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作者(外文):Liao, Chuan-Hsiang
論文名稱(外文):Freeform Additive Manufacturing: Experiments and Study of Surface Hot Scraping Process for Wax Parts
指導教授(外文):Tsao, Che-Chih
口試委員(外文):Cheng, Chung-Wei
Chang, Jen-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Freeform Additive Manufacturingsurface finishinghot scraping
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提升列印速度的研究中,改進佈料腔上方與進料機構的連接塊,降低該處的溢料問題,並用加熱棒搭配熱電偶做為新的溫控熱源,改善加熱效率不佳的問題,最後改善佈料腔內流道的寬度,減少進料時阻力過大造成進料輪滑齒的問題,使機台進料更順暢。機台改進後列印速度從原先的10 〖mm〗^3/s提升至約25 〖mm〗^3/s,約是市面上FDM機台列印速度(5 〖mm〗^3/s)的五倍。熱刮蠟件的研究中,將原先熱刮棒的熱源從烙鐵棒更換成加熱棒搭配熱電偶,使熱刮棒溫度控制更便利,也降低導熱時的熱散失。透過熱刮一具有支撐的直牆,量測直牆在不同熱刮溫度及不同熱刮速度下熱刮時的彈性變形量,並選擇直牆彈性變形量最小的熱刮溫度及熱刮速度組合。在熱刮時透過在熱刮棒前方放置海綿吸收熱刮時熔融狀態的蠟,減少熱刮時熔融狀態的蠟沿熱刮棒向下流動形成新的裙,並在熱刮後加入去裙的程序減少熱刮後產生的裙。在分層列印及分層熱刮後,三層直牆模型的表面粗糙度在1 μm以內,經過去裙後的裙厚度約為25 μm,表面平面度在0.1 mm以內。四層葉片模型表面熱刮後,表面粗糙度在1 μm以內,經過去裙後的裙厚度約為40 μm。
This research aims to increase the dispensing rate of Freeform Additive Manufacturing(FAM) machine and make the surface of wax parts smoother by hot scraping process. Parts of dispensing head are modified to increase dispensing rate. A heating rod and thermocouple is incorporated to improve the heating efficiency of the dispensing head. The connector between dispensing head and wax feeding motor was modified to decrease wax leak. In addition, wax runner inside the dispensing head chamber was widen to reduce wax feeding gear slippage caused by feed resistance from the chamber. The dispensing rate is subsequently increased from 10 〖mm〗^3/s to 25 〖mm〗^3/s, approximately five times faster than that of a commercially available FDM 3D printer (5 〖mm〗^3/s). For hot scraping wax parts, by measuring the deformation of a supported wax wall at various temperatures and speeds during the hot scraping process with a confocal displacement sensor, a temperature and speed combination with minimum wax wall deformation is obtained. A sponge is attached in front of the hot scraper during hot scraping process to absorb melted wax, reducing the amount of melted wax which flows down the hot scraper and forms a skirt-like structure on the wax wall. A de-skirting process also is devised to minimize the skirt thickness after hot scraping. Through alternated dispensing and hot scraping fabrication, a surface roughness within 1 μm, skirt thickness of 25 μm, and surface flatness within 0.1 mm is achieved for a three-layer wax wall. For a four-layer wax impeller blade, a surface roughness of 1 μm and skirt thickness of 40 μm is achieved.
摘要 II
Abstract III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2 技術回顧 3
1.3 研究方法 26
1.3.1 研究用模型 26
1.3.2 研究目標 31
第二章 佈料速度提升與佈料機構改進 34
2.1 佈料頭機構改進 34
2.2 佈料頭改進後之進料速度量測 41
2.3 佈料速度與進料速度配合 45
第三章 葉片模型初步熱刮實驗 49
3.1 新熱刮裝置設計 50
3.2 熱刮棒位置校正 51
3.3 四層葉片初步熱刮實驗 54
3.4 機台誤差量測 62
3.4.1 X軸誤差量測 62
3.4.2 Y軸誤差量測 63
3.4.3 C軸誤差量測 65
第四章 熱刮蠟製件之物理觀察 67
4.1 以銑刀進行蠟牆表面銑削 67
4.2 量測直牆熱刮時彈性變形量 71
4.3 清除熱刮時熔融狀態的蠟 80
4.4 不同支撐情況的直牆熱刮實驗 83
4.4.1 量測用參數定義 85
4.4.2 實驗步驟 87
4.4.3 實驗結果 91
4.4.4 厚蠟塊熱刮實驗 100
第五章 葉片模型表面熱刮實驗 107
第六章 結果討論與未來展望 119
參考文獻 121
附錄 124
[A] 佈料頭及熱刮棒加熱裝置程式碼 124
[B] 脫蠟鑄造表面尺寸公差範圍及表面精度規範 125
[C] Freeman Wax Wires Technical Data Sheet 127
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