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作者(外文):Hu, Ya-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):A Stochastic SIS Epidemic Model with Vaccination and the Effects of Two correlated Perturbations
指導教授(外文):Li, Chin-Lung
口試委員(外文):Chang, Yen-Chang
Li, Chun-Hsien
外文關鍵詞:Epidemic modelStochastic perturbationBrownian motionStochastic differential equationsVaccinationThresholdExtinctionPersistence
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  • 評分評分:*****
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A stochastic SIS epidemic model is proposed to take vaccination and correlation effects into account. More precisely, the correlation effects are involved in the transmission coefficient and the recovery rate by two independent Brownian motions. In this thesis, we presented the specific sufficient conditions to guarantee the extinction and persistence of the disease. In particular, the intensities of these noises and the correlation coefficient both play important roles to control the behaviors of the disease. Based on the dimensional analysis, the physical quantities of all parameters and the threshold values are characterized to consist with our results. Finally, we discuss the effects of the correlation coefficient ρ and give some numerical simulations to support our theoretical results.
1 Introduction----------------------------------------1
2 Preliminaries---------------------------------------6
3 Mathematical Formulation for Epidemic Model--------10
3.1 Existence of Unique Positive Solution------------10
3.2 Extinction of the Disease------------------------14
3.3 Persistence of the Disease-----------------------19
3.4 Dimensional Analysis-----------------------------22
4 Numerical Simulations------------------------------25
4.1 Examples of Extinction---------------------------25
4.2 Examples of Persistence--------------------------29
4.3 The Effects of the Parameter ρ-------------------33
5 Conclusions----------------------------------------39
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