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作者(外文):Lin, Jia-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Development and optimization of hybrid laser micro-drilling and direct synthesis process for double-sided flexible printed circuit board
指導教授(外文):Lee, Ming-Tsang
口試委員(外文):Chen, Yu-Bin
Xu, Li
外文關鍵詞:laser micro-drillingMarangoni effectlaser direct synthesis and patterningpulsed laser ablation
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本研究將在可撓式基板上製造導電微結構之雷射直析技術(Laser direct synthesis and patterning, LDSP)與雷射微鑽孔技術進行結合,以開發雙面軟性電路板製程。製程分為兩大步驟,先將聚醯亞胺薄膜(Polyimide film, PI)基板透過雷射定點照射生成微鑽孔後,再以雷射直析技術生成微導電結構,包括填孔及雙面平面電路。雷射直析技術係經由雷射熱源對含有金屬離子之反應溶液進行加熱,促使金屬離子發生還原反應,以振鏡系統控制雷射之掃描路徑,位於雷射路徑上之反應溶液會還原出金屬原子並沉積於基板上。透過低功率雷射微鑽孔、金屬填孔及基板雙面雷射直析金屬微線路成型,實現以經濟型的單一設備完成雙面軟性電路製造,期能降低製程複雜度及成本。本研究內容包括多種製程參數及製程改良方案的嘗試實驗,以及針對雷射高分子薄膜微鑽孔製程中的光、熱、流、固耦合傳遞現象進行深入的分析,並結合理論模型及模擬,深入探究熱毛細力現象(Thermocapillary)對於鑽孔區域表面形貌之影響。
在雷射微鑽孔部分,本研究首先探討在兩種製程環境下以綠光連續式雷射對聚醯亞胺薄膜進行微鑽孔尺寸之影響。第一種環境為:薄膜上表面與空氣接觸、下表面與載玻片相接;第二種環境為:薄膜上下表面皆懸空,與空氣接觸。接著在懸空架構中,加入使用光學斬波器週期性地截斷雷射光束,以模擬中低頻率脈衝式雷射之間歇性,觀察雷射能量間歇參數對微鑽孔之影響。實驗結果顯示,相較於玻片承載基板架構,懸空架構能獲得較小的鑽孔孔徑。此外,為進一步降低雷射微鑽孔時聚醯亞胺薄膜表面之熱效應,本研究嘗試以固定流量之氮氣與氦氣對鑽孔點吹氣,觀察鑽孔尺寸與表面高度變化,結果顯示氮氣與氦氣吹氣能有效縮小熱影響區域,並在較高的雷射斬波器頻率時能顯著降低鑽孔區域的表面熱變形量達52%。參考經典的噴流(impingement flow)強制熱對流分析,理論上預期氦氣噴流應有較強的熱對流。然而實際實驗結果顯示,氮氣吹氣相較於氦氣吹氣,能夠獲得略佳的鑽孔區域熱移除效果。推測造成此結果的主要因素為由於衝量的差異,於目前的噴流流量及流速下,在大氣環境中實際抵達基板鑽孔區域表面的冷卻氣流,以氮氣噴流較為集中強勁,因此有較佳的強制熱對流效果。
由於雷射高分子薄膜微鑽孔的加工品質以及鑽孔區域的表面形貌對於雙面軟板製程的良率至為關鍵,本研究特別針對聚醯亞胺薄膜之間歇性雷射微鑽孔製程進行詳細深入的模擬及理論分析,探討雷射斬波器頻率與鑽孔時間對鑽孔孔徑與孔徑周圍表面形貌高度變化之影響。透過光、熱、流、固多重物理耦合數值模擬得到暫態的薄膜溫度場以及動態鑽孔孔徑與鑽孔深度,並將溫度場資訊代入熱毛細力效應之理論模型,計算聚醯亞胺薄膜經過雷射微鑽孔後的孔口周邊表面形貌。經與實驗觀測結果相互印證,本研究提出一個雷射光束能量衰減的假設模型,以綜合考量在中低雷射脈衝頻率下,於高分子基板表面附近及上方的煙塵(soot plume)對流及其濃度分佈對於入射雷射光束的衰減效應。經過衰減效應模型修正後的模擬結果顯示,隨斬波器頻率提升,孔口周邊之凸起區域範圍因熱擴散特徵長度的縮減而逐漸縮小,但孔口表面變形高度之極大值則因溫度梯度加大而逐漸上升,並於斬波器頻率約60~100Hz之間趨於動態穩定,與實驗結果趨勢相符,證實本研究所提之脈衝雷射燒蝕製程中,煙塵散射所導致的入射雷射光束能量衰減以及熱毛細力導致孔口表面形變的分析模型,具備極佳的合理性及適用性。
In this study, laser micro-drilling process is combined with laser direct synthesis and patterning process(LDSP), to fabricate double-sided flexible circuits on polyimide films. A main target for the development of this novel process is that the micro-drilling, circuits patterning and through hole (via) filling could be done efficiently on one laser system equipped with a mid-low power (less than 500 mW) continuous wave (CW) laser. The hybrid process is divided into two steps. Laser micro-drilling(ablation) with a fixed-point laser irradiation on the surface of a polyimide film to generate a microhole and fabricate microscale conductive metal structures as well as filling the through holes on the film. In the laser direct synthesizing and patterning process, the polyimide film surface is heated by a focused laser irradiation in a liquid reactive metallic ion (ex. silver) solution environment. Metal ion is then reduced and deposited on the film surface as well as on the inner wall surface of the microhole once the local temperature reaches above the reaction temperature. The LDSP technique could be applied for both the circuit patterning and through hole filling. To improve the completeness and conductivity of the silver lines fabricated with LDSP, a processing platform with micro-vibration was designed and tested to remove bubbles formed in the reactive liquid solution in-situ during the LDSP process. It was concluded that the micro-vibration could reduce the possibility of forming discontinued silver line by 10~50%, depends on the laser parameters. The through hole filling investigated more intensively in the current study since there has been no report yet for its feasibility. It was found that the properties of the silver film coated by LDSP on the laser-drilled microhole surfaces strongly depend on the surface morphology of the microholes. Therefore, the laser-mircodrilling of polyimide film with using the mid-low power CW laser was investigated in more details through experiments and numerical analysis.
