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作者(外文):Chang, Chin-Wei
論文名稱(外文):Development of A Novel Gene-editing Tools for Microbial Metabolic Engineering and Baculovirus Genome Editing
指導教授(外文):Hu, Yu-Chen
外文關鍵詞:ShCASTSHOTmetabolic engineeringCandida viswanathii12-hydroxydodecanoic acidCRISPR
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ShCAST技術可不造成DNA雙股斷裂地,將大片段DNA嵌入細菌的目標基因體,可應用於過去難以編輯的菌株。然而ShCAST具有特定位點嵌入效率低、脫靶、共嵌入等三種問題,嚴重影響其應用性。在本研究第一部分,我們透過增加Cas12k基因表達、降低培養溫度、增加Re-streak次數,開發出SHOT基因編輯技術,SHOT解決了ShCAST固有的三項問題,能高效率的將多達14.5 kb的DNA片段,嵌入細菌基因體中。本研究利用SHOT將pyc基因嵌入於大腸桿菌adhE基因增加琥珀酸產量,驗證了SHOT在基因體工程、代謝工程上的應用潛力。桿狀病毒是良好的基因遞送載體,能遞送DNA至多種哺乳動物細胞,現有編輯桿狀病毒的工具極少,因此在第二部份的研究中,我們嘗試以SHOT編輯DH10Bac菌株中的桿狀病毒人工染色體 (Bacmid),然而最初的SHOT只能編輯28%的Bacmid,為了增強SHOT編輯能力,我們調整了質體的套數以及sgRNA表達量,發展了SHOT2.0技術。SHOT2.0可以嵌入高達14 kb的DNA至Bacmid,且編輯單一菌落內所有的Bacmid。SHOT2.0還可以跟商業化的Bac-to-Bac基因編輯技術共同協作,將兩種DNA片段嵌於單病毒載體中,我們利用SHOT2.0與Bac-to-Bac系統,建構出攜帶完整Prime editing系統的單病毒載體,並以此單病毒高效率的編輯人類細胞。
12-羥基十二烷酸 (HDA) 是合成長碳鏈尼龍的原料之一,目前台灣尚未有合成HDA的生物製程,因此第三部分中,我們選擇維斯假絲酵母菌株做為生物轉化平台,並利用CRISPR/Cas9基因編輯技術破壞消耗12-羥基十二烷酸 (HDA) 的關鍵基因,促使HDA產量增加,為生物轉化製程奠定基礎。
ShCAST can insert large DNA into the target genome of bacteria without causing double-strand DNA breaks. It can be applied to difficult-to-edit strains. However, ShCAST has three issues: low insertion efficiency in some target site, off-target effects, and co-integration. These issues seriously affect its applicability. In the first part of this study, we developed the SHOT method by increasing Cas12k gene expression, reducing editing temperature, and combining Re-streak. SHOT overcomes the inherent problems of ShCAST and efficiently inserts DNA fragments up to 14.5 kb into bacterial genomes. Using SHOT, we successfully inserted the pyc gene into the E. coli adhE loci to increase succinate production, demonstrating the potential of SHOT in genome engineering and metabolic engineering. Baculovirus are promising gene delivery vectors capable of delivering large DNA into various mammalian cells. However, there are limited tools available for editing baculovirus. Therefore, in the second part of this study, we attempted to edit the baculovirus artificial chromosome (Bacmid) in the DH10Bac strain using SHOT. Initially, SHOT could only edit 28% of the Bacmid. To enhance the editing efficiency of SHOT, we adjusted the plasmid copy numbers and sgRNA expression levels, resulting in SHOT2.0 system. SHOT2.0 can insert DNA up to 14 kb into Bacmid and edit all the Bacmids within a single colony. SHOT2.0 can also work orthogonally with the commercial Bac-to-Bac system to insert two kind of DNA fragments into a single Bacmid. Using SHOT2.0 and the Bac-to-Bac system, we constructed a single baculovirus carrying the whole Prime editing system and used it to efficiently edit human genome. 12-hydroxydodecanoic acid (HDA) is one of the materials for producing long-chain nylon. Currently, there is no bioprocess for synthesizing HDA in Taiwan. Therefore, in the third part of our study, we chose the Candida viswanathii ATCC20962 strain as the biotransformation platform and used CRISPR/Cas9 to disrupt key genes involved in HDA consumption, thereby enhancing HDA production and building the foundation for a HDA biotransformation process.
