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作者(外文):Lu, Yu-Lun.
論文名稱(外文):Hydraulically-driven Micro-perfusion Cell Culture Platform for Drug Screening
指導教授(外文):Huang, Jen-Huang
口試委員(外文):Chu, I-Ming
Chiang, Wen-Hsuan
外文關鍵詞:in-vitrodynamic culturehydraulically-drivendrug screeningmicro-perfusionmicrofluidicsperfusionshear stress
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Cell culture has been regarded as a foundational tool for medical biotechnology, for instance, it is widely applied in cancer research for drug screening. Conventional in vitro culture models, such as flasks or petri dishes, have been mostly used so far; yet static conditions might make it hard to simulate dynamic environment of the human system, resulting in an inaccurate screening outcome.
Here, a microfluidic platform operating in dynamic conditions was fabricated by laser cutting and additive lamination manufacturing. In this platform, three hydraulically-driven perfusion systems were included, suggesting three models for culturing and screening could be done simultaneously. In addition, controllable shear stress and mechanical strain were achievable due to the combination of perfusion systems, where each system consisted of three parts: a hydraulically- driven pump to keep the whole system working automatically, a pair of micro-valves for ensuring medium flowed one direction only, and a bioreactor where the cells were cultured and treated. The feasibility of platform was first examined by a culture experiment to ensure the normal proliferation. Finally, cell morphology and viability under static and different dynamic conditions were compared. In the future, more system units will be integrated to establish a more complete platform and improved into a three-dimensional model for more accurate cell culture and drug screening to ensure the potential of this platform.
Abstract _____________________________I
摘要 ________________________________II
序言 ________________________________III
Contents ____________________________IV
List of Illustrations ____________________VII
List of Tables ________________________X
Chapter 1. Introduction ________________1
1-1 Background.............................................1
1-1-1 Cancer statistics..................................1
1-1-2 Cancer therapies..................................2
1-2 Conventional Screening Models..............4
1-2-1 In vitro models .....................................4
1-2-2 In vivo models......................................5
1-3 Dynamic Culture......................................6
1-4 Microfluidics Technology ........................8
1-4-1 Lab-on-chip system..............................8
1-4-2 Micro-perfusion system ......................9
1-5 Purposes ..................................................11
Chapter 2. Materials and Methods _________12
2-1 Materials ..................................................12
2-1-1 Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) ..........12
2-1-2 Poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) .........13
2-1-3 Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) Membrane...13
2-1-4 O’ring .......................................................14
2-1-5 Silicon Tubing ...........................................15
2-2 Platform Fabrication and Device Design........15
2-2-1 Fabrication Process ...................................16
2-2-2 Peristaltic Pump ..........................................18
2-2-3 Concept and Principle .................................19
2-2-4 Device Versions and Overview ....................21
2-2-5 Micro-pump .................................................26
2-2-6 Micro-valve...................................................30
2-2-7 Bioreactor.......................................................33
2-2-8 Platform Setup and Operating Procedure......34
2-3 Flow Measurements...........................................36
2-3-1 Flow pattern Analysis.......................................37
2-3-2 Flow Rate and Stability Test .............................37
2-3-3 Flow Rate Test of a Peristaltic Pump ................38
2-4 A549 Cell Culture .................................................38
2-4-1 Platform Sterilization .........................................39
2-4-2 Static Culture.....................................................40
2-4-3 Dynamic Culture ...............................................40
2-5 Drug Screening .....................................................41
2-5-1 Screening Procedure .........................................41
2-5-2 Live/Dead Assay ................................................42
2-5-3 Counting Cell Kit-8 (CCK-8) Cytotoxicity Assay ...42
2-5-4 Diffusion Test.........................................................43
Chapter 3. Results and Discussion __________________44
3-1 Flow Measurements...................................................44
3-1-1 Flow Pattern ...........................................................44
3-1-2 Stability and Flow Rate Test ...................................46
3-1-3 Comparison: Peristaltic Pump versus Platform ......48
3-2 Cell Culture.................................................................49
3-2-1 Static Culture...........................................................49
3-2-2 Dynamic Culture .....................................................50
3-3 Drug Screening ...........................................................52
3-3-1 Qualitative Analysis ..................................................52
3-3-2 Quantitative Analysis ...............................................54
3-4 Discussion....................................................................56
3-4-1 Diffusion Curve.........................................................56
3-4-2 Comparison: Serum versus Serum-free ..................57
3-4-3 Impact of Flow Stress ..............................................59
Chapter 4. Conclusions and Future Work ______________63
4-1 Conclusions..................................................................63
4-2 Future Work .................................................................64
4-2-1 Screening Assays of More Cell Lines .......................64
4-2-2 Expansion of Device Units .......................................64
4-2-3 3D Screening............................................................65
4-2-4 Drug Screening with Serum......................................65
Chapter 5 References ______________________________66
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