In the micro-drilling process, an optical chopper was utilized to modulate the CW laser irradiation on the polyimide film surface with pulsate intervals. The effects of the chopper frequency, i.e. the pulse and cooling duration of the laser irradiance, on the inlet and outlet diameters of the resulted microholes were discussed. The motivation of using an optical chopper inconjuction with the CW laser is to imitate the intermittent characteristic of pulse laser to hopefully reduce the thermal impact to the polymer while keeping the cost-effectiveness of the proposed hybrid laser process. It was found that the hole diameters and surface morphologies at the inlet can be significantely improved by chopped laser irradiation in comparision to the original CW laser. However, a volcano shape porous structure still exsists at the hole inlet, which severly affects the following LDSP process. Thus, a numerical and theoretical model was developed to reveal the formation of the volcano structure at the hole inlet mainly resulted from the thermocapillary force that originated from the temperature gradient on the polyimide surface above its pyrolysis temperature during the laser drilling. In the simulation, an Gaussian type radial function was propsed for the attenuation factor to consider the extinction of laser intensity through the upper and lower soot plumes observed in the laser-drilling experiments. Transient simulation results of laser drilling and the surface morphology evolved during the drilling process with different chopping frequency agreed well with the experimental results correspondingly. Both the experimental and simulated results suggested that the dynamic temperature variation and the surface change approached quasi-static for chopper frequencies the inbetween 60 to 100 Hz. It is proved that the analytical model developed in this study is effective and can be used to assist understaning the complicated pulsed laser ablation of polymer films with long pulses.
第1章 緒論....1
1.1 前言....1
1.1.1 應用雷射鑽孔技術於複合材料與高分子材料....3
1.1.2 雷射鑽孔製程數值模擬分析....7
1.1.3 雷射技術導入金屬導電微結構製程....8
1.1.4 雷射填孔技術....11
1.1.5 以微尺度力移除固體表面氣泡....12
1.2 研究動機與目的....13
第2章 實驗分析....16
2.1 實驗設備....16
2.2 反應溶液製備....17
2.3 實驗架構....18
2.3.1 薄膜玻片架構....18
2.3.2 薄膜懸空架構....19
2.3.3 薄膜壓電片架構....20
2.3.4 加入吹氣與高速攝影機觀察結構後之完整架構....21
第3章 理論簡介....23
3.1 熱傳遞統御方程式....23
3.2 Beer-Lambert定律及模擬雷射熱源推導....24
3.3 Marangoni effect引致熔體表面流動分析....25
3.4 Recoil pressure與表面張力數量級比較....31
第4章 數值模擬....33
4.1 聚醯亞胺薄膜鑽孔製程模擬....33
4.1.1 統御方程式....33
4.1.2 初始與邊界條件....34
4.1.3 聚醯亞胺薄膜材料性質....36
第5章 結果與討論....38
5.1 聚醯亞胺薄膜熱力性質量測結果....38
5.2 聚醯亞胺薄膜鑽孔結果....39
5.2.1 玻片架構鑽孔結果....39
5.2.2 懸空架構鑽孔結果....42
5.3 壓電片振盪量測結果....44
5.4 壓電片架構掃線結果....48
5.4.1 銀線表面形貌結果....49
5.4.2 銀線線寬結果....51
5.4.3 銀線電阻值與斷線率結果....52
5.5 填孔製程....54
5.5.1 玻片承載基板架構──鑽孔與填孔製程一步完成之嘗試....54
5.5.2 定點與畫圈填孔製程....57
5.5.3 懸空架構──掃線與填孔混合製程結果....58
5.5.4 混合製程現階段問題....60
5.6 以懸空架構進行雷射鑽孔製程深入探討....61
5.6.1 斬波器頻率100Hz以下鑽孔實驗之尺寸量測結果....61
5.6.2 斬波器頻率100Hz以下鑽孔實驗之表面高度量測結果....65
5.6.3 斬波器頻率0Hz、20Hz、40Hz鑽孔實驗之SEM拍攝結果....66
5.6.4 斬波器頻率0Hz、20Hz、40Hz鑽孔實驗α-step量測結果....70
5.6.5 鑽孔製程產生之煙塵拍攝....71
5.7 雷射鑽孔製程模擬結果....74
5.7.1 未考慮煙塵與基板表面性質導致雷射散射衰減之鑽孔模擬....74
5.7.2 考慮煙塵導致雷射衰減之模擬結果....75
5.7.3 以衰減參數AF與衰減半徑rab建立散射衰減模型....77
5.7.4 加入衰減參數AF與衰減半徑rab之鑽孔模擬出口直徑....82
5.7.5 將上表面之最高溫度代入Marangoni effect建立模型....88
5.8 加入吹氣架構輔助雷射鑽孔製程....90
5.8.1 吹氣與未吹氣之鑽孔內圈與出口直徑比較....91
5.8.2 吹氣與未吹氣之表面形貌比較....93
5.8.3 吹氣與未吹氣之表面高度比較....94
第6章 結論....97

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