摘要--------------------------- I
Abstract----------------------- II
致謝--------------------------- III
目錄--------------------------- V
圖表目錄----------------------- VIII
第一章 文獻回顧----------------- 1
1-1大腸桿菌應用與基因工程-------- 1
1-2 CAST基因編輯技術------------ 2
1-3重組桿狀病毒之應用與製備------ 4
1-4 Prime editing基因編輯技術--- 6
1-5 12-羥基十二酸簡介----------- 8
1-6生產羥基脂肪酸之生物轉化法---- 8
1-7轉化羥基脂肪酸相關代謝途徑---- 9
1-8假絲酵母基因工程------------- 10
1-9研究動機--------------------- 11
第二章 材料與方法--------------- 19
2-1 實驗用大腸桿菌菌種培養------- 19
2-2 試劑配置-------------------- 20
2-3 質體建構-------------------- 21
2-4 以SHOT進行基因編輯---------- 24
2-5 重組桿狀病毒的製備與轉導----- 25
2-6 qRT-PCR、qPCR與dPCR定量分析- 26
2-7 以Prime editing編輯人類細胞- 26
2-8 製作維斯假絲酵母勝任細胞----- 27
2-9 以電穿孔將DNA轉型至酵母中---- 28
2-10 去除維斯假絲酵母中的質體---- 28
2-11 搖瓶生產HDA---------------- 29
2-12 分析產物HDA與DDA產量------- 29
2-13 數據處理與統計分析---------- 30
第三章 實驗結果與討論(1)-開發SHOT應用於代謝工程----37
3-1 評估ShCAST在各種菌株中的效能與缺點---- 37
3-1-1 ShCAST可在多種菌株中作用----------- 37
3-1-2 ShCAST有嚴重共嵌入及脫靶效應------- 38
3-2 建立優化的 ShCAST (SHOT)------------ 39
3-2-1 提升Cas12k表達與降低溫度增加靶向效率 39
3-2-2 全基因體測序分析編輯成果----------- 41
3-3 SHOT系統可以高效的嵌入大於14.5kb的DNA 41
3-4 用SHOT 改良菌株以提高琥珀酸產量------ 42
3-5 討論-開發SHOT應用於代謝工程--------- 43
第四章 實驗結果與討論(2)-開發SHOT2.0編輯桿狀病毒-- 47
4-1 以SHOT 編輯重組桿狀病毒------------- 47
4-2 建立SHOT2.0系統增加Bacmid編輯效率---- 48
4-2-1 篩選出最佳SHOT編輯系統------------- 49
4-2-2 分析各種SHOT質體套數與sgRNA表達---- 50
4-2-3 利用Re-streak完全編輯菌落中的所有Bacmid---- 51
4-2-4 利用SHOT2.0嵌入14kb大片段DNA------ 52
4-3 結合SHOT2.0與Bac-to-Bac製備重組桿狀病毒------ 52
4-4 利用SHOT2.0建立更穩定的病毒--------- 53
4-5 建立與測試all-in-one Prime editing病毒------ 54
4-6討論-開發SHOT2.0編輯桿狀病毒--------- 55
第五章 實驗結果與討論(3)-編輯維斯假斯酵母菌生產HDA- 59
5-1 建立CRISPR破壞目標基因技術---------- 59
5-2利用CRISPR破壞基因使HDA累積---------- 59
5-3討論-編輯維斯假斯酵母菌促進HDA生產---- 60
第六章 結語與未來展望-------------------- 62
第七章 參考資料------------------------- 82
附錄1 經費來源與研究分工----------------- 89

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