reduce the uncertainty of pose estimation. Finally, multiple linear actuators are guided along the planned paths that is supposed to water the soil portion, rather than the leaf area of plants, if the water sprayer is built, instead of using laser beam in this work, in the future. Due to less watering in the leave, the diseases of seedlings can be reduced.

The gantry robot is implemented on the robot operating system (ROS) that is run on an Nvidia Xavier computer. Experiments are conducted and the results are compared to the earlier works, using laser beam to substitute the water sprayer, the proposed system shows that the defined watering success rate can reach 82% and the defined watering speed is at least three seedlings per second.
摘要 i
Abstract ii

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Overview 1
1.2 Background and Motivation 3
1.3 Literature Review 6
1.3.1 Related Works 6
1.3.2 Related Methods 10
1.4 Thesis Structure 12

Chapter 2 Methodology 13
2.1 Seedling Pose Estimation 15
2.1.1 YOLOv4­-tiny and Orchid Seedlings Image Dataset 18
2.1.2 RGB Image Regression 20
2.1.3 Pose Similarity 33
2.1.4 Position Fusion 35
2.1.5 Coordinate Transformation 35
2.2 Reactive Deformation Trajectory Planning Algorithm 37

Chapter 3 Implementation 45
3.1 Hardware Design 45
3.2 Software Implementation 47
3.3 Actuator Control 50

Chapter 4 Experimental Results and Discussions 55
4.1 YOLOv4­-tiny Performance 55
4.2 Different methods of determining the seedling poses 57
4.3 Performance 68
4.3.1 Success watering percentage 71
4.3.2 Watering speed 71

Chapter 5 Conclusion & Future Work 73
5.1 Conclusion 73
5.2 Future Work 74

References 75
A Hardware List and Technical Specification 79
B Three­-view of the prototype XsY Gantry robot 80
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