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作者(外文):Chang, Hsin-Fang
論文名稱(外文):Effects of CsF Post-Deposition Treatment on Cu(In,Ga)Se2 Solar Cell by One-Step Process
指導教授(外文):Lai, Chih-Huang
口試委員(外文):Huang, Yu
Lin, Tzu-Ying
外文關鍵詞:CIGSCsF-PDTOne-step sputtering
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  • 點閱點閱:342
  • 評分評分:*****
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The research of Cu(In, Ga)Se2 (CIGSe) thin film solar cells have been proposed for decades. Nowadays, the efficiency of CIGSe solar cell is comparable to that of amorphous silicon solar cell on laboratory scale. Among the processes of absorber fabrication, CIGSe prepared by one-step sputtering process without post-selenization has been demonstrated to be a way to avoid toxic H2Se and with advantage of large-area uniformity. It is potential for commercialization.
Reviewing the recent research of CIGSe solar cells, the most important breakthrough is from heavy alkalis post-deposition treatment, which is widely studied in co-evaporation process and two-step process. However, there is few investigation on the topic in one-step process. Based on the success of Na and K doping in our lab, the effects of CsF-PDT are investigated in the thesis. By changing the amount of NaF and CsF ratio with numerous analysis methods, we investigate the effects in CIGSe bulk and at CdS/CIGSe interface respectively. Solar cells with improved conversion efficiency from 11.8% to 13.17% can be obtained with a better absorber quality by the defect passivation in bulk. Further understanding of the CsF effects and NaF effects respectively can be a potential way to achieve better performance.
Abstract 1
摘要 2
目錄 3
圖目錄 5
表目錄 9
第一章 緒論 10
1.1研究動機 10
1.2銅銦鎵硒(CIGSe)太陽能電池 10
第二章 文獻回顧 12
2.1太陽能元件原理 12
2.2電壓-電流特性 13
2.2.1短路電流(short circuit current, ISC) 14
2.2.2開路電壓(open circuit voltage, VOC) 14
2.2.3填充因子(fill factor, FF) 15
2.2.4寄生電阻(parasitic resistance) 16
2.2.5光電轉換效率(efficiency) 16
2.2.6量子轉換效率(quantum efficiency) 17
2.3銅銦鎵硒太陽能元件 18
2.3.1元件結構介紹 18
2.3.2基板 18
2.3.3背電極 19
2.3.4吸收層 20
2.3.5緩衝層 22
2.3.6窗口層 23
2.4製程發展 23
2.4.1共蒸鍍製程 23
2.4.2連續製程(硒化/硒硫化) 25
2.4.3一階段濺鍍製程(one step process) 26
2.5 鹼金屬摻雜 33
2.5.1輕鹼金屬後處理 33
2.5.2重鹼金屬後處理 39
第三章 實驗方法與分析技術 49
3.1 主要實驗設備、試片製備與實驗設計 49
3.1.1主要實驗設備 49
3.1.2 試片製備與實驗設計 49
3.2 分析儀器與原理 51
第四章 實驗結果與討論 57
4.1 CsF-PDT在一階段濺鍍法製備CIGSe太陽能電池之效應 57
4.2結合 CsF-&NaF-PDT在一階段濺鍍法製備CIGSe太陽能電池CdS/CIGSe介面之效應 60
4.3結合 CsF-&NaF-PDT在一階段濺鍍法製備CIGSe太陽能電池吸收層內部之效應 67
第五章 結論 72
參考文獻 73

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